Something that powers your mind. It is about motivation, self discipline, mental toughness, success, self development, achieving goals, techniques and ways to give you advantages in life.
Nov 30, 2018
The poor wants more, the poor always want more, they were never satisfied, they want more but they are willing to work less.
They want more friends, they want more shoes, more things, more shirts, more parties, more shopping time. Basically... they want to spend more, they never get satisfied, they don't know how to practice delayed gratification. They were always looking for something, they want it fast but they are moving slow. The rule is... if you want it fast then you need to take actions fast, stop waiting, stop looking for the right timing.
Look at yourself, are you a consumer or a saver? do you easily fall into the temptation? are you itching to have more but you are exerting a poor effort? do you want to have a lot of friends? do you want a lot of shirts? do you want a lot of food? is there something always missing in your life? if yes then you have a poor mentality, you don't have the abundance mentality.
The poor were always jealous, once they see a person wearing this they will also buy it. Once they see that their neighbor has a new car or television, they will also buy one. They think they need to have this or have that without the willingness to sacrifice.
In life, if you want to have something then you need to give something. If you want more then you need to work more, as simple as that. The problem with poor people is they were hungry for no reason, they were not hungry for success, they were hungry for buying stupid stuffs that will make them even broke.
So if you want to become rich... you have to fight temptation, you have to fight that urge to always want more. Know what you really need, know what you really want, you have to prioritize your financial security first before anything else, you have to make sure everything is being taken care of before you buy something.
You only need few friends, few shirts, small circle, few shoes, you don't need a lot because having a lot will consume a lot of your time and energy. Your focus for a bigger picture will get disturbed. Be humble, have less, have a simple life, you can buy something but make sure you will always use it. Don't buy something just because you feel like buying it, don't associate your life with people who are not even worth it.
The poor people wants to have this or have that to impress other people, they were simply trying to fit in, they want to look good but deep inside they really feel bad.
If you want to become rich, you should just focus on creating money, I mean a lot of money, stop focusing on buying things, stop focusing on consuming more because you will not even use all of those things. Look at the house of a poor family... it's full of crap, it's full of things that they get from credit cards, they have multiple television, multiple this and multiple that and the result is multiple debts.
You need to think right, remember that delayed gratification is so powerful, only buy things if you have a lot of extra money.
Nov 29, 2018
Ok your excuse was already heard, now what? what is your plan now? making excuses again? pretending that your weak again and you can't do something with your life?
The reality is if you will keep making excuses then your'e dead, your will never become successful, you will falter in the future. If you keep making excuses then you will never have that habit to change your life, you will always find a way how to get out from a difficult situation.
Stop making excuses and you will be able to change your life, destroy all of your excuses and you will be surprised with the achievements that you might get.
People were so weak, just a little discomfort is making them quit, once they learned that they were not on their comfort zone anymore... they will panic, they will immediately look for help or excuses. That's not how to live life, that's not how to get ahead. If you really wanted to win in life and become successful then you need to embrace discomfort.
After quitting, after making excuses... now what? where are you headed to? what is your next plan? starting something and then will quit again once you realize that it's hard? you will be on a rat race if you keep doing that.
Be ashamed of yourself, you can do more, you can push more but you choose to become weak, you choose to feel weak and useless. What is the use of your life if you will not push and see what is possible for your life?
Drag yourself to take actions, slap your face if you need to just to wake yourself up. You've been weak for years, making excuses is making you weak, you need to step up your game and face all the challenges in front of you, face the pain of taking actions, start fast and finish strong.
Excuses will only excuse you for a second, it will never cover your shortcomings forever, you will feel weak and powerless every time you make an excuse, you will feel worthless and useless.
What are you waiting for? what are you stopping for? move now and start changing your life, it is what it is, it is hard, what happened already happened. You have to be moving now and make a move.
Stop acting like there are more tomorrows so you can relax now and stop pushing. The world may end now, your life may end now so you need to make a move and give everything you've got. There is something you can do about it, you have to be strong, you have to be forceful, you have to take matters into your own hands. Starting today give your best, give your strongest effort.
So wake up, you've been sleeping for a very long time, your eyes were wide open but you're not yet conscious, you are still pretending that you can't do something about it. Start now and finish fast, go for the kill, be a killer, be a finisher.
Nov 28, 2018
You thought it was hard, you thought it's too impossible but you haven't give your very best yet so keep going. The fight is not yet over, you still have a chance, it may look slim but it still a chance. Even if your chance is only .0002% still take it and utilize it.
Even if you feel that there is no more chance... still keep going, give yourself a chance, never hold back, never think that something might go wrong. Just be in the moment and give your very best so you won't have any regrets in the end.
It's all about taking actions and not procrastinating, it's all about moving forward. Moving forward is not hard, it's not impossible. It is true that your goal or the task in front of you might look impossible but moving forward and doing something is always possible. Nothing can stop you if you will decide to keep going no matter what.
Be happy if you're taking actions that is the key, don't feel sad if the result is not showing up. Just be happy if you're taking actions and you will always move forward no matter what.
Don't ever think if it's easy or hard... just keep moving forward and see what is possible for your life. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, don't be afraid of failing.
If there is a will there is a way, use your willpower, use your energy and skills. Who knows what will happen next? nobody knows what will happen next so never count yourself out.
Don't ever quit and you already won. It will be harder as you go along the way but it will be easier if you will make the process simple. Make it simple by just moving fast and disciplining yourself, just do what is needed and focus on the task ahead of you.
It only becomes impossible if you have no plan of finishing it. Surrender to the process, take massive actions and make movement and small progress as your number one priority.
You have the tools to become successful, you have what it takes to become triumphant. Forget that it's hard and just take it one step at a time. Again, forget about succeeding or failing, just take actions and never stop until you know the results.
Stop thinking a lot, stop worrying because it will never help you, what will happen will happen, all you have to do is give your best and that's it. You are complicating things by filling your mind with crowded thoughts.
You can make your life easier by focusing on what you want and disconnecting on what you don't want. Think about the thoughts that makes you feel good, never entertain negative thoughts that will make your life heavier.
Always think that it is possible, always think that you have a chance. And your chance becomes bigger as you work harder. Work hard but don't be hard on yourself if you can't meet the expectations that you set for yourself.
Study your past, look at the small or big success that you achieved. Look at the process that you undergo, you will think that it's easy because you are enjoying it. For other people it's hard but for you it's easy because you are enjoying it.
You can enjoy anything no matter how hard it is, it's all in your perspective, it's all in your willingness to move or not.
Nov 27, 2018
If you can become an alpha male or female then you will become free, you will be in control, you will become happier than ever. CONFIDENCE is the key, you have to increase it every now and then, you have to become the most confident you and show the world that you mean business and you are not here to become a follower. It takes time to become an alpha male but it will happen, just keep practicing and you will have that confidence.
1. Do it your way. Doing it your way will make you confident, I mean very very confident. Do it according to your rules, be happy with the small progress that you are getting, always remember that life is a process, it's not a final destination, it's not a final result, for as long as your'e doing it your way then you will be alright. Do it your way will give you confidence because you will feel powerful, you will see that you can do it for as long as you believe in yourself.
2. Don't be afraid to get criticized. Just laugh at the critics because even if you're already the greatest... someone will still criticize you, it's not about being perfect, it's about being ready to take actions all the time and make more results than expected.
3. Fail a lot of times. Failing a lot of times will make you very confident, it's because you're no longer afraid of failing, it will never make you feel bad anymore. Making a lot of mistakes will give you a lot of knowledge and with enough knowledge comes more confidence, you will become an alpha male if you're willing to take the blame and make a lot of mistakes. Take full responsibility of your actions... Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to go wrong.
4. Make taking actions as your default. If you will take massive actions then you will become confident even more. Inaction will build doubts and fears, actions will build strong belief in yourself. Keep moving forward even if you don't know what's going to happen next, keep moving forward while you still can, the right path will be discovered if you are relentless and dynamic. Don't rest, don't stop, never care if you're tired... just push yourself to the limits.
5. Fake the confidence. Think that you already have it even if you don't have it yet. Take risks, believe that you will win, believe that you can do it. Fake it till you make it, some successful people were not confident in the beginning but they manage to become confident because they have a plan and that plan is to keep moving forward all the time despite of being scared.
