Nov 21, 2018


Life is so sweet, life is good. All you need to do is be a little bit smarter in living your life. Don't try to complicate it. It's all up to you if you want to make your life better or bitter. It's all in your mind, it's all in your actions, what you are focusing upon will be your reality, remind yourself about it. What you are seeing, what you are looking will be your reality, as simple as that. So if you are focusing on poverty then you will get poverty, if you are focused on riches then you will get riches. Plant your mind the right thoughts and you will have an easier and better life.

Sometimes there will be challenges, sometimes life will be hard but that's ok, it's all part of the process so don't worry if you feel bad, don't worry if everything is not going on your way. Just keep persevering and life will become easier in the end. Those who persevere will be blessed, those who never quit will always win.

1. Make your life simple. Make it simple, don't look for what is missing in your life, be appreciative, say thank you all the time. Be thankful of the blessings that you are getting, be thankful of the best things that are coming into your life.

2. Avoid toxic friends. You know who are the right friends, you know who are the toxic friends. Stop associating yourself with friends who are liability and energy sucker. It's better to be alone than to associate your life with people who are just making you feel bad. The right people will come into your life if you will just focus on making yourself better. Don't try to impress anyone, don't try to look good just to get someone's attention. Someone will appreciate you, someone will value your worth.

3. Be patient. Life is not about being fast, life is not about getting fast. You just have to take actions and trust that the universe will reward you in the end. Be patient, don't rush it, don't force it too much. Everything will flow, everything will happen on the right time. There is a timing for everything you just need to trust more and give more.

4. Remind yourself what you really want in life. Sometimes you don't know what you really want that's why you're completely lost. Think of what you want and focus on it. Put your time and energy on it and it will be yours, it will manifest fast.

5. One goal at a time. Don't transfer to another goal if you haven't finish the present goal yet, one goat at a time, you can never achieve everything all at once, don't be too greedy. You're not a super human so never try to wish for everything, just take it one at a time so your life will not be stressed/

6. Keep yourself busy. Always keep taking actions, never get complacent. If you are lazy and not moving then that's the time you will get depressed, that's the time you will entertain problems that are not all worth it. Keep yourself busy do something good in your life, improve all the time.

7. Be Rich. Money will give you protection, security. You will become  more creative if you are rich, you can do a lot of things and help more people if you have a lot of money. Worry will lessen if you have a lot. But make sure to know what is more and what is less, sometimes you already have enough but you can't control yourself achieving more and the result is tragedy. Keep pushing for money but don't ever feel bad if your expectations were not being met.

8. Don't be needy. Have that self reliance, if you can do something about it then do it yourself. Trust yourself, never let somebody do it for you because it will only bring disappointments in the end. Always think that you are in control of your destiny so if you can do it on your own then don't wait, do it now, start now. Help will come naturally if you need it, you don't need to always look for it.

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