Apr 28, 2018


Nobody is stopping you from starting, you can always begin anytime you want to. The problem is... you have a lot of rituals going on, you need to do this or do that before you even begin, you have a lot of warm ups  but in the end... you will never begin.

Begin now, if you have a task or dream... begin now, this is the perfect time to begin. Uncomfortable moments are the perfect time to start, it is a test if you really want it or not.

Once you begin... you will start to feel better, it only feels bad in the beginning but once you created that momentum... things will go easier and easier.


You can't move? your stomach is aching? your head is aching? those are pussy excuses, you need to slap yourself and make yourself moving, success requires a lot of movement. It requires a lot of energy. If you're not moving then it means you're dying, it means you're making your life miserable.

Don't be afraid of making mistake because not starting is already a mistake, yes there is a timing, there is always the right time but how will you know the right timing if you will not start?

Just execute a movement that you know and never mind if you're right or wrong, just execute it... do it, never think about failing, never think that your time is being wasted.

You have your brain, you have your hands and legs... use them, never hesitate, it's a do or die situation, always think that if you don't move then you will die... as simple as that.


1. Think that life is just a game because it is. It's just a game, you're just playing, never mind if you make mistakes or you fail in a certain level, you can always make a come back, you can always succeed if you choose to.

2. Always think that your time is running out. You don't know how many minutes left you have in this world, a lot of people just died in vain, they are waiting for the right timing, they are waiting for something until their time is over.... what a sad tragedy.

3. Always think that the task is urgent. Always think that your mom will spank you if you don't wash the dishes, always think that your girlfriend will leave you if you didn't buy here flowers. Always be in a state of urgency, always keep moving... always force something.

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