Always remember that fear will go away every time you take actions. Fear will never go away but if you can build a habit of just doing it and making decisions fast then fear will become weak, you will never even believe that it is there.
Nov 26, 2018
What's wrong with you? there is nothing wrong with you, you just don't have the habits to move, you're too lazy, you're too picky and you want results fast... that is what is wrong with you. If you will just move now and do something that will move you forward or give you a little bit of a progress then you will never worry anymore.
There is nothing wrong with you, your life is good, your life is amazing, you have everything you need, all you need to do is keep moving forward and stay away from trouble, stop making your life more miserable, just do one positive thing at a time and you're good, just be safe, you don't need to dominate right away, you don't need to become a winner right away, just be safe and make a little improvement each day.
Most people were too lazy and making excuses that's why they can't make it in their lives, they were looking for something too much that they were completely lost and cannot do something about their lives anymore. It's very simple, work hard very simple and be appreciative with your life, be grateful, don't make your life complex, you can simplify it through hustle and patience.
If you want to impress people, if you want to become the number one then that's they time you will look last, nobody will love you, nobody will appreciate you. Success should happen naturally, you don't need to force people to like you nor praise you, just be yourself and everything will be handled by itself naturally.
Just keep moving forward and that's it, there is nothing else to worry about. Sometimes you are always looking for happiness, appreciation and dominance that's why you can't make it in life anymore, you're always lost even if the way is already in front of you.
Just do it, just start it, just make it, stop thinking too much, stop thinking about what is not in your life. Always remember that everything you need is already inside of you.
Don't be scared of losing something, don't be scared of losing everything. You will get everything back, you can become very creative, you can be the authority, be the master of your own journey.
If you feel so lazy today, all you need to do is start, don't look for perfection, just focus on hustling everyday and everything will fall into your hands naturally.
Stop being a diva, stop making too much dramas and just focus on getting better each second, focus on making something that will propel you to improvement, you don't need to become great right away, you don't need to become successful right away... just start, just enjoy the process and trust that everything is working. Even if you can't see success yet, trust that everything will work out in the end.
The key is to stop looking for perfection, stop looking for a flawless ride. There will be troubles, there will be challenges but you can overcome all the difficulties of life if you keep moving forward and stay true to yourself.
There's nothing wrong with you, there is nothing missing in your life, you're just being too soft and picky.
Sometimes you will feel really lost, you will feel really stupid and weak, you are doubting yourself, fear is starting to take over your life. You need to rise up, find a way, find a cure, find something that will put you on a better position.
The truth is... your eyes were open but you are still falling asleep, you're not doing anything to make yourself better. You're like a clown. You always play games, you're not even serious and now you are acting like the world owes you something, you will only be taken seriously if you are serious with work.
Even if you're suffering, even if you can't find a momentum... the world doesn't care, you have to do what you need to do, there is no more turning back right now. It is what it is, you can't find a way because you're not looking for it hard enough, a little discomfort is bothering you. But guess what? life will never become comfortable ever.
You can only find it if you keep plodding, you can only see it if you start working hard and never stop no matter what. Don't stop at all, what's the use of stopping? it will never ever give you any progress at all.
Just try something new, never stop trying, never stop failing it's ok to fail over and over again, be happy if you are failing because it means you are getting closer and closer to success.
Destroy all the things that are not helping you at all, it's time to make a move, it's time to get serious. What are you waiting for? Christmas? Valentines day? stop being soft and force yourself to take actions. You've been sleeping for a very long time, you've been sleeping since your childhood, it's time to man up and get serious with your goals, be bold with your intentions. Show them that you really want it, show them that you are willing to die for it.
Your dream will never die if you will not give up, keep the fire burning, make your dreams come true.
You only have little time in this world, there is no room for wasting time, you have to treat your time like the most valuable resources in this world. That's the difference between a successful person and a failure... the successful person knows that he only have limited time in this world and he needs to make a move now or else it will be too late, the successful person doesn't want to have any regrets in life so he will just push himself to become successful, he doesn't care, all he knows is he needs to take an action.
If there is will there is a way, this quote has been used for so man years, you need to use it again, use your willpower, use all of your time and energy to make yourself successful. Nobody will do it for you, you have to make it happen before it's too late.
The truth is... your eyes were open but you are still falling asleep, you're not doing anything to make yourself better. You're like a clown. You always play games, you're not even serious and now you are acting like the world owes you something, you will only be taken seriously if you are serious with work.
Even if you're suffering, even if you can't find a momentum... the world doesn't care, you have to do what you need to do, there is no more turning back right now. It is what it is, you can't find a way because you're not looking for it hard enough, a little discomfort is bothering you. But guess what? life will never become comfortable ever.
You can only find it if you keep plodding, you can only see it if you start working hard and never stop no matter what. Don't stop at all, what's the use of stopping? it will never ever give you any progress at all.
Just try something new, never stop trying, never stop failing it's ok to fail over and over again, be happy if you are failing because it means you are getting closer and closer to success.
Destroy all the things that are not helping you at all, it's time to make a move, it's time to get serious. What are you waiting for? Christmas? Valentines day? stop being soft and force yourself to take actions. You've been sleeping for a very long time, you've been sleeping since your childhood, it's time to man up and get serious with your goals, be bold with your intentions. Show them that you really want it, show them that you are willing to die for it.
Your dream will never die if you will not give up, keep the fire burning, make your dreams come true.
You only have little time in this world, there is no room for wasting time, you have to treat your time like the most valuable resources in this world. That's the difference between a successful person and a failure... the successful person knows that he only have limited time in this world and he needs to make a move now or else it will be too late, the successful person doesn't want to have any regrets in life so he will just push himself to become successful, he doesn't care, all he knows is he needs to take an action.
If there is will there is a way, this quote has been used for so man years, you need to use it again, use your willpower, use all of your time and energy to make yourself successful. Nobody will do it for you, you have to make it happen before it's too late.
Nov 22, 2018
What is your life? what are you doing everyday? what are you focusing on? Your mind is consumed with your reality, no matter how much you deny it your reality is based on your thoughts and actions.
It is true that sometimes there will be circumstances and situations that you don't wish or think about but it happens, life is just like that, sometimes you will manifest something that you are not even expecting or thinking but the good thing about life is you are still in control.
You can still change the outcome of your life, it depends on what you are thinking, what you will do and what you are doing at the moment. You're always in full control, there will be times when you will be out of control but you can always get the control back. It's only a matter of making the right decisions and putting your time and energy on the right things that will build your reality.
Look at the drug addicts, their lives were purely about addiction, it's about destruction. No matter what excuses they make and no matter how many people they blame, they can never change the fact the they are the destroyer of their own lives, their lives were all about sniffing cocaine and doing negative things, their world revolves on doing stupid stuffs that puts them in danger.
What is your life all about? if it is about making money then just make money, make money all day, think about money, do something to earn money every single second or minute of the day. Make money as your addiction, make it your number one priority.
Your life is all about what you're doing at the moment, look at those successful athletes... their lives were all about getting stronger everyday, they were focused on training, they were focused on getting everyday and that is why they were successful, they were not doing anything other than becoming better each day. They don't focus on negativity, they don't focus on laziness... they were simply all about training and making themselves better.
If you're all about negativity then you will get negative things, if you'er all about positivity then you will get positive opportunities. Focus your energy onto something and you will get what is near from it. If you are focused on getting money then you will get money as simple as that. If you are focused on spending then you will lose a lot of money. You will reap what you sow.
But the good thing about life is you can change fast, you can change now if you want to. Just focus on what you want to get and get it no matter what, focus on what you want to happen and think about it all day long. Entertain your life with actions that are positive and will make you happier and better.
Do you want your life to become all about winning? then keep winning everyday. Keep building winning habits, stop he loser's mentality. Winning is all about pushing forward and making yourself uncomfortable.
