Apr 1, 2018


What's next for you? you become successful in small ways, are you just going to stop there? You already bought that car but it's not dully paid yet, what's next for you? are you just going to stay arrogant and brag to your friends that you already made it? what are you going to do next? 

You already earned that small money and you feel like you're the king of the world, what's next for you? are you going to spend all those money and act lame? or are you going to push yourself even more an see what is more? 

A little success should not make your head grow big, that little success is nothing, it will never stay there forever. Success is to be maintained and to be leveled up, it's not something that you should watch go away from your life. 

There's always another level and you need to reach it, you need to become uncomfortable more, you need to work harder than yesterday... that's what real success is all about. You should keep pushing ad pushing until you reach the top. And when you reached the top... go reach for the sky. 

Don't ever think that you have the right to rest and act lazy because you already tasted a small amount of success. You're just starting, you're not even seeing the half of your real potential. 

You only see the small things now it's time to see the big things. 

Don't ever think that you already made it, you must push yourself again and again until you can't push anymore. There is always something next for you, look for it, never stop and never settle. 

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This is the way, no hesitation, no doubts, no worries and just do it. Take actions and never give up. No matter what thought is distracting ...