Jan 31, 2024


Have you ever wonder why your task is too simple, you know you can do it but you can't start it? you know what to do but you're not doing it, you know the first step but you can't pull the trigger. You know that getting rich is simply working hard but you can't believe in yourself, you know that getting fit is simply exercising and dieting but it feels like hell doing it, have you ever wonder why you are like that? the answer is very simple, it's because you didn't practice it. It takes 1 month to build a strong habit, only one month but you are not using your willpower to discipline yourself to do what you need to do. You are not watching yourself, you are not mindful, you simple put yourself on an auto pilot mode and you're not doing something about it. It's hard taking actions because it is not your habit. But if you will try to build a habit of doing whatever it is that you need to do then it will get easier. It will get easier and easier everyday, you don't even need a motivation to take action, you just need to start now. Force yourself to build the right habits now and then repeat it again tomorrow. It will never be hard again once you repeat it a lot of times, repetition is the key, stay focused on what you're trying to build and get rid of the useless steps that you've been taking everyday. It will take time to build a strong habit, it is stressful and boring, it feels heavy and tiring that's why you need to force yourself to like it, that's why you need to force yourself to just enjoy the process. 


Stop looking for perfection, stop being a perfectionist because it will never happen. Just do what you can do, be fast, start now and never wait for Christmas before you take actions, stop being soft and go for the kill. Perfection is for losers, it's for underachievers because they couldn't move, they're always looking for what is wrong, they can't make a progress because they're too cautious of taking actions and that's why they're always left behind. Don't be afraid to fail and make mistakes, it's too normal, you're just a human being, allow yourself to fail so that you can take massive actions. Because the number one reason why you can't move is because you want to get it right on the first try, you are not giving yourself a room for improvement, you want to become good right away and that will never happen. Be patient and take your time, allow yourself to make a lot of mistakes and learn from it. Be fast and never think, you are here to move and not to worry about the things that are not happening yet. What will happen will happen but there is one thing for sure... you will lose if you don't move. 


Your focus was scattered, you're too interested with everything that's why you can't start anything. You're too worried, you're too addicted to useless information. You want to know what other people are doing, you're so hungry of information about celebrities, influencers, politicians etc. but the truth is it's not helping you at all. Be mindful where your time goes, your time is your most valuable asset, you need to protect it and use it the right way. Let them do their thing and just do your own thing. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Most of the time, you are not aware that you are wasting your time and that's why a lot of your time flew away for nothing. Your time is gold and should be aware if you're wasting a lot of it. Value your time and never use it for nonsense actions that is killing your momentum and making your life worse. You will only have a better life if you're doing what you're suppose to do and not holding back for a second. This is too simple, just don't waste time and you will win, strengthen your discipline and you will be able to make things better. Your life will only improve if you can focus on doing it and not thinking about it. Overthinking kills, overthinking will make you stuck and not progressive. You have to force your body to move, start now and keep going further... as simple as that. Make your life simple by doing the right things and working hard as much as you can. Just trust hard work, trust speed, trust the process and you will be surprised with the results that you will get. Get rid of all your stupid vices, stop wasting time and always go for what you want, make it simple, don't ever complicate it. 


Move forward all the time, take the next step, take actions and never stop. Get addicted to moving forward, it's simply about doing it, it's simply about taking the next step and forcing yourself to move, as simple as that. TT SHOULD BE YOUR CULTURE, it should be your priority... to move forward and never stop. This is life, it is hard, if you want success then be willing to pay the price, that's it. The process is too simple... just trust the process and take massive actions. If you can just ignore very resistance around then you will become unstoppable, make yourself relentless by not thinking and just doing it. Everyday is a training, you get better everyday every time you force yourself to take actions fast. At the end if the day the reality is you can take actions anytime, even if you're feeling bad and low. Nothing can stop you even if you're feeling lazy, you just need to learn how to force yourself to try. Once you try, the momentum will build, you will find your rhythm and something will click, how good was that? nothing is hard if you will go hard. Nothing is easy if you will take it easy, stop spoiling yourself, stop pampering your emotions and just take the first step. 


No thinking policy, implement this. Stop thinking and just start, that's all you need to do. Stop looking or perfection, stop thinking about finishing fast. Just do it, you're thinking too much about the future that's why you can't do it. Be a fast starter, forget the past, forget your mistakes and failure, always think that today is a different day and that you can do something now to make things better. Nothing is hard if you will just start. Always go for the kill, have that assassin mindset, once there is a task... finish it no matter what. Never care about the obstacles, never care about how you feel and just do it. You're being too soft that's why you can't finish things, you have to work hard, stay hard and never give up. At the end of the day you will only feel much better if you're pushing yourself to the limits and giving your all. You will feel weak if you acted like a spoiled diva that doesn't finish anything. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

go to war

Never care if you're struggling, never care if you're suffering, never care if you're losing. Just keep moving forward and try again, give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits. It is what it is, it is hard, it is brutal, this is life... it is full of challenges and surprises, it is full of shit. Accept that it is hard and keep trying again, don't lose without giving a good fight. All you need todo is try, all you need to do is give yourself a chance to win and never give up, that's it, you will feel much better by doing that rather than taking this day for granted doing nothing and just being lazy. You need to use your life the right way, you need to make it better, do something positive and see what you can get by pushing yourself to the limits. It is a common sense that you will lose if you're not giving your all, don't waste another day overthinking and just move, take the first step and never stop, don't look back, don't look for what is missing in your life, you are enough, you can go further if you will just believe in yourself a little bit. 


I don't know why most people were so afraid of losing, it must be the judgement from other people, it must be the idea that they need to win right away. You will never become a winner if you're afraid of losing, it is a challenge, lose today and lose again tomorrow, someday something will click and it will only happen if you already tried a thousand or million times. This is simple a journey of discovering yourself, you will only know who you are if you will become brave and try something. It's just a loss, it can never kill you, what makes it hard is the emotions you attached with it. They're afraid to lose, they're afraid to get criticize that's why they can't make it in life, that's why they can't make a breakthrough. 


Leave the cycle of being afraid to take actions then will be regretful in the end. Leave the cycle of being lazy but wanting to do more, it means you need to force yourself to become a doer. Force yourself to live your life and stop being a pussy. 


Go to war, go to your dream, it's hard, it will give you wounds and scars but those pain will make you more beautiful, stronger and better. Those scars will never make you feel inferior, if you've suffered enough and struggled enough then nothing can ever put you down anymore, you will no longer be afraid of any kind of challenge. Any work will get easier, any CHALLENGE WILL get lighter if you will just accept that it's not going to be easy. Accept that it is going to be a lot of work and never back down to any challenge, ever. 

make your mind stronger than ever, it will only get stronger if you will face all the challenges of life and never give up. You will get weaker and weaker every time you back down to any challenge that is confronting you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jan 30, 2024


Take control you will be controlled, which one do you prefer? force yourself to work hard on what you're passionate about and be the best or you will be forced to work hard on something you don't want? the choice is yours. Force yourself to do what is hard but more beneficial or you will be forced to work on something that is not aligned with your purpose? Force yourself to eat healthy now or you will be forced to drink a lot of unwanted medicines in the future. If you don't force yourself to stay disciplined now, somebody will force the discipline on you in the future and you will not like it a lot. Force yourself to become rich now or else you will be forced to work forever until you can't work anymore. Force yourself to do what is hard now or else you will be forced to do what you hate the most in the future and you will have no choice to do it. It only means you need to make sacrifices now, you need to do what is hard now even if you don't really like it because you will have no leverage in the future especially if you're not that good or powerful. Invest in yourself now, capitalize and use your time wisely, don't use it for useless activities that will never even give you any advantage or improvement. 