Nov 21, 2018
Life is so sweet, life is good. All you need to do is be a little bit smarter in living your life. Don't try to complicate it. It's all up to you if you want to make your life better or bitter. It's all in your mind, it's all in your actions, what you are focusing upon will be your reality, remind yourself about it. What you are seeing, what you are looking will be your reality, as simple as that. So if you are focusing on poverty then you will get poverty, if you are focused on riches then you will get riches. Plant your mind the right thoughts and you will have an easier and better life.
Sometimes there will be challenges, sometimes life will be hard but that's ok, it's all part of the process so don't worry if you feel bad, don't worry if everything is not going on your way. Just keep persevering and life will become easier in the end. Those who persevere will be blessed, those who never quit will always win.
1. Make your life simple. Make it simple, don't look for what is missing in your life, be appreciative, say thank you all the time. Be thankful of the blessings that you are getting, be thankful of the best things that are coming into your life.
2. Avoid toxic friends. You know who are the right friends, you know who are the toxic friends. Stop associating yourself with friends who are liability and energy sucker. It's better to be alone than to associate your life with people who are just making you feel bad. The right people will come into your life if you will just focus on making yourself better. Don't try to impress anyone, don't try to look good just to get someone's attention. Someone will appreciate you, someone will value your worth.
3. Be patient. Life is not about being fast, life is not about getting fast. You just have to take actions and trust that the universe will reward you in the end. Be patient, don't rush it, don't force it too much. Everything will flow, everything will happen on the right time. There is a timing for everything you just need to trust more and give more.
4. Remind yourself what you really want in life. Sometimes you don't know what you really want that's why you're completely lost. Think of what you want and focus on it. Put your time and energy on it and it will be yours, it will manifest fast.
5. One goal at a time. Don't transfer to another goal if you haven't finish the present goal yet, one goat at a time, you can never achieve everything all at once, don't be too greedy. You're not a super human so never try to wish for everything, just take it one at a time so your life will not be stressed/
6. Keep yourself busy. Always keep taking actions, never get complacent. If you are lazy and not moving then that's the time you will get depressed, that's the time you will entertain problems that are not all worth it. Keep yourself busy do something good in your life, improve all the time.
7. Be Rich. Money will give you protection, security. You will become more creative if you are rich, you can do a lot of things and help more people if you have a lot of money. Worry will lessen if you have a lot. But make sure to know what is more and what is less, sometimes you already have enough but you can't control yourself achieving more and the result is tragedy. Keep pushing for money but don't ever feel bad if your expectations were not being met.
8. Don't be needy. Have that self reliance, if you can do something about it then do it yourself. Trust yourself, never let somebody do it for you because it will only bring disappointments in the end. Always think that you are in control of your destiny so if you can do it on your own then don't wait, do it now, start now. Help will come naturally if you need it, you don't need to always look for it.
Nov 19, 2018
Worrying will kill you, it will destroy all the cells in your brain, a lot of people have a miserable life because of too much worrying. They worry for no reason at all, they want to be in control, they want to have a perfect situation. They want security. The truth is... even if you are rich or powerful your life is still not secured, life is full of randomness, the only thing you can do is stop looking at the future, just live your life, stop worrying because what will happen will happen, you can never get a hold on everything, just go with the flow and enjoy your life as much as you can.
1. Always remember that life is short. What if you're going to die tomorrow? are you going to spend most of your time worrying for today? life is too short, you never know what may happen next so all you can do is be happy for today and never let any small problem destroy your day. Worrying is only making your life miserable, why worry if you can do something about it? You're not in control of everything but you are in control of your mind and actions. Focus on what you can control and that is your own life.
2. Be in the moment. If you feel bad now keep feeling it, if you are scared now keep feeling that fear, don't try to escape the situation, don't fast forward and look for the day to end so fast. If it is a long day then try to make it longer, be happy with what is going on no matter how bad it may look. Be in the moment, avoid short cuts, avoid feeling bad if something you don't like is happening. Enjoy every second that is happening in your life because there is no more going back, once a second passed... you can never get it back anymore.
3. Be ok with the randomness of life. Something good or bad may happen, life is so unpredictable, be ok if something surprises you, just remember that you can never control everything, what will happen will happen even if you try so hard to stop it. The best thing to do is embrace everything, so what if you suck, so what if you lose, so what if you get hungry. Life is only about breathing, for as long as you are breathing you are fine, there is nothing else to worry about.
4. Stay with the basics. Make life simple, stay with the basics, do what you know, keep improving, it doesn't matter if you're the greatest or not, it doesn't matter if you're at the bottom. Just stay with the basics and keep living your life they way you needed to live it. Keep it simple don't complicate it, you can strive for more but don't get mad if your intention doesn't come into fruition. Take it one step at a time and just enjoy taking small actions.
5. Just give your very best. Just give your very best, if you're pushing a little bit and you're a little bit uncomfortable then you're already giving your best. If you will give your best then you will never have any regrets in the end.
6. Stop trying to please people. Stop trying to convince people that you are right, stop trying to validate yourself, you don't need validation, give yourself the authority to become creative and do it your way. Trying so hard pleasing them will make you not being yourself anymore, pleasing people will give too much worry on your side because you will always think about what's going on inside of their head.
7. Be ok with critics. Always remember that you're no special, it's ok if they criticize you, it's ok if they say nasty things about you. There is no pressure if you will not treat yourself as something special, just keep doing what you're doing and feel free to do anything you want.
There are lot of stuffs going inside of your head, you are playing with a lot of thoughts that were not even helping. Your mind is crowded that's why you can't have that focus that you needed to become successful in life. Your mind, once it is focused on something then you will get that something, the reason why you're completely lost is because you keep telling yourself that you're going to achieve this but you're doing something that is not even related to your goal.
BE A SINGLE MINDED PERSON. Go to your goal, remember your goal so you won't be lost. If your goal is to become a millionaire this year then do everything to earn your first million. Stop thinking about the obstacles, stop thinking about the problems that you may face, just do it and never stop taking actions, be a relentless guy who is willing to do whatever it takes just to win in life.
Stop thinking about your neighbor's dog, stop thinking if your enemy's car is better than yours, stop thinking if Lebron James is really better than Kobe Bryant, none of those things matters into your life. The only thing that matters is what really matters and that's making your life a little bit better than yesterday.
Take care of your mind, stop putting something that will make it weak. Being a single minded person will make you reach your dreams fast. If your mind is full of crappy thoughts then you will never accomplish something, you will always be misdirected, you will always lose your way. If you want to become a winner then stop thinking about a lot of things.
If what you need is money then just think about money, stop thinking about food, stop thinking about the next big star in american idol, just think about money and do something for money. Soon you will get it, the manifestation will become faster if you will never entertain negative thoughts or other thoughts that is not related to your goal.
Because you will only go crazy if you're thinking about different things, you will worry a lot, you will become scared.
So if you need to pass all of your subjects this semester than just think about passing. Stop thinking about the terror professors, stop thinking about your small allowance, stop thinking about your crush that is dating another guy... it will only break your heart. Think about passing, prioritize what really matters to you and keep thinking about it, keep doing something for it.
You need to make your mind right, you need to fill it with the right thoughts. Treat your mind like a sacred place and make sure not negativity will enter it. Once you think about some negative thought... get rid of it right away.
Do this for the next 30 days... only think about your goal, do everything you can to get it and you will be surprised with the rapid progress that you are getting to become closer to it.
Nov 18, 2018
Most people in this world are all quitters, they will find an excuse, once they saw that it is too uncomfortable... they will quit and find a way out, they will never persevere anymore. That's most people do, that's why most people were failing, that's why most people were depressed and going crazy.
It' doesn't matter if you'tr good, skilled, rich or not. The only thing that matters is your perseverance and endurance.
You will know how strong you are if there is a big challenge in front of you. And even if it's just a small challenge, even of it was just a small task, some people will make excuses, some people will face it, some people will find a way. It's all up to you, just remember that people who push through no matter what are more happier than people who just make excuses, people who fight until the and and get done what needs to be finished have no regrets or whatsoever.
Excuses are for losers, every time I make an excuse I always feel like a loser, I always feel that I could have done better and the results were much better but it's too late to change it, there is nothing I can do about it anymore. Most people were entertaining out of the world excuses.
