Apr 29, 2018


Watch your speed... maybe you're a little bit slow, maybe you're relaxing too much that's why you are getting left behind. There's no need to rush but sometimes you are taking things for granted, you are taking your time for granted and you are not pushing anymore.

Sometimes all you need is a little push, a little more force. You're too slow, it's not that you were born slow but you are relaxing too much, you think it's alright to become slow and look slow. That's what you think, if you keep on patronizing a slow pace then you will never grow, you will always be left behind. The bigger sharks will eat you, they will make you look like a rookie.

Keep on tracking your speed because it's crucial, if you're too slow then you will never achieve anything, you're hoping for a miracle that will never happen. Success loves speed, success loves people who keep on making their momentum alive. 

You can honestly telly yourself if you're slow or not, be honest, don't pretend that you're working hard if you're not. Again, you can work fast even if you're old or aging, it depends on how you push yourself and how you believe in yourself.

Your speed now maybe your normal speed but you can always change gears, you can always elevate your game, yeah you will get tired, sometimes you will get tired faster but you can always recover and go back on track again.

So develop the speed so you can do more and work more, develop the speed so you will know the next task earlier than expected.

You can always catch up, you can become faster than others, it just depends on how committed you are and how bad you want it. You will become faster if you're always on a sense of urgency. Try being fast now and see more results coming in to your life.

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