so what if you fail? you are afraid to move because you're afraid of failing, you are afraid to force yourself because in the end you knew you're going to fail. You have to understand that if you're afraid of failing then you already failed, take risks now or else you will regret it in the end. At least give yourself a chance to win, just try, there is no harm in trying, you will only get better after trying because you will gain experience and that is a very good thing to have. You will become ore confident and your knowledge will widen. Fail now, fail more and never stop, you have to make yourself like a machine, you have to give everything you've got every single day and never let anything stop you, as simple as that. Collect failure, look for risks, don't be afraid of not making it, just use all of your strength and willpower, this kind of approach will take your mentality to another level. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you need to believe in yourself that something good will happen. And even if you don't believe in yourself, still keep trying and never give up, as simple as that. The idea is to keep pushing and never give up, always go further, choose to do more, choose to become productive and hungry. You are not programming your brain to win that is why you are so slow and hesitant, always imagine that you are winning, see yourself working hard and becoming a machine that keeps on doing the work. If you fail you fail, so be it, embrace it and try again, that's how to avoid a life full of regrets. Because you will become regretful in the end if you didn't give your all, you will think about going back to the past. That's why you have to live your life to the fullest, use all of your skills and power and always look forward to make a progress even if it is small. Keep climbing the mountain, never stop, take it one step at a time and embrace all the challenges and resistance. Nothing can stop you to take the next step, it's just a step, what's so difficult about that? take baby steps, be slow if you need to, work with your own pace but never stop and waste time. Never drain your energy doing nothing but stupidity. be mindful of your actions, every step should be intentional, you must have that hunger to win, you must think that you can get it no matter what. Force yourself to take actions now or else you will be forced to work in the end with the job that you don't even like. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jan 29, 2024


It's easier to become lazy, scared, weak, fat, dumb, useless and a loser. It's easy to never work hard, it's easy to avoid making sacrifices. It's easier to just lie on your bed and watch the stupid Netflix series, everybody can do that, almost everyone is doing that, but what can it give you? how can it make you better? It's easier to become a chicken than to become an eagle, it's easier to play it safe don't fly and stop making a risk. It's easier to become broke than to become rich but the long term effect is brutal, it's more demoralizing and stressful. It's hard to do the right things and embrace your responsibilities but the long term effect is amazing and fulfilling. It's easier to blame people and point fingers why you are failing and not making it in life, it's easier to make stories that are not real to make people believe that you're such a victim, the question is how did you grow from that? what did you get from that? you're only fooling yourself with that kind of attitude. 

It's easier to get mad at people who disrespect you, it's easier to focus on other people's lives, it' easier to create dramas but what how can it make you better? It's easier to get lazy and do nothing, it's harder to work hard and give you everything. But when things get tougher, when the problem is there... if you don't have the willpower to survive and make solutions because you have no history of enduring the hard times then you will be defeated easily. If everything was handed to you easily, if your mom is always bailing you out then you're in big trouble. What if nobody is there to help you anymore? what if there's no help along the way? can you still believe that everything will be alright? If you don't want to embrace the hardest things that will make you an eagle then you will remain as a chicken forever, you will never be able to make a breakthrough, as simple as that. 


The more you pamper yourself with food, TV, laziness, video games, procrastination and stop yourself from working hard and do the right things... the weaker you get. The easy ways creates weak men, comfort creates people who give up easily. Tough times creates hard men, hard men take care of the business and their families very well. If you're not pushing yourself to get better, if you're always delaying your responsibilities and task then you're in big trouble my friend, soon you will see that your life is falling apart and it will happen very fast. You need to man up, do what is hard and stop acting like a lost clown. You can get better but you always prioritize your emotions, you want to feel good and comfortable all the time, this mentality and approach is making you soft, it's making you fragile. If you want to get stronger and better then face the pain, face the discomfort and keep moving forward, as simple as that. It is simple yet you are not doing it because you're too addicted with laziness, entertainment and nonsense vices. If you want to have a better life then choose to go hard, choose to make sacrifices. Choose to become an eagle instead of a chicken, choose to fly higher and never be afraid of falling down.  

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Admit it to yourself that you are acting like a clown that is why you are failing, admit that you're a bum for how many years that's why your life is miserable and has no direction. You have to focus on being in the moment and just do what you need to do in order to make your life better, stop acting like everything is in control even if it is not, if you're not doing your responsibilities then nothing is in control, if you are lazy and always procrastinating then expect to have an ugly future. You are the one who is creating your life with your small decisions every now and then, the reality is 95% of your actions were completely useless, it is not giving you any leverage that's why you keep on going down. Why will you watch Tv if you are broke? why will you drink alcohol if you have health issues? why will you choose to stay in bed if you have bills to pay and family to feed? why will you eat that burger if you're already overweight? why will you play video games if you have an exam tomorrow? why will you choose scrolling on facebook if you have a choice to get better? see, 95 percent of your actions were waste and you hate to admit it. If you will just admit that you're a bum and force yourself to do one right thing at a time then your life will improve, your value will go higher. You are very good in sabotaging yourself, you know better but you're not doing better, you keep on falling into the trap of comfort and it is making you weak. Every small decision has an impact in your future, if you want a better life then you better change now before it's too late. Stop all the nonsense in your life and your life will have a deeper meaning and purpose, you think it's a joke, you think it is alright, wait till the bills be handed to you, wait till your life falls apart, can you still laugh? 

Start becoming a no nonsense guy, start choosing the right actions, pick the right thoughts that will make you evolve and will force you to work hard. Never put useless information in your head because it will make you weak and lazy. Watch you watch, what you say, where you put your attention to is making a large impact in your life. Your vision gets affected by your focus, if you're focused on useless subjects then your life will also become useless, as simple as that. But if you're focused on getting better, stronger and faster then life will become a blast. Look at yourself, study yourself, watch your thoughts and actions and you will be able to predict your future. If your thoughts were about fear, lack, hate, other people, problems, recession then don't expect an amazing life. But if your thoughts and actions were about power, making money, improvement, abundance then you will have an amazing life. Your thoughts and actions will be the barometer of your level. You will never be able to climb the top of the mountain if you keep on thinking about falling down. This is a mind game, you become what you think about, you become what you do. You are what you do, so if you're eating a lot of junkfoods then you're about obesity, if you keep on being lazy then you're about failures, if you keep on thinking about problems then you're about to go down. You are the creator of your life, your status is a reflection of your decisions in the past. Stop trying to blame people if you're not giving your all, stop making excuses because you're the one who is destroying your own life. You need to think better and work harder, the time for a change is now, make your actions useful and meaningful, have some purpose in life, be the best that you can be and never quit when things gets harder. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Preparation, commitment, doing more, doing what is hard, making sacrifices and working super hard... that's the only choice you have, that's the only path to have a better life. Focus on what you want think about it all day long and never stop until you get it. Because life will not get better if you're not disciplined, it will only get worse if you're not pushing yourself to the limits. Face the pain and boredom, you need to become different this time, create a new personality to attract a different reality. It is what it is, it's going to be hard but worth it. Look at yourself, if you are failing then it means you're not working hard enough, it means you're not preparing or making any sacrifices. Without pain and sacrifice you will never achieve anything, you have to get addicted with the process if you want to become great. Your only chance if you want to win in life is through hard work and making sacrifices. Sacrifice fun, parties, entertainment, buying something, watching TV, going out with your friends for your vision. If you really want it then you need to stop living like a bum and start living like a different human being. 


It's not about being bitter or getting jealous, it's training yourself to focus on your own journey. Why the hell will you care about your idol being the number one scorer? why give so much time for it, sharing it talking about it. It will never make you better, it's only draining a lot of your energy because your time is being wasted again. At the end of the day your idols will never help you, they will never improve your life, they're only eating a lot of your time and energy and you're not aware of it. Or maybe you know that it's just a waste of time but you are acting like a blind, you pretend not to see it. 


If you're about to open that stupid post stop it, if you're about to open a useless pornsite stop it, if you're about to waste your time stop it, if you're about to do something useless... stop it. Learn how to stop yourself from getting addicted with entertainment and pleasures that has no value at all, you have to realize that it is making your life miserable, it's making you weak and lazy so why focus on them? if you're about to open your messenger stop it and start taking control of your life. 