You can find a way if you will seek for it hard enough, all you have to do is stay focused, all you have to do is do it, do whatever you can and stop acting weak, be fast, be aggressive, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Look at your life, was it all about excuses or was it all about trying to win and doing whatever it takes? the choice is yours, you can still thrive despite of being lazy, it's all about forcing yourself to move and enduring the difficult moments, it's all about persevering until the end.
Life is not easy so get use to it, even if you're already rich or have some money... life is not going to be easy, challenges will come, difficult moments will stun you. The only question is are you willing to make your life better by taking actions? are you willing to give some to get some? give some effort to get some strong results.
Again, the era where lazy people thrives no longer exist, this is an era of hard working people, this is an era were effort is the only thing that matters. Can you exert the strongest effort that you can exert?
You may never see the way right away but you will see it in the end, you will see it when the going is really hard, you will not see it when everything is easy, you will see it when everything is hard.
Hustle is the exact word, just keep hustling and you will find a way, keep hustling and your problems were already solved.
Excuses will never save you, keep that in your mind, excuses will only destroy your life. Stop making excuses and just do what you want to do, do what you need to do. Excuses will make you weak, actions will make you stronger, start now and find a way.
The winners in this world never made a single excuse at all, they know what needs to be prioritized, if the need to make a time for their friends they make it, if they need to finish an urgent task they finish it even if they lack the sleep, they were all about execution and not making excuses.
Nov 16, 2018
Being a successful entrepreneur is not that hard. Everyone can become an entrepreneur, everyone can become successful like me. I was once a bum before, I am a slave of a company, I work for 16 hours a day and sometime even 24 but I found out that I am only killing myself, I found out that it's the company that is getting rich and not me.
It's not that I don't wan to work hard, I am a fan of hard work, you can see on my previous articles that I am preaching hard work, I trust it and I will never stop using it. Hard work is already attached with my life and it's my culture. I even preach it to my family and friends.
Why did I become an entrepreneur?
I decided that I don't want to become a slave anymore. I am not even calling myself entrepreneur because that term is overrated, that was an arrogant term because most people call themselves an entrepreneur just for the sake of raising themselves. But for me everyone is an entrepreneur if he chooses to. I think of myself as a freeman that can do everything I want whenever I want, however I want.
I am so sick and tired of following my boss, I though he is better than me but I found out that it's not the skill... it's the belief that will make you successful, plus if you paired it with hard work then you will become unstoppable.
Be careful of people who are claiming that they are successful entrepreneur because some of them are just targeting your money, they want you to buy their products, you will soon realize that you are just wasting money for their products because your life is not even improving.
Here are the 5 steps to become a successful entrepreneur.
1. Don't listen to them. Listen only to your heart, never listen to what people say because they will manipulate your mind and make you weak, you will lose confidence if you believe them. You need to believe in yourself, what they say that you can't done can be done if you will persevere and give your best every single day. If you will listen to them then you will lose your creativity, you will lose your unique side.
2. Work harder than anybody else. Trust hard work, if you will grind to the point where you can't grind anymore then you will see the right path for you, you need to almost kill yourself through hard work, it doesn't matter if you get tired. Always remember that emotions plays no part at all for success. You will become a very successful entrepreneur if you work like an animal.
3. Don't spend too much. Be wise in using your money, remember you are the boss here but you don't have a fixed income. Some times are feast, some times are famine. You have to have some savings so you will never lose control in times of danger. A successful entrepreneur is always ready to succeed and always ready to persevere when tough times come to his life. Save money as much as you can so you will have a lot of room for breathing.
4. Never give up. Real entrepreneurs will never give up. Expect that life will become hard and there will be challenges along the way. You will never succeed on the first try for sure so don't ever expect an easy path. There will be unexpected events, sometimes you feel that you're almost there but you will fall hard. Th most genius thing to do as an entrepreneur is to promise yourself to never give up no matter what. Be tough as nails, even of you're suffering too much.. never give up because suffering is just part of the design.
5. Fall in love with the small progress. Get addicted to action, fall in love with the small progress, never get tired waiting. Success will be a long process, all you can do is entertain yourself with the small success that you are getting, even if it is only giving small improvements to your status. Once you become really patient and you are making small progress everyday then success will come faster than expected.
Nov 14, 2018
You're already good, you have a good life now, sometimes you can't see it because you're always looking for something better and you're not good in appreciating your own life but the truth is you're already good, you have a good life. You just need to accept that you already have everything you need to live, if you can just make yourself happy all the time by drawing the state from within then everything is almost perfect.
It's all about being satisfied, if you're really happy with your life and you're not worrying about tomorrow then your life is already perfect. IT'S CALLED BEING IN THE MOMENT, but don't get me wrong, you are still free to dream about bigger things of life, you can still become ambitious.
There is nothing wrong with hoping for more and being a little bit greedy but you also need to realize that living a happy life is all about not being jealous of what other people are getting, it's not about shaming your life, it's about being happy with what you have and not feeling bad if you can't get what you want.
You're good where you are, it doesn't matter if your enemy is more successful than you, he can never make you feel jealous if you will just ignore him. What makes you feel bad is your insecurity, you always look to other people's lives. Just focus on your own life, focus on your own growth because that is how to live a happy life, focus on your own journey and never mind what other people are doing. It's like you are directing your own movie and you are the main character.
Never think that it's all you can do because you can always do more and be more. It all depends on how strong you push, it all depends on how bad do you want it.
The lesson is... feel happy with what you have but don't be afraid to get more. If you are fully satisfied with what you have and you think you;re really happy and don't need to impress others then you're good but if part of you is itching to get more then go for it, don't make excuses, stop holding yourself back... just go for it.
You can do more and achieve more if you will start now, stop procrastinating and just make small progress every now and then, the right time is now. Stop watching TV, stop watching porn, go ahead and follow your dreams because that is the only thing that will make you happy.
Destroy the idea of always looking for comfort, remind yourself that chasing success is really not comfortable, you will bleed, you will go crazy, sometimes you even need to isolate yourself so get over it, do what is best for your life and forget about getting good emotions. Success requires feeling the discomfort everyday, it requires you to almost go insane. If you're not suffering yet then you're not near, you're too far from being successful.
Go further as much as you can, make sure you will have no regrets in the end, make sure you will try the hardest and work the hardest so you will never blame yourself in the end if you fail.
Nov 12, 2018
If it is not making an impact then it is useless, stop doing it because you're just wasting a lot of time. Making an impact is what you need to be focusing upon, making an impact is hard but it's the only thing that is making a result.
Just like giving some money to your parents, if you will only give ten dollars to your parents will it make an impact? can it buy some healthy foods? can it make your parents happy? maybe they will be touched because their son is a little bit concerned for them but let's face it... that will never make any impact at all. What if your parents need to buy some medicines that are worth 100 dollars? what if your parents need to pay their bills? that ten dollar was a piece of garbage, that will never save them.
But if you will give them 150 dollars or more then it will somehow make an impact, it will put a smile on their face, it will put a smile on anybody's face. It has a little bit impact, the lesson is... the bigger you give the more it will create an impact. Don't give something that is funny, don't be a joke, you know what will help and what will not.
Just like in shredding your body and cutting your weight, do you think that running 15 minutes a day will make an impact? it will in the long run, it's a starting point but if you want to get faster results then 45 minutes to one hour a day will make a real impact. It's harder, it's more boring, it's not fun bit it will make an impact for sure. The harder it is the stronger impact it can give.
Most people were too soft, they think that what they can do now is all they can do. They will never push the envelop, they will never try to achieve a greater height.
It's all about pushing, it's all about making yourself uncomfortable. If you're too comfortable then you're not making an impact. You're just fooling yourself.
You have to go hard, you have to go bigger. Exert more effort, give more, you know what will help and what doesn't. Stop pretending that you are doing the right thing if you knew honestly that it's not helping at all.
If you will do something make sure you will give a lot of time for it. Make sure you will work hard and make yourself a little bit uncomfortable. That's how to make an impact, that's how to make a difference.
