Apr 20, 2018


Worrying is a pain in the ass... a real pain, it is killing you little by little, it is making you sick, it is a traitor. It is giving you thoughts that are making you unproductive, it is poisoning your mind and you can't do anything about it because you're not moving, you decide to just think about it, you're not focusing on what you can control anymore.

If you want to kill worries forever... keep yourself busy... just do something, be active, never rest, never let your mind think for a second.

The trick here is to entertain yourself and forget the time. Time is getting slower and slower every time you worry. Learn to do something positive. Sweep the floor, wash the dishes, draw a cartoon, count your money, sing, dance... just do something that will avoid your mind from thinking, keep yourself super busy. It is better if what you will do will give you benefits in the future. Create solutions, discover some techniques to make your skill better.

If you have a problem then solve it little by little by being busy, do something that will make the problem light, don't try to solve it fast, solve it gradually... take your time, have fun solving it. Don't ever try to do stupid things that will make your problems bigger... you will worry even more if you do that. 

Any positive activity will keep your mind from worrying. And if you really can't stop worrying... think deeply, ask yourself... is your problem going to kill you? is it the end of the world? will worrying too much gonna help you? Answer yourself honestly and once you feel good because of you discover that the answer is very simple... start taking actions again.

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