You will lose control over your health, financial status, social status and your whole life if you don't control yourself. If you let temptations control your life, if you let pleasures and laziness take over then you will lose power, you may not feel it now but it will show in the future. The reason why you are broke, unhappy, weak and lazy is because you're lacking the discipline to force yourself to just do the right thing. Doing the right thing now even if it is hard will give you a good life in the future, as simple as that. Doing what is fun now, doing what is easy will give you misery, it will make you powerless. So if you want to have control in your life then learn to make sacrifices, focus on the process that will make you better and stronger. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


The only thing that has value is hard work and making sacrifices. If you are practicing delayed gratification all the time, if you are working hard towards your vision then your value increases. Don't ever think that you get better every time you watch your stupid idol twerk his ass. Don't ever think that instant gratification and pleasures means happiness, it will only excited you for a short period of time but the return is misery and weakness. It's ok to entertain yourself sometimes but never let it become an addiction because it will control your mind and happiness, your joy will be dependent to external things and that is scary because you will lose control over your emotions. Entertainment is useless, it will never give you anything, it's only making you delusional, it's making you believe that you are happy but the truth is it's making you worse. Have fun sometimes but never let it be an addiction because it will take a toll on your life in the end. Entertainment is overrated, having fun is very deceptive, it's making you believe that it's the most important thing in the world but the truth is it's the least important, it's not giving you any money at all, it's not feeding you the right information to grow a little bit. It's stopping your momentum, it's making you a worse human being. Stories about celebrities are useless, gossips about influencers are making you stupid, you're better than that. You have to make the right choices before it's too late. Entertaining yourself rather than working hard on yourself is insane, it's a bad choice because it's so obvious that wasting your time for nothing is a path to a miserable life. Invest on yourself, train yourself to work harder and get better, force yourself to have fun with the process and learn to appreciate your journey. Be the start of your life, never let other people be the source of your joy because it is weakness and you have no control over it. The only thing you can control is your life, it's yourself yet you're not super interested with it. 


What you can achieve? what you can get? how big can you improve? what's your future? how many times can you win? how strong you can be? how fast can you be? what are your limitations? you have to get excited with your potential, get excited with your future. But your problem is you're not excited with your own life, you're more excited with other people's lives. You have no interest in becoming the best version of yourself, that's your biggest problem. Focus on getting better each day instead of minding other people's business, focus on trying to reach your full potential. 


If you are enjoying yourself, if you're having fun working hard instead of watching TV then sky is the limit for you, you will become unstoppable. If you're interested and addicted to small growth everyday then you will experience a different kind of life. Stop being like others, they're too addicted to comfort and entertainment that is useless that's why they're not growing. They're too invested with other people's lives that's why they're depressed. There is nothing wrong in watching TV or sports but never let it consume you, never let it eat a lot of your time. You have to have a budget, spend a very minimal amount of time for entertainment and never let it be your source of happiness. Let your work and evolution be your number one source of happiness, focus on trying to learn something and become something better than who you are yesterday. It will take a lot of hard work to forge a new identity but it is really worth it. The best investment is investing on yourself, trying to improve a little bit day by day. The number one priority should be your self evolution, never give time for nonsense hobbies because it will backfire at you in the end. It will never give you anything so why spend a lot of energy on it? 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


You have the ability to get stronger, you have unlimited power, you can become creative, you can work hard, you can improve everyday, you can do something, you can make a difference so why choose to become weak? why choose to become slower, dumber, stagnant and not improving? why choose to deteriorate instead of evolving? you need to make the right choices. Making sacrifices, preparing and practicing delayed gratification will make you 10x better than who you are today. You are losing because of your laziness, slowness and cowardice. It's time to get better, it's time to push yourself to the limits and work as hard as you can. Be tough, discipline yourself and stop being soft. You can do anything but you're allowing your excuses to control your mind, you're pampering yourself too much that's why you can't make an impact. 


Your fear gets stronger and stronger every time you delay something. Get excited with your life, get excited with the process. The only way to conquer your fear is to start fast, embrace it and do what you have to do anyway. Your fear will get weaker every time you just do it and forget the outcome. Start now, what the hell are you waiting for? you need to be fast, you need to be bold and decisive. Start fast and forget about anything else. Do it now, stop waiting for tomorrow, stop believing that you can do it tomorrow, stop thinking that you can double your effort tomorrow because it will never happen. Focus on becoming a finisher, start fast and finish strong. It doesn't matter if the process is hard, it doesn't matter if you're struggling and always making a mistake... just do it and finish it, be ruthless, be cold and just go to the finish line. Never care about how you feel, if you're tired so be it but never use it an an excuse to not continue. You can start wherever you are, you can start anytime you want, nothing can stop you. Just do it, just do what you can do and keep going further. 


The stupid products on the internet, gossips, useless posts, negative information, news etc. It is all eating your time. You're getting too interested with useless things that's why your value is going down. It's simply a mindset, you need to be focusing on boring topics like growth, self development and hard work and apply it to your daily life if you want to experience something new. Protect your time and use it for greatness only, use it for chasing improvements, never waste your time for useless activities that will make you worse. Discipline is the key to success, do what you need to do that will make a momentum to have a better life. Stop letting fun get in the way, you are only setting yourself up for failure every time you prioritize what is easy and fun, it will never give you anything, it will only give you headache and troubles. 


You will never change if you're always soft and pampering yourself with comfort and entertainment, easy to access things will never make you stronger, it is a trap. Force yourself to become different by doing what is hard but beneficial. Focus on training, studying, practicing and preparation. Take risks and do something different, stop being the same person as yesterday. Give up all the things that makes you weak and be the best that you can be. You will become different if you will act different, you need to change your habits, change the way you use your energy and time. Use all of your energy for trying to have a better life. Strengthen your discipline, be faster than yesterday, be the best that you can be. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you gave your all and you never hold back for a second. Why choose to become weak if you can become strong? why choose to stop if you can continue? why choose to do what is easy that is meaningless if you can do what is hard but very helpful to your life? 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


One of the biggest reason why up to now you're still living like a bum is because you're addicted to gossips, you care too much about other people's lives. You love the pregnancy issues, broke issues, negativity, failures, arguments, other people's dark side etc. You want to see people fail, you are pretending to be concerned but you love to see other people struggling. You love other people's problems. And even if you're wishing for other people's success, how the hell will it help you? you're not even related to them, they didn't know you, they have their own lives, you have yours so why the hell will you even care? you're only wasting your time and energy every time you care about what other people are doing, it's only messing up your mentality, it's making you weak, your mindset is a disgrace. You need to change how the way your mind behaves, focus it on your own life because that's the only way to evolve. Study your own life, watch yourself, dissect your behaviors and you will see that you are wasting a lot of your time that's why you're a failure. Your time is the most important resources you can ever have, stop wasting it for nothing, you need to use it to evolve and get better. Your time is limited, you need to treat it like a sacred thing, but most of the time you're wasting your time like a maniac, you feel like it's unlimited. Time will come and it will run out so be afraid now if you're not using it the right way. Stop being too concerned about your idol suffering an addiction, there's nothing you can do about it, it's his choice, stop feeling sorry for him. The question is can you help him? can you change him? there is nothing you can do to make a difference, it's the path that he choose so be it. Let him drown with his own drama. Even your enemies, stop being too interested with their lives, stop planning a revenge, stop feeling happy every time they stumble, that's a coward act. The best revenge is to become so big that they can't touch you anymore. You only get weaker and poorer every time you look at other people's lives. They have their choices, the can make their own decisions, stop trying to become a savior of the world because you can never do it. And the truth is you're really not trying to be kind, you're just bored with your life that's why you love learning other people's problems. It's time t think differently, it's time to focus on your own life and grow as much as you can. It takes time to learn how to focus but you need to be persistent and determined. Once you get interested with your own life, once you get addicted to little growth everyday... that's the time you live an extraordinary life. 