1. You do something and you are confident that people are happy for what you've done.
2. People are talking about it even if you're not talking about it.
3. More people are starting to appreciate you.
4. What you've done is changing someone's life, it is making a life easier.
5. You feel happy and satisfied.
Just like giving some money to your parents, if you will only give ten dollars to your parents will it make an impact? can it buy some healthy foods? can it make your parents happy? maybe they will be touched because their son is a little bit concerned for them but let's face it... that will never make any impact at all. What if your parents need to buy some medicines that are worth 100 dollars? what if your parents need to pay their bills? that ten dollar was a piece of garbage, that will never save them.
But if you will give them 150 dollars or more then it will somehow make an impact, it will put a smile on their face, it will put a smile on anybody's face. It has a little bit impact, the lesson is... the bigger you give the more it will create an impact. Don't give something that is funny, don't be a joke, you know what will help and what will not.
Just like in shredding your body and cutting your weight, do you think that running 15 minutes a day will make an impact? it will in the long run, it's a starting point but if you want to get faster results then 45 minutes to one hour a day will make a real impact. It's harder, it's more boring, it's not fun bit it will make an impact for sure. The harder it is the stronger impact it can give.
Most people were too soft, they think that what they can do now is all they can do. They will never push the envelop, they will never try to achieve a greater height.
It's all about pushing, it's all about making yourself uncomfortable. If you're too comfortable then you're not making an impact. You're just fooling yourself.
You have to go hard, you have to go bigger. Exert more effort, give more, you know what will help and what doesn't. Stop pretending that you are doing the right thing if you knew honestly that it's not helping at all.
If you will do something make sure you will give a lot of time for it. Make sure you will work hard and make yourself a little bit uncomfortable. That's how to make an impact, that's how to make a difference.
1. You do something and you are confident that people are happy for what you've done.
2. People are talking about it even if you're not talking about it.
3. More people are starting to appreciate you.
4. What you've done is changing someone's life, it is making a life easier.
5. You feel happy and satisfied.
Don't worry if you have a problem, don't worry if you are facing a hard challenge right now... it's ok. Don't panic, don't worry, don't ever think that you've been punished, don't every think that it's bad luck.
Always remember that you will never face a problem that you can't handle. It's just a problem, it's nothing, it's no bigger than you. All you need to do is figure it out, sometimes you don't even need to figure it out, sometimes you just need to keep plodding and act normal. Just do the basics, never complicate it nor do some stupid things.. All you need to do is stop making your problem bigger and just do something to make it smaller, do it again and again until your problem is solve.
Just focus, don't think about partying, don't think about escaping, don't ever blame someone for your problems... just do a small thing to make the problem smaller, as simple as that.
Be a man, never try to shy away from pressure, never try to hide behind your mama's skirt, just do it. There is something you can do about it so do it.. You're a grown man now, and even if you're not yet an adult... you can still solve your problems. Stop acting like it's big, stop acting like your problem cannot be solved because that is only making excuses, that is making yourself weak.
Look for the problem, there is a problem for sure at the moment and then face it. BOOM!!!! face it and once it is done you will no longer become afraid of any problems that might show along the way.
Look at the first time drivers on the highway... they manage to go home safe right? they were so scared in the beginning, they were so scared that something bad might happen but they manage so stay away from accident. It's because it's true that you will never face a problem that you can't handle.
How many broke people manage to stay broke but are still alive? Some people are in huge debt, some are even millions but they manage to stay alive because that problem is not bigger than them, they can even pay all those millions, it just happened that they were not focused that's why they were on that grid for a long time. If you have a one million debt all you need to do is work hard and pay every dollar that you earn to it and that's it, it's very simple but people are complicating it by doing some extra stuffs that are derailing them from solving that problem. Some people stay in big debts because they earn money but they refuse to pay their debts and it becomes their habit, they can't stop it anymore.
All you have to do is do it little by little, take it one step at a time. Take it slow boy, be patient. You knew what to do, you're just afraid of the boredom and pain that you will get for doing it.
Always remember that you will never face a problem that you can't handle. It's just a problem, it's nothing, it's no bigger than you. All you need to do is figure it out, sometimes you don't even need to figure it out, sometimes you just need to keep plodding and act normal. Just do the basics, never complicate it nor do some stupid things.. All you need to do is stop making your problem bigger and just do something to make it smaller, do it again and again until your problem is solve.
Just focus, don't think about partying, don't think about escaping, don't ever blame someone for your problems... just do a small thing to make the problem smaller, as simple as that.
Be a man, never try to shy away from pressure, never try to hide behind your mama's skirt, just do it. There is something you can do about it so do it.. You're a grown man now, and even if you're not yet an adult... you can still solve your problems. Stop acting like it's big, stop acting like your problem cannot be solved because that is only making excuses, that is making yourself weak.
Look for the problem, there is a problem for sure at the moment and then face it. BOOM!!!! face it and once it is done you will no longer become afraid of any problems that might show along the way.
Look at the first time drivers on the highway... they manage to go home safe right? they were so scared in the beginning, they were so scared that something bad might happen but they manage so stay away from accident. It's because it's true that you will never face a problem that you can't handle.
How many broke people manage to stay broke but are still alive? Some people are in huge debt, some are even millions but they manage to stay alive because that problem is not bigger than them, they can even pay all those millions, it just happened that they were not focused that's why they were on that grid for a long time. If you have a one million debt all you need to do is work hard and pay every dollar that you earn to it and that's it, it's very simple but people are complicating it by doing some extra stuffs that are derailing them from solving that problem. Some people stay in big debts because they earn money but they refuse to pay their debts and it becomes their habit, they can't stop it anymore.
All you have to do is do it little by little, take it one step at a time. Take it slow boy, be patient. You knew what to do, you're just afraid of the boredom and pain that you will get for doing it.
The best confidence booster ever is facing the pain, it's facing the discomfort. You need to face the rejection, face the embarrassment, face hard work and willing to feel uncomfortable all the time. Once you see the resistance and there is doubt in your mind.... you need to push, basically that should be your mindset.
Most people were not confident not because they inherit that trait from their parents but because they simply don't want to try, they don't want to ask, they don't want to give themselves a chance to challenge something and reap the rewards for at least trying.
Just try, just do it, don't be afraid to hear hurtful words from people, don't be afraid to make mistakes and do it again, don't be afraid at anything. If it can't kill you then you shouldn't be afraid of it.
Because if you will not try then you will think about what could have happen, you will have regrets, you will blame yourself that you didn't try just for once. You need to expand and get out of your comfort zone, keep embarrassing yourself through trying, keep feeling that pain until you were no longer afraid of it. Once you're not afraid of failing anymore... that's the time when your confidence will soar high to the highest level.
Take action now, what are you waiting for? stop waiting for Christmas, stop waiting for the right timing because it will never come. You're not something special so don't be afraid of humiliation, don't be afraid of not making it right instantly.
The more you keep trying and yet failing... the more your confidence will go up, actions will show you the way, it will make you a very strong person.
Pull the trigger, have no conscience in taking actions, be the man, take full responsibility of your life, never wait for a help or something... just start now, just do it.
If you keep on hesitating and holding yourself back then that will make you suffer, it will put your confidence down. Just like in school, most students were not doing what they need to do in school, after the class they will do something else, they will not prioritize their assignments, they will not study if they have a quiz. And when tomorrow comes, they were so scared of their professor, they were scared of what might happen because they didn't prepare, they will not even go to school sometimes. It's hard to study because it's boring but it will give you confidence because you are facing the pain.
Do your responsibility and you will become confident, just like in home, when you need to wash the dishes then do it right away, you might think that it has no impact in your personality but if you make taking actions right away as a habit then you will see in the long run that you are starting to become a better person, you will never be afraid of anything anymore. You will never be afraid to falling in life, waiting, doing work for a long time, sacrificing, taking risks an any uncomfortable situations, it's because you've been hardened, you already knew the game of life. You already knew that it's only about taking actions.
If you want to become super confident then make sure you will do what you need to do even if it is painful, even if you will become wrong, even if there are bad consequences after doing it.
Most people were not confident not because they inherit that trait from their parents but because they simply don't want to try, they don't want to ask, they don't want to give themselves a chance to challenge something and reap the rewards for at least trying.
Just try, just do it, don't be afraid to hear hurtful words from people, don't be afraid to make mistakes and do it again, don't be afraid at anything. If it can't kill you then you shouldn't be afraid of it.
