Nov 11, 2018


The reason why you can't see another good option is because you think it's the only option you have. You think it's the only job you can have, you think it's the only friends, boss, house, money, car that you can have.

There is a better place waiting for you, there is a better option waiting to be explored. All you have to do is look for it and have a little courage, make that mind believe that you can win in life and you are always in control. Have that state of abundance that money and opportunities will flow, all you have to do is wait for it and work a little bit harder. Put an extra effort and make sure you are working hard than anybody else so you will get more results. The equation is this: if you are working hard then you deserve something better.

Always look for a better option because you deserve it, you deserve to become happier. Never think that what you have is all you can get, it's time to get a little bit greedy, it's time to get a little bit ambitious. Never settle, always strive for more, always work for more.

Because if you will not expand your thoughts and beliefs then you will be stuck in the same place, no matter how hard you work, you will live in the same place because you're not dreaming big enough.

Get out of that comfort zone, get out of that place. There is a better place and opportunity waiting for you if you will act like a brave and get what is rightfully yours.

Be the authority. Be in control, always be in command. Never ever settle for something lesser than what you want. If they can do it so as you, all you have to do is believe more and get more.

There are millions of options in this world, all you have to do is take it. Never have any regrets if you fail, you can try again. Don't ever think that it is not for you once you fail, maybe it's not the right time yet so all you can do is try one more time. Don't be afraid of trying, don't be afraid of failing over and over again.

You create the options and you get it, if you can't see it then it's time to invent it. You will never run of options if you have the will and determination to get it no matter what.

Never sell yourself short, you are bigger than what you think of yourself. You can survive any storm that may come into your life. Life is like just that, don't ever think that you are being punished once you expand your ambition, tough times will really come and you have to deal with it.

Think big, always do, never think small, never fall into the famine mindset. There are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you, all you have to do is focus and never give up. Endure the hard times, celebrate the good times, get addicted to small progress and you will see that you deserve a lot of good things of life.

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