Apr 3, 2018


Saving money is the greatest way to achieve financial freedom. They say that it's not how much you earn but it's how much you can keep. A lot of people were earning a lot but they act like a millionaires even though they are not that's why they end up being broke and penny less. Saving money is that easy, all you have to do is discipline yourself and have a rich mindset, read some books about saving money and never try to buy the useless stuffs just to impress people that you don't even like.

1. Avoid useless parties. Don't go to parties that are useless. Parties that you don't even know the host, parties that will only make you spend but you will not earn anything. Go to parties with people that can teach you something by just simply talking to them, never go to parties with people that has poor mindset... you will never learn anything from them and you will just spend, you will even have to pay for their drinks because they don't have enough money to host the party.

2. Avoid drinking coffees from star bucks. Any coffee is still a coffee, a 3 in 1 coffee is much cheaper but the effect is still the same, you need to feel awake that's why you are drinking coffee. Coffees from star bucks tastes delicious because of the brand, some people drink coffee there just to look rich but the truth is... they were just an ordinary social climber.

3. Get rid of your toxic friends. Your toxic friends will borrow money from you and will not pay back, they will eat a lot of your time, they will try to get some freebies from you. You are spending more if you have toxic friends, get rid of them as early as possible if you want to achieve financial freedom in life.

4. Don't by branded shirts. The reason why you buy branded shirts is very simple again... you want to impress people, you want people to get amazed with how you look. People will not be impressed with how you look but with how you carry yourself, you can wear a lot of branded shirts but if your confidence is only coming from those shirts then you're still nothing, you will still feel low in the end. Never borrow your confidence from something because that is fake confidence.

5. Don't eat a lot of snacks. A lot of people were spending their money for junk foods, useless foods, useless coffee etc. They will eat even if they are not hungry yet, they were simply spenders, they want to try a lot of things, they want to eat they food that they haven't eat yet, they will eat outside of their house even if they have a lot of food in their refrigerator. If you want to save a lot of money then be simple, appreciate the food that you're eating, stop looking for the best food in town because it will only make you fat. 

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