Because if you will not try then you will think about what could have happen, you will have regrets, you will blame yourself that you didn't try just for once. You need to expand and get out of your comfort zone, keep embarrassing yourself through trying, keep feeling that pain until you were no longer afraid of it. Once you're not afraid of failing anymore... that's the time when your confidence will soar high to the highest level.
Take action now, what are you waiting for? stop waiting for Christmas, stop waiting for the right timing because it will never come. You're not something special so don't be afraid of humiliation, don't be afraid of not making it right instantly.
The more you keep trying and yet failing... the more your confidence will go up, actions will show you the way, it will make you a very strong person.
Pull the trigger, have no conscience in taking actions, be the man, take full responsibility of your life, never wait for a help or something... just start now, just do it.
If you keep on hesitating and holding yourself back then that will make you suffer, it will put your confidence down. Just like in school, most students were not doing what they need to do in school, after the class they will do something else, they will not prioritize their assignments, they will not study if they have a quiz. And when tomorrow comes, they were so scared of their professor, they were scared of what might happen because they didn't prepare, they will not even go to school sometimes. It's hard to study because it's boring but it will give you confidence because you are facing the pain.
Do your responsibility and you will become confident, just like in home, when you need to wash the dishes then do it right away, you might think that it has no impact in your personality but if you make taking actions right away as a habit then you will see in the long run that you are starting to become a better person, you will never be afraid of anything anymore. You will never be afraid to falling in life, waiting, doing work for a long time, sacrificing, taking risks an any uncomfortable situations, it's because you've been hardened, you already knew the game of life. You already knew that it's only about taking actions.
If you want to become super confident then make sure you will do what you need to do even if it is painful, even if you will become wrong, even if there are bad consequences after doing it.
Nov 11, 2018
The reason why you can't see another good option is because you think it's the only option you have. You think it's the only job you can have, you think it's the only friends, boss, house, money, car that you can have.
There is a better place waiting for you, there is a better option waiting to be explored. All you have to do is look for it and have a little courage, make that mind believe that you can win in life and you are always in control. Have that state of abundance that money and opportunities will flow, all you have to do is wait for it and work a little bit harder. Put an extra effort and make sure you are working hard than anybody else so you will get more results. The equation is this: if you are working hard then you deserve something better.
Always look for a better option because you deserve it, you deserve to become happier. Never think that what you have is all you can get, it's time to get a little bit greedy, it's time to get a little bit ambitious. Never settle, always strive for more, always work for more.
Because if you will not expand your thoughts and beliefs then you will be stuck in the same place, no matter how hard you work, you will live in the same place because you're not dreaming big enough.
Get out of that comfort zone, get out of that place. There is a better place and opportunity waiting for you if you will act like a brave and get what is rightfully yours.
Be the authority. Be in control, always be in command. Never ever settle for something lesser than what you want. If they can do it so as you, all you have to do is believe more and get more.
There are millions of options in this world, all you have to do is take it. Never have any regrets if you fail, you can try again. Don't ever think that it is not for you once you fail, maybe it's not the right time yet so all you can do is try one more time. Don't be afraid of trying, don't be afraid of failing over and over again.
You create the options and you get it, if you can't see it then it's time to invent it. You will never run of options if you have the will and determination to get it no matter what.
Never sell yourself short, you are bigger than what you think of yourself. You can survive any storm that may come into your life. Life is like just that, don't ever think that you are being punished once you expand your ambition, tough times will really come and you have to deal with it.
Think big, always do, never think small, never fall into the famine mindset. There are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you, all you have to do is focus and never give up. Endure the hard times, celebrate the good times, get addicted to small progress and you will see that you deserve a lot of good things of life.
There is a better place waiting for you, there is a better option waiting to be explored. All you have to do is look for it and have a little courage, make that mind believe that you can win in life and you are always in control. Have that state of abundance that money and opportunities will flow, all you have to do is wait for it and work a little bit harder. Put an extra effort and make sure you are working hard than anybody else so you will get more results. The equation is this: if you are working hard then you deserve something better.
Always look for a better option because you deserve it, you deserve to become happier. Never think that what you have is all you can get, it's time to get a little bit greedy, it's time to get a little bit ambitious. Never settle, always strive for more, always work for more.
Because if you will not expand your thoughts and beliefs then you will be stuck in the same place, no matter how hard you work, you will live in the same place because you're not dreaming big enough.
Get out of that comfort zone, get out of that place. There is a better place and opportunity waiting for you if you will act like a brave and get what is rightfully yours.
Be the authority. Be in control, always be in command. Never ever settle for something lesser than what you want. If they can do it so as you, all you have to do is believe more and get more.
There are millions of options in this world, all you have to do is take it. Never have any regrets if you fail, you can try again. Don't ever think that it is not for you once you fail, maybe it's not the right time yet so all you can do is try one more time. Don't be afraid of trying, don't be afraid of failing over and over again.
You create the options and you get it, if you can't see it then it's time to invent it. You will never run of options if you have the will and determination to get it no matter what.
Never sell yourself short, you are bigger than what you think of yourself. You can survive any storm that may come into your life. Life is like just that, don't ever think that you are being punished once you expand your ambition, tough times will really come and you have to deal with it.
Think big, always do, never think small, never fall into the famine mindset. There are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you, all you have to do is focus and never give up. Endure the hard times, celebrate the good times, get addicted to small progress and you will see that you deserve a lot of good things of life.
Know what you need at the moment not what you want. It's easy to fall into a trap that you need it because you want it, you urge is in control, your desire for instant gratification is taking over. But when you analyze deeply and look at your situation you will find out that you really don't need it.
Instant gratification equals failure, it's the number one habit of failures, it's the number one habit of broke people.
You don't need to watch TV so why watch it? you need to study now because you have an exam tomorrow. You don't need to take a vacation so why take it? you're in huge debt now, you need some money now, all you need to do is work, it is very simple yet why can't you make a small sacrifice for the better?
You don't need to eat yet because you already ate a few hours ago, ignore the food in the refrigerator, ignore someone who is offering you some food even though it's look interesting and you haven't tasted it yet, you know that you need to diet so completely ignore the temptations. Ignore the ice cream, ignore the pizza, ignore the hamburger, you don't need it so why consume it?
People were commanded by their emotions, they are not thinking right that is why they are having a miserable life. They don't need a new clothes or a car cover yet they will buy it because they fall into the trap of a good sales talk. When their emotions were being aroused by a sale items or a deal that they think is good then they will bite that opportunity right away, they will not even think.
Small and smart decisions will give you a good life. It will give you success, don't bite the instant gratification, be a follower of delayed gratification because you will reap the rewards on the right time. Don't get the rewards in the wrong time, you're smart enough to know if you need to do this now, you know that you will be in trouble if you do it so why do it?
Be basic, be simple, follow a system that will lead you to success. You don't need to go to a party right now then why go to it? you don't need to sleep now then why sleep? it's a little bit hard not following your urge to have a good time but if you really want to have a better life then you need to discipline yourself.
Stop putting something into your system if you don't need it, only use what is needed, only consume what will put you on a better situation.
Just like entertaining a negative thought, you know that it is harmful to your body then why entertain it?
It's like doing an assignment in front of a television, even though the topic is very interesting on television... you will not look at it because your assignment is urgent and needs more attention.
Successful people were very good in making small decisions that are right for them, they were very good in choosing what is right for their lives that is why it is impossible for them to fail. They will make a decision that is not enjoyable but perfectly fits for their system.
Instant gratification equals failure, it's the number one habit of failures, it's the number one habit of broke people.
You don't need to watch TV so why watch it? you need to study now because you have an exam tomorrow. You don't need to take a vacation so why take it? you're in huge debt now, you need some money now, all you need to do is work, it is very simple yet why can't you make a small sacrifice for the better?
You don't need to eat yet because you already ate a few hours ago, ignore the food in the refrigerator, ignore someone who is offering you some food even though it's look interesting and you haven't tasted it yet, you know that you need to diet so completely ignore the temptations. Ignore the ice cream, ignore the pizza, ignore the hamburger, you don't need it so why consume it?
