Nov 22, 2018


What is your life? what are you doing everyday? what are you focusing on? Your mind is consumed with your reality, no matter how much you deny it your reality is based on your thoughts and actions.

It is true that sometimes there will be circumstances and situations that you don't wish or think about but it happens, life is just like that, sometimes you will manifest something that you are not even expecting or thinking but the good thing about life is you are still in control.

You can still change the outcome of your life, it depends on what you are thinking, what you will do and what you are doing at the moment. You're always in full control, there will be times when you will be out of control but you can always get the control back. It's only a matter of making the right decisions and putting your time and energy on the right things that will build your reality.

Look at the drug addicts, their lives were purely about addiction, it's about destruction. No matter what excuses they make and no matter how many people they blame, they can never change the fact the they are the destroyer of their own lives, their lives were all about sniffing cocaine and doing negative things, their world revolves on doing stupid stuffs that puts them in danger.

What is your life all about? if it is about making money then just make money, make money all day, think about money, do something to earn money every single second or minute of the day. Make money as your addiction, make it your number one priority.

Your life is all about what you're doing at the moment, look at those successful athletes... their lives were all about getting stronger everyday, they were focused on training, they were focused on getting everyday and that is why they were successful, they were not doing anything other than becoming better each day. They don't focus on negativity, they don't focus on laziness... they were simply all about training and making themselves better.

If you're all about negativity then you will get negative things, if you'er all about positivity then you will get positive opportunities. Focus your energy onto something and you will get what is near from it. If you are focused on getting money then you will get money as simple as that. If you are focused on spending then you will lose a lot of money. You will reap what you sow.

But the good thing about life is you can change fast, you can change now if you want to. Just focus on what you want to get and get it no matter what, focus on what you want to happen and think about it all day long. Entertain your life with actions that are positive and will make you happier and better.

Do you want your life to become all about winning? then keep winning everyday. Keep building winning habits, stop he loser's mentality. Winning is all about pushing forward and making yourself uncomfortable.

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