So start enjoying your life, see yourself growing, work hard on yourself and stop getting interested with nonsense information because it's only poisoning your mind. The news, stupid tik tok posts, nonsense social media post is only making you weak and confused, it's unhealthy to your mind. Protect your mind because it gets weaker and weaker every time it starts to get super interested with other people's nonsense. If something is not teaching you something why they hell will you invest your time on it? Grow up and make yourself better instead of making yourself worse. Be aware of your thoughts and actions, be strict with your time and never throw it away for free. Your time is equivalent to growth, money, opportunity is strength. You have to use it the right way and never let stupid entertainment control you. Control yourself, manage your time very well and focus on becoming successful instead of getting worse. Because your life gets uglier each day every time you neglect your responsibilities, you are going down every time you waste your time for nothing. be mindful enough to do what is important and pursue your potential. 


If you want to get out of the rut you are in then you need to man up, do something about your situation and never act like an irresponsible person, stop being childish. Learn how to think, speak and act differently, be mature enough to choose the right actions to get on top. The time for being a loser is over, change your habits, get rid of the habits that are making you weak and lazy. You need to force yourself to work hard, force yourself to focus on improving. It's hard but it's worth it, why not give it a try? work so hard for one whole year, focus on your goals and see how far can you go. You have a potential, you have the right to become great, you are allowed to dream big, stop wasting your time for nonsense activities because it will drain your energy and you will lose your momentum. Be strong enough to fight temptations and instant gratification. Being great is simply about making sacrifices. Train yourself to focus, be persistent enough to control your behaviors, use your willpower to act like a professional, stop being a nonsense guy and do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. Push yourself to the limits, go for the kill, you have to smell blood, stay hungry all the time and do the impossible. Take risks, award yourself with the new version of you, that's the best gift you can give to yourself... deciding that you will never become a bum anymore. Believe in yourself and take it one step at a time. You will go further and further every time you fight laziness and useless behaviors. It's time to create a different beast, chase your wildest dreams and learn to make big time sacrifices, that's what great people do. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


Living is a privilege, it is a blessing, you should not take it for granted because it will only happen once. Life is hard because that's the price for living, all you need to do is live, it's not that complicated. The truth is it gets harder because you think that it is hard, you're not trying to learn how to play with it. If you can just know how to play with it and live the right way then it will get easier. This is life, it is hard but you can make it easier if you will just entertain better thoughts and be more disciplined. The truth is, you are the only one who is making it harder because of your vices and stupid decisions. But if you will stay disciplined and committed... life will get easier, it will become a breeze. 


This equation is too simple, your life is hard because you're not going hard, you're taking it easy, you're too addicted to damn comfort and security that is not helping you at all, you're not taking risks, you're not giving yourself a chance to win and that's why your life gets harder. You're not making sacrifices that's why you crumble to challenges with less pressure. If it is hard then go harder, once you have this mindset life gets easier because you will no longer be afraid of any difficulty, you will just do it, you will just go for it no matter what, you will never think anymore... you will just try to break the obstacle that is infront of you, you will crush the door that is blocking you from making a breakthrough. 


NOTHING HAPPENED TO YOU, you're still alive after making a mistake. Your boss cannot hit you, your teammates cannot trade you. Your country cannot exile you, you're still alive, the aliens cannot abduct you, nothing worse can happen after failing, the good news is you've learned a lesson. You will never die after making a lot of mistakes, nothing can kill you so why are you afraid of making a mistake? failing and coming up short is the path to greatness. Greatness requires a lot of failures, errors and embarrassment. You will never become great if you're always playing it safe, you will never make a breakthrough if you're not stretching yourself. You have to fail again and again to make yourself tougher than ever. Look at those spoiled brats who never failed in their lives... they were miserable and doesn't know how to win, they were use to being spoon fed that's why they can't handle any stress or pressure. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain, make yourself vulnerable to pain and frustration. It is what it is, you will lose, you will never maintain your perfect record. So start scratching yourself and avoid being flawless, make your hands dirty, try everything you can try, life is hard so get use to it. Because if it is not hard then it is not life. You have to feel comfortable being uncomfortable and learn how to face your responsibilities. Learn how to manage your emotions and never let any harsh comments from other people affect you, never let any challenges make you crumble, you have to face every test and accept that life really works this way... it is hard so never complain, never make excuses and avoid all the dramas. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 28, 2024


The only question in life is are you in control or are you always being controlled? if you are being controlled then it means you're playing like a victim, you're always blaming others and you're always reacting. People can make you feel negatively easily, you're always thinking of what people might say and they can easily take your confidence away. They can influence you easily, they scare you easily and you have not personal philosophy at all. They can manipulate your decisions, they can waste your time anytime they want to, they can make you react negatively without making too much effort, they can make you angry without doing too much. If they can make you say yes easily without you having to think of it, they are controlling you. 


If you say no mean it, learn to confront people, learn to confront your fears. Learn to embrace the discomfort. Say no to social media, say no to everything that is making you weak, say no to laziness and procrastination, say no to instant gratification, say no to everything that is wasting your time. You have to be mindful here, being conscious means being in control. Stop pleasing people too because you are not controlling here, you are being controlled of wanting to be accepted and you have no power over it that's why you get disappointed if something doesn't love you back. Say no to comfort because it's making you soft. Learn to pick the right enemies, choose your enemies, never choose a challenge that will never make you better. When you say no mean it, don't change your mind, don't back down to any threats. Make a stand and set your personal boundary. Because every time you say yes your mentality gets weaker and weaker especially if you really don't like it. Say no and never care about how they feel, just do it and never feel guilty because it's your life, you can make decisions on your own. 


You can make decisions on your own, you don't care about what people say, you do it your way and you make a stand, you are not afraid to lose, you are not afraid to get nothing, you are not afraid to fail. You will feel free if you don't care about money, fame, success, products, food etc. You are in control if you focus on yourself and you can detach from anything. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


It doesn't matter if you are dumb, it doesn't matter if you have no skills, it doesn't matter if nobody believes in you, and it also doesn't matter if you have no confidence at all. What matters is you have a vision, you have a goal, you have a target and you're willing to get it no matter what. You are willing to make sacrifices, you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. It's ok if you are not smart or if your teachers were turning their backs at you. It's ok if you are getting bullied because you don't know how to read and write, just look for something where you are passionate about and be the best on it. 


Your level of perseverance is the only barometer to success and nothing else. It's not about the talent, it's not about your knowledge or experience, if you can become a doer then you will become unstoppable. It's simply abut moving forward and nothing else. You have to go and step on the gas, don't be a chicken that doesn't know how to fight.  You need to keep on fighting for what you want and never give up, it's very easy to do, just keep moving forward and give your best, always believe that there is still a chance, always believe in yourself, practice the game of beliefs. 


Never let your chance to get bigger escape, always look for this moments, look for this opportunities. Everyday, every situation is a chance to get gain something. It can be knowledge, it can be money or experience. Everyday is a chance to upgrade yourself from clown to a serious contender. So stop wasting your time, stop taking this day for granted because it is an opportunity, stop being the same person as yesterday, leave the weak version of you. Focus on taking chances, don't be afraid to risk everything just for a big win. Every ugly or scary situation is a chance to get bigger, it's a chance to steal the limelight, you need to prepare yourself for something big, embrace your fears... feel it and take actions anyway. 


If you failed, if you got rejected, if you got abused, if you've been treated unfairly then it is ok. Don't take anything personally because it will burn you. Let them laugh at you, let them criticize you but never feel anything about it because once you get emotional... it's game over, you've already been defeated. Success has no room for emotions, you will feel something but you have to ignore it because the most important thing is taking actions. Focus on the execution not on your emotion. Stop prioritizing how you feel because it's a weak man's game. You need to keep going even if you're feeling lazy or exhausted, your feelings will never help you, it will only stop you from taking the next step. Your feelings is a traitor, it's making you slow and useless. 


