Apr 19, 2018


The sad truth is... success is hiding behind your fears, the fear that you created is the one that's stopping you, you are the one who's stopping yourself, not other people, not other things... you are the one who is responsible for your failure.

Fear is slowing you down, it is destroying your dreams little by little, why don't you fall in love with your fears? why don't you just face it and see what is behind it? if it will not kill you then it can only make you strong. Facing fears has a lot of benefits, you just need to accept it and believe in it. It can make you mentally tough, it will make you a different person, it will make you an animal. Attack your fears and it will no longer scare you.

Just keep working even if you're scared... again, if it can't kill you then it will only make you strong... how good was that?

It's so fun facing your fears, it will make you know yourself, it will reveal your true colors, are you going to be in a flight or fight mode? are you going to crumble or stay composed? are you going to quit or are you going to keep fighting.

Fear is just an emotion but it's hard to deal with it because you don't want to face it, you overrate it, you think of it as something big and something that you can't conquer.

The moment you face your fears is the moment you see freedom, you will know that it's not of a big deal, you will learn that it's not really scary.

Be closer to your fears, do what you are afraid of and you will know the real meaning of life, you will know that it's not that hard.

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