Apr 19, 2018


You do it because you want to do it, you do it because you want to feel how it feels to hustle and really grind. A real hustle is something that doesn't focused too much on success, it's hustling for the love of hustle itself, it's not complaining, it's simply working and working until success is achieved. It never ran out of patience, it can wait and work until success is finally achieved.

Just for the love it, just for the love of work and nothing else, success is just a bonus of course you still want it but if it is not coming then you are still ok, you will still grind, you will still work and never get tired.

And even if you get tired... you will just rest for a minute and then here you go again... hustling and grinding just to find something. Fatigue means nothing to you, failure either. You're like an energizer... your energy never get depleted.

You know that the action itself is the real prize, you know that making positive improvements is already heaven. You always pull the trigger, you do what you need to do to break free. You feel so bad if you're not executing, you feel like sick every time you're sleeping.

It's your culture, it's you're religion, it's natural to you. It is embedded into your system and you will die without it. You can choose a lifestyle that you want, why not choose the life of a hustler, results will come to you naturally, success will become easier and faster to achieve.

You will feel lazy sometimes, you will feel bad sometimes but will still go back to the old you... you will become a hustler again.

That's your only game plan... hustle and grind, it is very effective. Don't be like other people who talks about hustle but they don't have the track records of hustling everyday.

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