How about you don't stop, how about that? what do you think will happen? how big do you think you will be? how far will you go? how much money will you accumulate? the problem with you is you're always stopping, you're always quitting, you're not creating your own opportunities. Every action should be pointed to the direction you're trying to go. Your mind should be counting money all the time, it should be thinking ideas all the time and execute fast whenever you have a chance. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 27, 2024


You can make anything bigger than what it use to be. You can make your heart bigger, brains bigger, business bigger, skills bigger, the tummy of your girlfriend bigger, muscles bigger, di*k bigger, you can make yourself bigger. All it takes is a belief and the will to get better every single day. All it takes is relentless effort and determination, there is no too much money needed here, there's no skills needed, just pure focus and burning desire will make you go very far. You don't need any help here, you don't need a special talent, all it takes is developing your willpower and focus everyday. Don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to fail and repeat again, the key is to build perseverance and good habits that will lead you to success. 


Be humble in the beginning, start small and never have any ego. Think of yourself as a small plant trying to grow. You need to focus, stay strong, survive and develop a strong mentality to withstand any kind of storm. Operate quietly, you don't need to become loud, stop being a brash, stop being flashy and work in silence. Focus on the process, start small and make it bigger and bigger each day. Just start, even if you have nothing... just start.     


You know what level you are, you already knew what you can do, it's time to go to the next level. How are you going to do it? by adding intensity to your work. Increase your determination and hunger for work. You can go to the next level if you will make sacrifices, as simple as that. Stop acting like a bum and give everything you've got. You have to go for it, go for the kill and do everything you can  to level UP. Do the dirty work, do the impossible. If you can make yourself a super human being through hard work then you will reach places you thought were not possible before. Just grind, stay focused and never give up. It is only hard in the beginning but once you get use to it... you will become unstoppable forever. This is the best time to become the best, this is the best time to grind, not tomorrow, not later... it is always in the now. A small number, a series of repetition, try again, just keep going and you will get to the top. This is just a matter of using your willpower and tenacity, you don't need to do something special here, you just need to force fate, force yourself to take actions no matter what. have no time for nonsense, have no time for what slows you down and just do whatever it takes to improve. 


Just attack, be aggressive and stop being a pussy. No matter how weak you are, no matter how bad your situation is, even if you don't have any ammo... attack. Don't be a coward, show them what you've got, live your life to the fullest and give yourself a chance to win. Even if you don't have anything in your hands, even if you're broke, even if nobody believes in you, even if you don't believe in yourself anymore... always attack, never stop, always go for the goal. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 26, 2024


Never have regrets that you go all in, that you gave your all yet still fail. It's much better than hoping for it but not doing anything to get it. Hoping does nothing, it's only messing up your mentality, it's giving you worries and doubts. It's making you frustrated and depressed. You have to go for it. Do whatever it takes to get it, be intentional and aggressive, don't settle for less, always go for what you want. Hoping is for losers, it's for people who doesn't want to move. They hope to win without preparing, they're hoping to get lucky, they're hoping that the challenge was easy, they're hoping for a miracle, they're hoping for a delay, they're hoping for an easy route, all they wish is about cowardice and not making any effort. If you will just exchange your hope into effort then you will get more. You must get addicted to taking actions, don't get addicted to laziness because it will kill you, it will never give you anything. Just take the next step and then follow through, as simple as that. Focus on the push, if you are not pushing now and doing something for what you want then you should feel ashamed of yourself. 


You don't do the things you usually do, you make sacrifices, you close the room for entertainment and fun, you shut the doors for procrastination, you make yourself work harder, you work every single second and you're not allowed to rest for so long. If you're not making any sacrifices then how the hell will you make a progress? you will never win if you're about laziness and fun, you need to do what is uncomfortable, go to the path where only few people go. It is what it is, if you will not make sacrifices then you will burn like a chicken that didn't even do anything with his life, it will kill you in the end because you don't have a strong foundation, you will be eaten by a competition, the strong ones will play you and you will lose control, you will have no edge in life. Make sacrifices now and pursue the best version of your life. Stop blaming, stop dreaming, stop pointing fingers, stop waiting for luck and just fight for it. Are you sacrificing everything for your dream? are you really pushing yourself to the limits and going the extra mile? are you giving your all? are you doing everything you can? 


Do as much as you can, believe more, risk more, don't be lazy because one is better than zero. Something positive is better than a negative nothing. You need to stretch yourself and believe all of your actions. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Starting today do as much as you can and never give up, just keep pushing and do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. If you're wondering how much work you need to do... the answer is as much as you can. Don't work hard and wish for something to come out, if it is not coming out yet then it only means your work is not enough. You have to pay the price, the truth is you don't know how much price you need to pay for your dream so you need to keep going until something clicks. Stop caring about the results and just go all the way, push as hard as you can and never stop. It's a lifestyle, it's a commitment, stop wishing for something you're not willing to die for. 


Because it makes you lazy, it makes you just pray and wait. You will never work anymore if you're always hoping, you will never create a solution, your creativity will stop, the journey will stop, you will never do the process anymore, you will just wait for luck or help. It is a weak mindset, never hop and just act, force fate, stop all the dramas and laziness and just do the work. Little by little... make your situation a little bit better, never give up, show up and embrace the challenge no matter how difficult it is. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


Live like a prisoner for one year, live like a broke for one year, live boring for one year. Don't spend your money, pay all of your debts, don't buy anything, don't watch TV, don't go to parties, don't take a vacation, stop having fun and just chase your dreams, just try to make your life better, work as hard as you can and never give up. Let's see what you can get by doing that. Keep pushing further, where are you know is not your limitation, you can always go further when you want, there is always something you can do and you have to do it now. Stop waiting for the perfect time because you're only making it harder. Every time you delay something the situation gets harder. 

If you want to pay all of your debts... live like a broke for one year. Don't act like a rich kid, don't buy gucci because only broke people who pretends to be rich buy this product, don't buy branded bags but you only have 50 dollars inside of it. Stop using your credit card, asking help from the loan sharks because it will suck everything from you once you can't pay them. 


Make the simplest plan, don't complicate it, don't compare it, don't follow what other people say, just make as simple plan and get serious with it, as simple as that. Don't be tempted, don't waste your time, this is the simplest and best game plan you can ever have. Why the hell will you spend most of your time on facebook if it's not giving you any money or improvement at all? it's only burning your brain, it's making you mentally weak. Why the hell will you spend time with people that you don't even like? why will you spend most of your time thinking about something that is not making you better? you have to be smart where your time goes. Make the simplest plan and follow it, if it's about getting better everyday then follow it, do whatever it takes to get better. Ask yourself if what you're doing is making you better, if not then stop it, if yes then continue it. One simplest plan is to never waste time, if you can just use all of your time for chasing your goals and making your life better then your life will get better, as simple as that. Stop wasting your time doing a lot of nonsense things that doesn't give you any leverage, you have to be smart. Your time is very special, it cannot be replaced, it cannot be bought, it's the most rare resources you have because it will never be free, it has no price, it cannot be measured. 


Don't please people by giving them your time, gifts, money etc. It will only drain your energy, you will only get disappointed in the end. You are not suppose to make them happy, it's their responsibility to make themselves happy. Stop buying stupid stuffs just to please people, stop giving your time for free. Remember, you are trying to change your life. The goal is to focus on improving yourself first before trying to help others, and speaking of that... how can you help others if you are broke?


