Apr 24, 2018


You have to play with it, even if the game is going ugly... you still have to play with it. Just like in stocks, the price will go up and down, you will lose some money and you will gain some.... even if it is really depressing, you still have to play with it.

Always look forward to win, never think about being a failure, always remember that if you're giving your best then you will never become a loser in the end. You will learn a lot of lesson, you will be able to learn some tricks that will give you some advantage.

This game of life... it's not all about winning, it's not all about being comfortable and getting what you want every now and then, it's not about looking like a champion or something. It's about playing it even if you don't want to play anymore, have fun with difficult situations, have fun with facing challenges, have fun with stress because you can only grow through stress. Just like a baby coming out from her mother... that baby is facing a lot of stress, he is suffering but that's just part of the process, it is what it is.

Always look at your vision. Never mind what is going on, if you're losing a lot then keep losing but don't make the same mistakes again.

Trust me.. yours situation will change in just a matter of time, all you have to do is endure it, raise your mental power and keep moving forward. Remember that it's not all about winning, it's about outlasting every challenges in life, it's about standing still even if the world is against you, even if the world is punishing you. This is just a game,  it's challenging but it's worth it. You have to know how to play it, you have to know how to make it work. Just win little by little... be patient and play until the end.

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