Apr 29, 2018


Never look where you don't want to go, what you always see is your destination, what you always look at is your direction, no matter how much you deny it... those things that you always see will have an impact in your brain, it will be programmed in your brain, it will affect your daily life.

If you don't want to become poor, don't look at the poor people, don't study what they are doing, don't copy their moves, never associate yourself with them. It's not about being arrogant and being rude or something but what you always hear and see will be your reality, your life is almost the same as the people that you associate yourself with.

If you don't want to become injured... don't look at the injured people, it will make you scared, it will create fear into your brain and you will become very conservative, you're always cautious which is a very bad thing.

If you want to attract what you want then always look for what you want, don't look at what you don't want. You need to match with the frequency of your dreams, you should think about your dreams 24/7 nothing else should consume your mind other than your dreams.

MIND CONDITIONING. What you repeatedly put into your mind will come to you little by little, so think only about the things that you really love. Because your reality will follow your thoughts, your mind is the main culprit of the things that are going on with your life. 

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