This is one thing about people, anyone can improve anything, it all depends on how bad you want it to improve. You can improve your life in just one year or even less. You can improve your skills, money, mindset, health, business etc. You can start something and make it big. Hard work and dedication is the only requirement for success, and even if you didn't become successful... you can still make something better than what it use to be. Just believe and be patient, never rush the process, trust it and take it seriously. You can double your income, you can make your muscles bigger, you can add something to your business, you can strengthen your work ethic, you can work smarter and harder this time. Always look for improvement, never settle for what you have, never get stagnant and complacent, always be unpredictable and embrace the randomness of change. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


If something is bothering you, if someone is distracting you, if something is annoying you... don't react, stop talking, detach from it and never feel anything about it... ever. Love yourself, if you really love yourself then you will never let anyone affect you, you will never let anything make you feel weak or like a victim. You are the owner of your thoughts and emotions. Just don't react and stay cold, looking like a rock is power, not reacting is the real boss. If you have no reaction then they will feel your powerful energy. Focus on what you want and never let the unwanted things or situation make you feel weak. Be greater then your situation and never give up. Trust that your power to become cool is the real deal, trust that being not reactive is the way. At the end of the day you don't need to give attention to any clown, he will stop dancing once you stop giving it any attention. Don't waste time and energy for useless people and things that are not making you better, it's time to focus, it's time to concentrate on your goals and own path. Create a path and never let anyone disturb you. Create a very powerful mind that cannot be penetrated by weakness and negativity. They can hate, they can criticize you, they can try to stop you or bring you down but never let those things destroy you. You can feel powerful all the time, all it takes is being in the moment and focusing on things that empowers you. Feel yourself, never let any outside forces defeat you. Be conscious and stay still all the time, use the power of breathing. Ignore what is trying to anger you, never let anything be the controller of your thoughts and emotions. Stop being emotional and always push yourself to go to the right direction. At the end of the day they're trying to attack your mentality, focus on being cold, focus on being calm and everything that is trying to pressure you will breakdown by itself. Negative people can never defeat positive people, they will do every destructive activity to make you react but don't give them any feelings of hate or anger, you need to stay calm and understand that they're just challenging you, they are here to make you stronger. Always choose to get better and it will only happen if you will focus on yourself, focus on doing the right things that will make your life improve. Stop being a negative person because negativity is provoking you, you're better than that. The best revenge is to stop being like them, just try to become a winner by your own way. 

You don't need to talk, you don't need to react if something is trying to make you angry. Stay still, stay calm because that is one true power. Be like an immovable rock. Protect your mind and never let it become accessible by everything. Never let it become easily penetrated by nonsense information that makes you weak. Create your own thoughts, the positive ones and fully believe it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 25, 2024


Wherever you are you can build greatness over there, all you have to do is work hard and trust yourself, as simple as that. No matter what resources you have... you can still build some greatness. Even if you have less, even if you have nothing, even if you come from a poor background... you can still do something with your life and build something great. It all depends on how big your desire is. If you have a burning desire then nothing is impossible to you. You can develop it through visualizations, affirmations and of course practice. See yourself winning, see yourself working hard like a mad dog that is looking for a bone in the dessert. No time to stop, no time to whine, it's simple getting better each day and doing whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. You can do whatever you want if you will just ignore all the resistance and focus on taking it one step at a time. Where you are standing right now, where you are living... you can build some greatness there. 


Success is all about taking actions, it's all about taking chances. Your emotions is the only thing that is stopping you. You feel lazy, you feel scared, you feel doubtful all the time and you're allowing those emotions to immobilize you, and that's why you can't make a progress. Let your negative emotion be the trigger to keep going. Never lose hope, never stop, just push yourself to the limits and never give up. Keep pushing until something happen. Whenever you are scared keep going. Whenever you have doubts just start. Whenever you feel that it is difficult... just push. The idea is to never stop, never hold yourself back. Make yourself a doer, you give your best, you push yourself to the limits no matter what, you never stop and you just go for it. GO for the kill, go for what you need to do and never shy away from any challenge. Just don't stop, don't waste time and give yourself a chance to win. You can get better everyday if you will just stay committed to the grind, hustle like a desperate man. Watch yourself whenever you feel uncomfortable, your mind will always look for an easy way out, you will always look for something to do that is so much easier. The only way to get better is to push and nothing else. Stick with the process and never look for comfort. Immerse yourself in fire and just take it one step at a time. At the end of the day time is running, you are spending your time no matter what. The question is where did your time go for the whole day? it is much better if you will use your time for getting better and taking chances rather than wasting it for nonsense activities that makes you worse. Stop letting your emotions dictate where you need to do, go against your emotions and never let it win. Use your mind, stay calm and keep pushing forward, that's all you need to do. Progress will only happen if you're taking matters into your own hands. 

no excuses

Even if you are broke, even if you're unhealthy, even if you didn't finish your studies or you have no help at all... still chase greatness and build something everyday. Stay consistent and never stop, all you have to do is go for it like a raging bull, never let the lack of something stop you. Never let anything hold you down, you have to dream big, believe big and just work as hard as you can. That's the formula, believe and work hard, never let yourself down, you are doing this for yourself, you are doing this to see how far can you go. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


If you want to sleep but you know you must not sleep because you promise to yourself you will not become lazy anymore then that's it... change is happening now. If you want to eat that chocolate but you knew you must not eat it because you are trying to cure yourself and lose weight then congratulations... you are changing now. If you choose to work instead of party, if you choose to focus instead of getting distracted, if you choose to become patient instead of getting angry then congratulations because change is happening now. Change is a process, it's a forever commitment, it's not something that will happen overnight. It's dedication, it's choosing what is hard over easy, it's being responsible and not doing some stupid things... that is change. If you're always aware of what you're doing and thinking and you always choose the better options then that is change. If you're focused on steps not on the results then that is change. Because most people can't change because they're always focused on the results, they're not focusing on the steps they need to take in order to become successful. If you're embracing the exhaustion and still giving everything you've got, if you choose to continue no matter what then change is happening now. 


Always believe that you can get more, do more and be more. Always believe that you have a higher value. Go for the higher number and never think that you deserve only less. Push yourself and never settle for less. Always stretch yourself and never stop, always go for the kill. Be more and believe more. Never think that there are limits. You are unlimited, you just need to believe in yourself more. Change will happen if you will strengthen your vision. Always break your own record, always look for another level. That is how to change, it's an endless process. You make yourself more responsible, fast and alert every time you chase another higher number, it makes you move in a sense of urgency. Because if you will not push yourself then you will never change, you will remain the same weak person as yesterday. If you want to change now then set a quote, something that is very hard to reach, something that looks so impossible to achieve. Because you are unlimited, that is the reality, you are the only one who is setting limits for yourself because of your fear and insecurity. 


What is your brand? what is your identity? you've got to choose your self image and identity. Is your brand about laziness, slowness and being mediocre? or is your brand full of energy, motivation, hope and desire? you can build what kind of brand do you want, it's up to you, you are the owner of your life, you are the director of your fate. It's really up to you, what kind of human being do you want to be? what is your level? If you can do something that is hard, if you can try to do the impossible then your value will go higher, as simple as that. But your value is low because you're not setting the bar high, you're not trying to improve, you're not taking the risk. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 24, 2024


Greatness is not about winning, it's not about money or fame, it's not about success either. It's about the process, it's about not giving up and being consistent. You show up every single day with the same effort, you don't go low, you don't just do it for the sake of doing it, you give your very best no matter what. You work hard, you make mistakes, you fail and then you try again... that is what greatness is all about. You keep pushing even if you're not getting anything, you keep going and grinding, you stay strong even if you feel weak. You can't see any hope but you still try, that is your identity... you are delusional that you're going to win because you are entitled to feel delusional and believe because you're giving your all every single day. You never care about what people say, you never care about what's going on around you, you just take risk, you just give yourself a chance to win. 


You can't become great because you're playing it cute. You don't want to make mistakes, you're so afraid of being called a fool. You just want to look like a winner, you want to become flawless and untouched. You want a perfect record, you want a smooth road and that's why you can't make a breakthrough. You will never win or make a small improvement if you're always trying to shelter yourself from criticism, hate and failure. Expose yourself to harsh environment, expose yourself to failure and you will see a lot of improvement in your life especially in your mental game. Forget who you are, stop trying to look perfect all the time and just do what you need to do, handle the business. Forget about comfort, forget your fantasies, forget about dominating and just start executing. You will never make it right the first try, you will never succeed within a very short time frame, you need to be patient and trust the process. Stop trying to be liked by everyone, stop trying to look like a genius. You are not suppose to look like a perfect figure. Make your hands dirty because that's the only way to improve. You will never evolve if you're always trying to protect your image. You want to be accepted, you want to fit in, you want to win all the time, you don't want to struggle and get criticized that's why you can't see who you really are and what you can do. You need to test yourself, do something weird, follow your heart and never care if you fail. Trust your decisions, even if you fail... at least you try. Don't be like everyone else who doesn't even want to try because they're afraid of mockery and hate. It's ok to get hated, it's ok if you don't get the love at least you are being yourself. 

