Nov 8, 2018


Let's face it... life is hard, chasing success is hard. No matter what journey you choose... may it be in sports, politics, engineering, science, business... if you want to become successful then you need to be the greatest. It will be super hard, time consuming and frustrating but there is no other way around, you have to choose greatness or else you will fail.

The surest path is the path of greatness, you have to do what not all people can do, you have to endure what not all people can endure. You have to be super extra ordinary, you have to let the universe feel that you mean business and you have no plan of quitting anytime soon.

Greatness is simply consistency, repetition and massive action. You will learn a lot if you work harder than anybody else. Focus, destroy the competition, make them look like kids. You have to endure the bitterness of hard work if you want to take your life to another level.

Because you will never succeed if you don't push yourself, if you don't try to achieve greatness.

Being the greatest means opportunities, it means money, it means options, it means fame. Greatness is for the chosen few who choose themselves to become great. It's your duty to become great, it's your duty to work hard everyday and become the best version of yourself.

So stop being lazy because laziness is not in your option. Erase the thought of laziness, you can't afford to become lazy nowadays or else you will live a poor life... a miserable life. Make hard work as your culture and try to outwork everyone else.

You can only achieve greatness through hard work so if you are allergic to work then stop dreaming about success, just dream about poverty and ugly life. It is what it is, the path of greatness is really hard but it's worth it. Suffer now and enjoy your life later.

Try so hard, it's ok if they call you a trying hard, there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are serious about it the you should be proud of yourself.

Feel the pressure, enjoy the boredom of hard work, keep moving forward even if you don't know what to do. Be the greatest that you can be or else you will be left behind, you will never see your prime.

The time is now, the time to start is now. Be the greatest or be the weakest, being number 2 is not an option, being mediocre should not be on your list.

If you're the greatest then it will be easier for you to attract different levels of success. If you're the greatest then you will have a lot of options.

So trust hard work now and never doubt it for a second, never worry if you are getting tired. Always remember that hard work will never fail you, hard work is the right direction so keep trusting it. Be the greatest or be the weakest... the choice is yours.

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