Apr 1, 2018


Motivation is unlimited, you can feel it again and again, all you have to do is think about the things that you want and go for it. Go for the next step and motivation will start to show up again. A lot of people were not motivated because they're not taking actions. If you are moving then you will feel motivated. It's just a matter of forcing yourself to take actions. Always move and never stop, always give your best every single day... that's what it's all about.

You may feel bad, you may feel strange and weird, you may feel negative, you will doubt yourself if you can make it or not but at the end of the day... you can still choose what to feel. If you can make yourself feel unstoppable then you will become unstoppable... as simple as that.

You can motivate yourself, the best motivation is action. Just do whatever you can do today and never look for results. Take massive action, be the best that you can be.. go all out.

CHASE SOMETHING and never stop the chase until you get it, that's the best way to become motivated. The choice is always yours, are you going to move forward or backward? are you going to stop or keep going? if your mind and body is still functioning right then you have no right to make excuses.

It's either you choose to be on fire or stay cold, you always have the choice, it's in your hands. We can choose how we feel, emotion can be controlled. There will be random emotions that will enter your system but once you know how you feel... you can replace it with another feeling.

It all starts in your mind, let the positive thoughts that will make you feel good enter your brain. Never entertain negativity.

One step at a time you can do it, take baby steps, this is not a race. You will become motivated if you keep taking actions.

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