Greatness needs a lot of heartaches, it requires a lot of repetition and rejection, you need to undergo a lot of embarrassment and failure. It is what it is, if you want to become great then you need to start collecting failures now. Fail by yourself, don't let other people do the failing for you. Fail by doing it your way, fail by following your heart. Make your own bold decisions and go to the path where your heart is telling you. Most people are pretending to be a winner but they don't even know what greatness is all about. Greatness is taking risk big time, it's making sacrifices, it's following your own intuition even if what is on the line is really big. Greatness means you don't care if you win or lose, you just try and give yourself a chance to win. Greatness means not giving up on yourself, you pick yourself up and then you try again. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


Success loves speed, it loves early, speed creates momentum. I know you have an idea in your head but you can execute it because you're thinking too much and that is causing you too much trouble. That is derailing your progress. Being slow means you're accepting defeat, it means you don't want it bad enough. It means you're not giving your all and you're taking your life for granted. It means you don't love yourself because you're letting doubts cripple in. You are letting fear and the idea of failure take over. You need to step up your game and do what is needed. Stop focusing on BS that are pulling you down. 


You owe it to yourself to become fast, you owe it to yourself to become great. Why the hell will you move slowly if you can move fast? why will you do it tomorrow or next week if you can do it today? you're the one who is making your own life a mess. Have some structure, have some courage to act because you will never lose anything if you try. You're scared of defeat? it's just an illusion, you already won if you gave your best. If you want to become great then you need to focus on self development, believe in yourself, believe that your sacrifices and hard work will pay off one day. Never look for fast results, look for fast actions and fast decisions. Be decisive and bold. Stop thinking too much and just do whatever it takes to get better, as simple as that. You're thinking too much that's why you weren't able to take actions. At the end of the day success goes to the people who were fast and not thinking, it goes to people who are really serious in making a progress. It never goes to people who were always indecisive and procrastinating. You must have a different kind of focus if you want to get ahead in life. 


You must be good in detecting distractions, you must be good in staying away from activities that doesn't help you. You are failing or struggling because you're so addicted to thoughts and actions that sabotages you. You're too addicted with comfort and pleasures that makes you weak, rusty, slow and dumb. If you want to get to the next level then stay away from distractions. Detach from what is messing up with your mentality, your motivation comes from your thoughts, you are not motivated because you're entertaining too much BS that doesn't serve you at all. Its easy to get motivated, just visualize yourself taking actions, visualize yourself getting better and making small progress everyday. Don't look for fast results and shortcuts because it will demotivate you. Stop listening to clowns that there is an easy way to get something. You really have to work for it, focus on taking baby steps until you get there. You're harming yourself too much for the last few years because you're letting negative thoughts poison your mind, you're letting unwanted people and things distract you. Learn switch emotions and thoughts fast, learn how to shift from negative to positive vibration. If you want to become great then you need to manage your emotions very well, start practicing it, master it and you will become unstoppable. 


Difficulty doesn't matter, challenges doesn't matter, obstacles doesn't matter, what matters is you give your all. What matters is you get faster everyday and do the work. Focus is the only thing that matters. The trends, stupid gossips, stupid concerts, useless tik tok, critics from other people, dogshit of your neighbor doesn't matter. You need to be focusing on getting faster and better everyday because your life will only change if you focus on yourself. Have no time for nonsense things because it will only pull you down, you need to be smart on where you spend your time and energy. Protect your energy, protect your mind from useless subjects that are making you weak and slow. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


All of the actions you need to take, all of the hard work, sacrifices and changes... do it to get there. It's not going to be easy because you have to change and change is hard. You need to have a new personality to create a different reality, as simple as that. Because if you will not change yourself then nothing will change. It's an all or nothing situation. If you will not force yourself to take actions then you will never make a progress, it's so obvious that you need to work hard. Some people will tell you to work smarter but you can never achieve that level if you will not work hard and give your all. There is no such thing as shortcuts, there is no such thing as something for nothing. You have to grind, focus and give your all, as simple as that. You can't act like a lazy bum because it will only bring you down, it will be the reason for your failure. People fail not because they don't have a talent, the fail because they were too lazy. They will work hard for a very short time and will expect big results. Real champions will work really hard and will still wonder if it is already enough. 


Never care if it is hard, never care if you're struggling... just go, step on the gas not on the brakes. At the end of the day you can still take actions no matter what you feel, emotions should never stop you. Just take the first step, never stop, never hold yourself back. What you've been doing is correct so stop judging yourself, you can make it if you really want it. That's your power... not giving up and moving forward all the time, you have to realize this power, it is a gift. Pushing yourself to the limits is a gift that you must not take for granted, most people never use it, most people were too lazy and pretending to be weak even if they're really strong. Your power is to push and see what you can get by going further. Just step on the gas and never give up, this will make you dangerous, this will make you scary. It will make a huge impact in your life. Become a finisher, never stop when you're tired.


The truth is you can do a lot of you're not distracted the problem with you is you're distracted a lot. You're letting outside things disturb you for no reason. You have the power in your mind, you are in control here. Focus is the main component for progress, if you're not progressing then it means you're not focusing, as simple as that. Avoid distractions, watch yourself, watch your mind, check your actions and thoughts. Where are your thoughts going? what are you thinking? it's just a matter of being in the moment and following the game plan. Just stick to your game plan no matter what. Focus on what matters the most and never do anything that will stop you from progressing. Appreciate the small steps, don't judge your mistakes and give your very best no matter what. No matter what happens... move forward and work hard. It's too simple, make yourself better each day through hard work and dedication. Nothing can stop you if you will just discipline yourself and make sacrifices. You need to be locked in, you need to decide where you are headed to and go there. 

Whatever it takes to get there, you are giving yourself a favor every time you try, every time you force yourself to take actions. You are getting better, your confidence is going up, you will never be the same person anymore if you give your best and do everything you can to improve a little bit. Be consistent and always go for the attack.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


You have nothing to prove to anyone, who are they? what have they done? they will not pay your bills, they're not putting food on your table. If they don't like you so be it. They're so ordinary. Just be yourself and do your thing, if they don't like you then stop liking them too, you don't need to be nasty to them, just don't give them any attention. At the end of the day people will treat you by the way you treat them. If you are treating them too nice then they will abuse you, if you're too kind then then will become opportunistic. They will use you, they will play you and treat you like a weak person, do you want that? Stop being nice to all people, why are you pleasing them? are they going to give you some money? are they going to make your life better? definitely not so stop avoiding to look like a fool or bad, stop avoiding getting judge, it is what it is. If they like you they like you, if they don't then they don't, accept that some people will really hate you no matter how nice you are to them. 


Don't be afraid to look bad, if you're an asshole so be it but don't let other people abuse you or use you. Don't let them stop on you, man up and do something if you don't like the situation, it's either you leave or you forget them. You have nothing to lose if you look like a villain. It's not that you will punch them or something, it's just that you don't need to please them. At the end of the day they already judge you from the start.  Don't be afraid to look like a villain because it's not helping you at all, it's only making you weak because you're not being yourself. 


You're not trying to prove anything to anyone, you will become powerful if you don't care about what people say. At the end of the day their words doesn't matter at all. Their words were just sound, it will become meaningless if you don't give it any meaning, it will become powerful if you will attach it with some emotion like anger and hate. Stop hearing them and just follow your heart. You don't need to please them, you don't need to look nice all the time. Just push yourself towards your goals, entertain yourself with your own ideas. The right people who really loves you will come or stay, focus on the right people who treats you right. 