People were commanded by their emotions, they are not thinking right that is why they are having a miserable life. They don't need a new clothes or a car cover yet they will buy it because they fall into the trap of a good sales talk. When their emotions were being aroused by a sale items or a deal that they think is good then they will bite that opportunity right away, they will not even think.
Small and smart decisions will give you a good life. It will give you success, don't bite the instant gratification, be a follower of delayed gratification because you will reap the rewards on the right time. Don't get the rewards in the wrong time, you're smart enough to know if you need to do this now, you know that you will be in trouble if you do it so why do it?
Be basic, be simple, follow a system that will lead you to success. You don't need to go to a party right now then why go to it? you don't need to sleep now then why sleep? it's a little bit hard not following your urge to have a good time but if you really want to have a better life then you need to discipline yourself.
Stop putting something into your system if you don't need it, only use what is needed, only consume what will put you on a better situation.
Just like entertaining a negative thought, you know that it is harmful to your body then why entertain it?
It's like doing an assignment in front of a television, even though the topic is very interesting on television... you will not look at it because your assignment is urgent and needs more attention.
Successful people were very good in making small decisions that are right for them, they were very good in choosing what is right for their lives that is why it is impossible for them to fail. They will make a decision that is not enjoyable but perfectly fits for their system.
If you know how to use dirt... you can cover all of your mistakes, the flaws will be unseen. It's like you're the lead guitarist in the band but you don't have that skills to amaze the crowd so you will just use distortion, make the music dirty and play like a rockstar.
If you want to cover the scratch of your car, put a sticker into it. It will look dirty but the dirtier part will be covered, the mistake will be covered.
Just like in a basketball game, if the opponent is so strong and they were faster and better than your team... make the game a little bit dirty, get physical, take more shots, out hustle them, cheat a little bit, you have to get every advantage that you can get so that you will have a chance to win.
Just like in painting or drawing something, if you made a mistake and you can't erase it anymore... draw something on it, make the art a little bit dirtier and nastier so that people will never notice the mistake.
There is nothing wrong in being dirty, there is nothing wrong in being filthy. If you can use it to your advantage then keep using it. Just like a pimpled face that was covered with makeup, the pimples were no longer evident. You will see it if you remove the dirt but for the meantime, enjoy a pimpled face with make up.
But make sure to use the dirt right or else it will look uglier. You still need to use it properly and technically or else it will not work, it will work against you.
Sometimes the path should be dirtier and you have to accept it. Not all the time the results should be clean, not all the time everything should be perfect.
Just like a wrong tattoo, you can correct it by making it dirtier, you can correct it by putting another tattoo on it.
It's all about trying again, it's all about innovating and not being afraid to suck even more. If you don't like the results then try to get dirty so you will be able to change it a little bit.
A dirty musician is better than a plain musician, if you're a musician who keeps on making mistakes... make the music dirty, experiment, do some improvisations. Never mind if the music sounds odd... just play and enjoy playing dirty music. After all, if you love doing it then you will never feel that you're making mistakes.
Cover it with some dirt, cover it with some art, innovate, always be creative, try something new. Don't be afraid to mess up again, you're already mess up so you don't have anything to lose anymore. Make sure you will forget about the outcome so that you will feel free, so that you will become more creative and loose.
Getting dirtier means not being afraid to try again, it means not being afraid to try something new that will make the situation better. It means working again and grinding more, it means you will never give up and take the risk just to become a little bit more successful.
After all your duty in this world is not to become clean, don't strive for the perfect record because that is weakness, don;t be afraid to get defeated. A real champion is someone who feels the defeat and stand up immediately and try again.
If you want to cover the scratch of your car, put a sticker into it. It will look dirty but the dirtier part will be covered, the mistake will be covered.
Just like in a basketball game, if the opponent is so strong and they were faster and better than your team... make the game a little bit dirty, get physical, take more shots, out hustle them, cheat a little bit, you have to get every advantage that you can get so that you will have a chance to win.
Just like in painting or drawing something, if you made a mistake and you can't erase it anymore... draw something on it, make the art a little bit dirtier and nastier so that people will never notice the mistake.
There is nothing wrong in being dirty, there is nothing wrong in being filthy. If you can use it to your advantage then keep using it. Just like a pimpled face that was covered with makeup, the pimples were no longer evident. You will see it if you remove the dirt but for the meantime, enjoy a pimpled face with make up.
But make sure to use the dirt right or else it will look uglier. You still need to use it properly and technically or else it will not work, it will work against you.
Sometimes the path should be dirtier and you have to accept it. Not all the time the results should be clean, not all the time everything should be perfect.
Just like a wrong tattoo, you can correct it by making it dirtier, you can correct it by putting another tattoo on it.
It's all about trying again, it's all about innovating and not being afraid to suck even more. If you don't like the results then try to get dirty so you will be able to change it a little bit.
A dirty musician is better than a plain musician, if you're a musician who keeps on making mistakes... make the music dirty, experiment, do some improvisations. Never mind if the music sounds odd... just play and enjoy playing dirty music. After all, if you love doing it then you will never feel that you're making mistakes.
Cover it with some dirt, cover it with some art, innovate, always be creative, try something new. Don't be afraid to mess up again, you're already mess up so you don't have anything to lose anymore. Make sure you will forget about the outcome so that you will feel free, so that you will become more creative and loose.
Getting dirtier means not being afraid to try again, it means not being afraid to try something new that will make the situation better. It means working again and grinding more, it means you will never give up and take the risk just to become a little bit more successful.
After all your duty in this world is not to become clean, don't strive for the perfect record because that is weakness, don;t be afraid to get defeated. A real champion is someone who feels the defeat and stand up immediately and try again.
When there is an opportunity... you have to take it, you have to grab it, when there is an opening... go for it without hesitation. You may succeed or you may fail but the important thing is you give yourself a chance to win, what matters is you put yourself on a best position to become a winner.
Losers keep losing not because they were not given an opportunity but because they can't see an opportunity, their minds were filled with excuses and fear, the opportunities were there but they don't want to take it, they don't want to shine, they feel that they will lose something if they take it.
You don't have anything to lose at all, keep that in your mind. Don't act as if you have a lot in your life. You don't have anything, when you were born you don't have anything, why act as if you will lose a lot in your life?
You can have a lot of things, a lot of success if your mindset is you have nothing to lose. Never protect your identity, don't get conservative.
When your long time high school crush is already available and she has no boyfriend anymore... go for it, ask her on a date, don't be shy or else that girl will be picked up by someone with bigger balls than you. Show your animus, show her that you want her bad enough and you are willing to sell your soul just to be with her.
Stop acting like a scared little boy, girls love confident men, you need to make her feel that you are willing to give everything you've got just to have her in your arms, make her feel that you are dying just to have a taste of her. Make her flattered, send her some flowers and dirty messages with double meaning, make her blush. Whatever you can do to make her feel something... do it, follow your instincts, don't be afraid to get rejected because that it is what it is all about... not being afraid to take the risk and give yourself a chance to become successful.
If you're a bench player in basketball and you see an open shot... take it, may it be a three point shot or a two point shot... take it if you are open. Even if it is a crucial possession you still need to take it, even if the star player is asking for the ball, don't give it to him, take it if you are wide open because you will regret that you didn't take it. Even if the whole team puts a blame on you because you miss, don't regret that you take the shot. Even if the coach was fueling with anger at you... never feel anything, don't feel bad that you gave yourself a chance to succeed. It is your right, it is your privilege to take an opening.
If there is an opening job you saw on the newspaper, go and go for it. Change your clothes with the best clothes that you have, shine your shoes, create a fake resume or something then pass an application, force an interview with the boss, take it. Never mind what people say, never mind if you feel lazy... you need to take that opening and own it.
Look at your life, look at your past, study it... you will see that there are plenty of opportunities that you let go, you will learn that you could have been happier now but you are not because you are so scared to get embarrass, you are so scared to get rejected.
Losers keep losing not because they were not given an opportunity but because they can't see an opportunity, their minds were filled with excuses and fear, the opportunities were there but they don't want to take it, they don't want to shine, they feel that they will lose something if they take it.
