Jan 2, 2019


Why are you still doing it? why are you still engaging on that crap? you know that it will not make your life better, you know that it will only bring suffering to your life then why in the world are you still doing it? you know better but you are not doing better, you know what will give you something but you are still pretending that you don't know it. It's time to wake up, slap yourself and go to a different direction, if it's too comfortable then it has no rewards, learn to face the discomfort and you will see how good you are, you will be stretched, you will become a different person.

Too much comfort will bring your life down, the truth is.. it is only comfortable in the beginning but your life suck in the end. Just like playing a video game, it's only comfortable in the beginning, it is fun but when the bills were already there, when your tummy is getting bigger and laziness is taking over... it feels so bad right? you will become depressed, you feel like being stuck in a mud.

Temporary pleasures, instant gratification... these things are all meaningless, it will not even give you something so why still do it? You're already a grown up man, you know what is best for you, you know what will make your life better, it's time for you to decide what is the best for your life, it's time to discipline yourself.

Do what will give rewards in the end, stop doing things that will make you sick, slow and poor. Wake up, you've been sleeping for so long, if you want to have a better life then you need to work harder than yesterday, you need to make your efforts stronger.

Drinking too much, being lazy, wasting your money, having a good time... these craps will never make you prosper, it will make your life more difficult in the end.

Do what is hard and your life will become easy, do what is easy and your life will become hard... as simple as that. Most people were blinded by the work YOLO, they thought that life is all about having fun, they thought that life were suppose to live by just partying, spending and trying to look cool.

Life is not suppose to be cool all the time, life is suppose to be faced, you need to have a real life, you need to face the reality. If you are fat then why keep eating junk foods? if you're poor then why keep spending your money for things that are not important? If you want to change your life then why keep doing the same things over and over again? why keep entertaining thoughts that will not even help you? you know what is good for you, you know what will make your life better, it's time to wake up and do the things that really does matter. You know what is best for your life, it's time for you to do it.

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This is simply about mastering your emotions, controlling your feelings or else it will control you. Stay neutral all the time, never judge ...