Apr 30, 2018


Being in the moment is one of the best state that you can have, if you're in the moment then you will be able to make proper decisions that will give you a better life, you will be aware of what is going on with your life. Being in the moment will make you be in control, if you are being pressure... you know that you will be alight, you know that you just have to feel it and everything will become fine again... as simple as that.

1. You want to make a comeback right away. If you failed, if you're behind... you want to make a comeback right away, you want to make revenge. You let your emotions get the best of you. You don't know that you need to take it step by step, you can't just make a come back every time you want to, you need to be patient and study the movement of the situation. You don't need to rush, life is not a rush... it's a movement, study the pattern, study what is going on and try to minimize the risk. Always put yourself on a better position to win.

2. You're always thinking about the outcome. The more you think about the outcome... the more it will not come, be patient and work your way going up. Never think about the outcome because that will make you worried even more, that will destroy your confidence. Focus on the actions, focus on what is going on around you, just give your best and never think about anything else.

3. You are looking to end the pain. If it's painful then just endure it, pain is not there to stay forever, it will be gone in a while. If you're looking to end the pain right away then you're not living in the moment, every time you do that... the pain will grow stronger, it will become more painful, it will subside if you endure it and stop crying about it.

4. You are looking for a miracle. Stop looking for a miracle, if it's suppose to happen then it will happen, looking for a miracle. Looking for a miracle will only make you believe that your situation is ugly that you need to escape it. Believe in miracles but never look for it and wish for it so bad because every time you do that you are forgetting all of the things that you can do to make your situation better.

5. You are wishing for an easy way out. You are looking to quit, you don't want to stick with the process. You're already thinking about resting or feeling good, you don't want to feel the pressure anymore. Looking for another feelings or wishing for another emotion that is lighter means you're not in the moment. If you're always looking to feel good then you will even feel worse.

6. You are worrying and you don't know that you're doing it. You just do something even if you don't know anything about it, you're panicking, you're not guessing. You don't know the details, you're rushing too much and your mind can't think right. You don't even know that you're doing something that is stupid. If you will be in the moment then at least you will minimize mistakes, you will stop something if you feel that it's not worth doing it.

7. You are scared of missing something. You always think about the things that you're missing, you always ask other people what did you miss, you're so scared that if you miss something then you will be in trouble. And even if you already knew that it's not a big deal, you will still ask a multiple times of what did you miss.

8. You're so afraid to make mistakes. You're a perfectionist, you always want to be in control, you are thinking about what might happen next. You're anticipating mistakes even if you don't want it. You're not attentive but you're a control freak.

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