Stop being too emotional, stop being invested with feelings. Your feelings will make you crazy if you don't control it. You have to realize that it's just an emotion, it comes and it goes. You can change how the way you feel in an instant by altering your thoughts. Stop thinking about people or things that doesn't feel good to you. 


You are pleasing people because you like people. You want praises, you want likes. You're so interested with other people and that's they reason why you're so weak and depressed most of the time. Stop wanting everyone to like you and start focusing on yourself. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 22, 2024


You are worrying because you are not giving your best, you are worrying because you haven't take enough action, you are exerting a mediocre effort yet you are hoping to get the best results. You are not giving your all, you can do more but you choose to do less, that's why you are worrying a lot. You have to go and push yourself to the limits, do whatever it takes to succeed, that's the only way, stop worrying too much and spend your energy on giving your best. The goal today is to do more and worry less, stop thinking because it's only draining a lot of your energy, you will have more power if you will decide to simply give your 100 and ten percent. What the hell are you waiting for? just work and keep pushing, grinding must be your culture, it must be your number one priority. Always choose to stretch yourself, never hold yourself back, never care if you're getting tired, just work hard, you will have more energy if you are spending your energy. 


Stop wasting time and you will have an endless energy, you keep on getting tired because you're doing a lot of nonsense things, stop practicing instant gratification, stop prioritizing nonsense and time consuming activities that has no rewards. You're better than that. If you want to improve, if you want to have more energy then you need to step up your game. You have to be hungry to do the right work not the stupid one. Feel excited to be grinding and pushing. Stop wasting time because you are only depleting your energy by doing that. Enjoy the process and never give up. It's only just a matter of time before you make a breakthrough. If you don't want to worry anymore then work as hard as you can. Just like a student who is worried about his exams, he is scared because he didn't study enough. But if you really prepared, if you spend a lot of time working then you will never worry just for a second, your confidence will be above the roofs. You will feel much better, stronger if you are working hard and doing the right things. To have an endless energy you must have a strong discipline for yourself. Stop focusing on things that doesn't have an impact to your improvement. Some people think they are weak, some people think they can't do it, it's because they're not even trying, it's because they don't want to get uncomfortable. You will have more energy if you will try and force yourself to take the next step even if it feels terrible. You can have an endless energy if you will make yourself unstoppable. Because the truth is you're the only one who is stopping yourself, your stupid ideas and fears is making you weaker than ever. 


Instead of worrying just do something now, stop overthinking and just start. Start the journey, start the task. You can do more if you will avoid thinking negatively. Believe that all of your work is working. Believe that every action is the right action. You need to use your energy wisely. Thinking too much will make you weak, it will only build fear, it will attract negative situations. You need to focus on working, focus on doing positive things... it's the only way to give you more confidence. Take the fist step and then follow through. Never stop until you're done, enjoy every step that you are taking. Learn to appreciate your ability to take actions. Focus on the hustle, focus on trying to get better, focus on what you want to happen. It will take sacrifices, it's ok because it is for you. You are not doing it for other people... you are doing it for you. Every time you discipline yourself and do your responsibilities... you get mentally stronger. Why will you feel sorry for sacrificing if you are doing it for yourself? always remember that every time you do an important thing... you are doing yourself a favor, you are giving yourself a chance to experience a better life. Look at yourself, are you worrying right now? it only means you need to take action. It only means you need to shift your energy from being a worrier to a doer. 


To avoid worrying you must start early. If you need to do an important task do it and never delay. Never wait for the right time, it will never come. The right time is always now, how can you know the right answer if you're always waiting? you need to start early. Do it while you still have a lot of time because when your time is running out... you will panic, you will lose control. At the end of the day you really need to do it, why not do it now? stop delaying all the time because it's making your mentality weak, it's putting you on a worse spot. This is the best skill that you can ever have... start early, start fast and finish fast Make yourself a beast, make yourself a professional, do what you say you're going to do, never break promises because every time you do it... you are only making yourself weaker even more. If you want to become stronger then stay disciplined and focused, start early, start it fast and don't worry about making it perfect right away. Stop looking for perfection because it's the root of procrastination. You have to do it now, the best time to start is when you don't want to start. You will feel much better, secured, confident and relaxed if you will start early, it will give you more energy unlike starting late... it will only make you worried, anxious and tired even more. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


The pressure will go away if you're not trying to impress anyone, you will become yourself, you will feel loose and free, you will be able to do everything you want. How good was that? look at yourself, you are looking like a fool, you are acting so weak by trying to be liked by everyone, the question is... are they liking you? are they giving you the same energy? They will never like you no matter how hard you try to impress them, they already judged you from the very beginning. Stop thinking that you can change their minds, if they like you they like you, if they don't then there's nothing you can do to alter their feelings towards you. 


you are not here to fit in, you are here to become different, stop doing what they are doing, stop speaking the way they speak. Those fools are all the same, they don't want to get criticized by being different, they don't want to be called dumb and stupid. Don't be afraid of what they say, don't be afraid of what they think, they're just humans like you, they're nothing special, one day they're going to die too so stop respecting them too much. Who are they? they're not paying your bills, they're not putting food on your table, who are they to affect your decisions? SO what if you look weird, the more you give attention to what they say the weaker you become. The reason why you can't be yourself is because you're so afraid of getting criticized, you're so afraid of failing because you think they might judge you so badly. 


Whatever you wanted to do, whatever you needed to do... do it now. Stop waiting for the right time, execute now. Never think that you can do it tomorrow, you have to do it now and make things happen. Create a momentum. Never care about what people might say, remember that your goal is to never impress anyone, the goal is to impress yourself and do it your way. You will feel much better if you have this kind of mentality. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

Jan 21, 2024


You just want it, you don't want it bad enough that's why you will never be able to make it. It takes consistency, pride, determination, hard work and burning desire to get it. DO you have these things? are you willing to move forward even if you can't move anymore? are you willing to go further and do whatever it takes to succeed? It's easy to talk, it's what most people do. The hardest past is showing up and giving your all. If you want it so bad enough that you're willing to give up the pleasures, laziness, instant gratification, joy, happiness and comfort then you will win, as simple as that. Most people are looking for ways to become successful, they don't know that it's only inside of them. Success is not meant to be get, it's mean to be attract. You will only attract it if you're a different kind of person, someone who is deserving and insanely serious. You will never get success if you're the same person 5 or 7 years ago. You have to evolve,  you have to be faster, bolder and more decisive. You have to become a doer and not just a thinker. Anybody can talk, anybody can act like they're giving their best, anybody can fool people but only few people can do the real work. The question is... are you willing to do the real work? not just a make believe work, not just a weak work that everyone can do. Are you willing to go outside of your comfort zone and become something else? are you willing to evolve through hard work and taking risks? Success is about evolution, it is about growth, it is about self improvement. It's not about earning money or getting that house. You can have that money or house but if you're not secured of yourself then you're really not successful. You can have nothing but still feel great and successful because you just knew you're a different animal, you just knew you already have the knowledge to survive anything. You have the experience and the mental toughness to weather any kind of storm, you just knew what to do during the hard times and that is greatness already. 

A man with a lot of money will lose his confidence once he have no more money but a man equipped with the right knowledge and mindset will never crumble just for once. The real success here is strengthening your mind. You knew what to do during storm, you knew the right steps to survive and make a comeback. You never lose hope, you never lose your sanity, you're in control and you don't feel threatened of anything. The real success is having an indomitable spirit, it's having a strong mindset that will make you survive any kind of challenge. You will never be disturbed by anything that is not even worth giving any attention, you will never be shaken by any kind of problem may it be big or small. The real success is becoming a different beast, it's knowing that you can turn it on anytime you want to. It's believing in yourself that no matter what the situation is... you can survive and turn things around. Surviving is already winning, what more if you can thrive a bit? what more if you are growing little by little? you already won by not giving up, what more if you are disciplined and have the skills to make your situation better? it takes a long time practice to become a beast, it is a journey, it is a very long process but it is worth it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com


Everything on social media is fake, everything was just a marketing, everything was just trying to impress other people or make views for mo...