Jan 2, 2019


Sometimes if you don't know what to do anymore you need to pull out some desperate moves, you need to do it, you need to become mad. It's like when the girl you are dating is playing you, you ask her brutally if she loves you or not and if you don't like the answer you will dump her. Scared her a little bit, you need to know what is your real status on her or else you will get lost.

Desperate moves means you need to take risks, you need to try something different. You were so sick and tired of getting the same results over and over again? good, try some desperate moves and see what you can get this time. It's really frustrating working hard and hoping but you can't get enough results, so the best thing to do is set yourself free and do something different this time.

Sometimes it's a weird move, sometimes it's a not so popular move and everyone is against it but if you're so sick and tired of getting the same results then you need to do something different this time. Go all out, bet all of your money, put all of your energies into something, it's an all or nothing situation.

Just make sure you are ready to fail every time you do something different. Again, it's risky but the reward will become amazing and stunning.

Because you have nothing to lose in this life, you're already a loser before, what is there left to lose? nothing right? You need to do something different this time, be a little bit more risky, be a little bit more reckless. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. So be confident a little bit, make your skin thick and be ready for whatever may happen.

If you don't want to become stuck in a mud forever then you need to do it. Pull the trigger, don't be afraid to fail again, you already failed before being systematic, try something different now that may create some miracles. Don't be shy, don't be afraid... just do it.

And if you fail.. try again, try some weird stuff again, there is no harm in trying. Always remember that hard work works, perseverance works, you will only become a winner if you don't quit in life.

So stop wasting time over thinking about what's the next plan, just do something now and see if it will work. Stop being a pussy and just pull the trigger, your life will not change if you will not make a bold move, do a brave move and be proud of yourself that you did it. No regrets, you take an action so you shouldn't feel guilty about it.

Time is running, stop wasting your life being stuck into something, force the issue, use your willpower to become happy, the key is in your hands, you're the only one who can open the door of your happiness.

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This is simply about mastering your emotions, controlling your feelings or else it will control you. Stay neutral all the time, never judge ...