You don't have anything to lose at all, keep that in your mind. Don't act as if you have a lot in your life. You don't have anything, when you were born you don't have anything, why act as if you will lose a lot in your life?
You can have a lot of things, a lot of success if your mindset is you have nothing to lose. Never protect your identity, don't get conservative.
When your long time high school crush is already available and she has no boyfriend anymore... go for it, ask her on a date, don't be shy or else that girl will be picked up by someone with bigger balls than you. Show your animus, show her that you want her bad enough and you are willing to sell your soul just to be with her.
Stop acting like a scared little boy, girls love confident men, you need to make her feel that you are willing to give everything you've got just to have her in your arms, make her feel that you are dying just to have a taste of her. Make her flattered, send her some flowers and dirty messages with double meaning, make her blush. Whatever you can do to make her feel something... do it, follow your instincts, don't be afraid to get rejected because that it is what it is all about... not being afraid to take the risk and give yourself a chance to become successful.
If you're a bench player in basketball and you see an open shot... take it, may it be a three point shot or a two point shot... take it if you are open. Even if it is a crucial possession you still need to take it, even if the star player is asking for the ball, don't give it to him, take it if you are wide open because you will regret that you didn't take it. Even if the whole team puts a blame on you because you miss, don't regret that you take the shot. Even if the coach was fueling with anger at you... never feel anything, don't feel bad that you gave yourself a chance to succeed. It is your right, it is your privilege to take an opening.
If there is an opening job you saw on the newspaper, go and go for it. Change your clothes with the best clothes that you have, shine your shoes, create a fake resume or something then pass an application, force an interview with the boss, take it. Never mind what people say, never mind if you feel lazy... you need to take that opening and own it.
Look at your life, look at your past, study it... you will see that there are plenty of opportunities that you let go, you will learn that you could have been happier now but you are not because you are so scared to get embarrass, you are so scared to get rejected.
Are you really prepared? did you really do your home work? did you really sacrifice and train a lot? you can never lie, you can tell everyone that you prepare but it will show on your performance.
You will look like a rookie if you're not prepared, don't show up if you're not prepared because you will only embarrass yourself. Just like an MMA fighter with two months of preparation before the fight, if he did not prepare so hard then it will be seen in his fight.. He will look very tired after the first round, he will get dominated by his opponent. He better fake an injury or else he will be badly beaten by his opponent.
So stop making excuses, stop prioritizing your emotions, it doesn't matter if you feel good or not, the only question is area you going to do it? are you going to give some tome for it?
Just like a singer having an audition in American Idol, some people were faking greatness, some people were just testing their luck, the truth is 90 percent of the contestants were not prepared, that's why most of them look like a clown. If you are prepared and you really practice so hard then the judges will never think twice to give you a ticket to hollywood, they will know if you are ready or not, it will show in your performance.
Just like a student taking a bar exam, he knows if he will pass, he knows if he really prepare for the exam, it will show on the results, he will pass even if the exam was so hard. If he prepared hard enough then he will never worry anymore while waiting for the result, he is confident that he is going to make it.
You will look like a bum if you're not prepared, you will show a very sloppy performance, you will even wish that you're not there, you don't want to compete, you don't want to take the test, you just wanted to o home. You will sweat a lot, you will feel anxious, you will feel weird, you will feel like you've been cursed.
All you need to do is practice, study and prepare for a challenge and that's it. It's very basic, you can conquer anything if you possess the right skills, information and data to pass any kind of test. You need to give hours to it, this is not an easy task, you need to focus while preparing.
Because if you don't prepare enough then you will be scared, fear will eat you, there will be a lot of doubts, there will be a negative emotions, you will not become excited, your mind will be filled with a lot of worries and scary thoughts.
If you don't want to become scared for any challenge... prepare, do something about it. work hard and give your very very best. If you prepared hard then everything will become easy, nothing will faze you, nothing will make you worried.
You will look like a rookie if you're not prepared, don't show up if you're not prepared because you will only embarrass yourself. Just like an MMA fighter with two months of preparation before the fight, if he did not prepare so hard then it will be seen in his fight.. He will look very tired after the first round, he will get dominated by his opponent. He better fake an injury or else he will be badly beaten by his opponent.
So stop making excuses, stop prioritizing your emotions, it doesn't matter if you feel good or not, the only question is area you going to do it? are you going to give some tome for it?
Just like a singer having an audition in American Idol, some people were faking greatness, some people were just testing their luck, the truth is 90 percent of the contestants were not prepared, that's why most of them look like a clown. If you are prepared and you really practice so hard then the judges will never think twice to give you a ticket to hollywood, they will know if you are ready or not, it will show in your performance.
Just like a student taking a bar exam, he knows if he will pass, he knows if he really prepare for the exam, it will show on the results, he will pass even if the exam was so hard. If he prepared hard enough then he will never worry anymore while waiting for the result, he is confident that he is going to make it.
You will look like a bum if you're not prepared, you will show a very sloppy performance, you will even wish that you're not there, you don't want to compete, you don't want to take the test, you just wanted to o home. You will sweat a lot, you will feel anxious, you will feel weird, you will feel like you've been cursed.
All you need to do is practice, study and prepare for a challenge and that's it. It's very basic, you can conquer anything if you possess the right skills, information and data to pass any kind of test. You need to give hours to it, this is not an easy task, you need to focus while preparing.
Because if you don't prepare enough then you will be scared, fear will eat you, there will be a lot of doubts, there will be a negative emotions, you will not become excited, your mind will be filled with a lot of worries and scary thoughts.
If you don't want to become scared for any challenge... prepare, do something about it. work hard and give your very very best. If you prepared hard then everything will become easy, nothing will faze you, nothing will make you worried.
If you created a system.. follow it, fully believe in it and never change it, never disrespect it nor break it. If you want your system to become effective then you should follow it everyday, it may not work right away because it needs some time but even if it is not working... you still need to follow it and trust it more than anything else.
The reason why it is not working is because you're always changing. You will change directions right away as soon as you feel that your system is not effective.
Do it over and over again, repeat your newly invented a million times and see what can it give you. The reason why your system is not working is because you really don't believe in it, if you really believe it then you will never stop doing it.
Play with your system, enjoy it, process it... trust that it will work one day, be consistent and stay with the grind. Do the work even if you're having a hard time. Make your system your life, prioritize it and give most of your time to it, make your system go up, follow it everyday and never miss a day.
It's all about making your system alive, it's all about giving it life. Of course it will not work in the beginning, it is dead in the beginning and it's your duty to give it a life. You are the creator of your system, you are the only one who can make it successful.
Whatever system you can create, trust it and never let it die. You live and die with that system, your full belief is on that system. And even if it is not working, even if you're struggling... keep repeating that system, never doubt it just for a second.
Always improve your system everyday, enjoy it, play with it, treat it like a game... a very very serious game.
Your system will work, your system will become successful one day. All you have to do is persevere and never give up. Never quit on your system, it's your philosophy so you need to give everything you've got for it.
Because if you will not believe in your system then it will not work, you are only wasting your time if you doubt it for a second. You have to believe, you are the creator of it so you must be the strongest believer of it.
Just like shredding your fat, stop believing the system of others it because it may not work for you, it may work for others but there is a big chance that it will not work for you. All you have to do is create your own system, Make the system simple, make it clear, make it short. For example, you will run for at least 45 minutes everyday then maybe do a little push up. That's already a cool system, it will work for sure. Do it for one year straight without a miss even if you are sick and let's see if it don't work. For sure it will work, it's impossible that it will not work, it will only fail if you are not taking it seriously.
Any system will work if you will attached it with consistency and determination. You don't need to make it work fast, you only need to live and die for it, believe it and it will work one day.
The reason why it is not working is because you're always changing. You will change directions right away as soon as you feel that your system is not effective.
Do it over and over again, repeat your newly invented a million times and see what can it give you. The reason why your system is not working is because you really don't believe in it, if you really believe it then you will never stop doing it.
Play with your system, enjoy it, process it... trust that it will work one day, be consistent and stay with the grind. Do the work even if you're having a hard time. Make your system your life, prioritize it and give most of your time to it, make your system go up, follow it everyday and never miss a day.
It's all about making your system alive, it's all about giving it life. Of course it will not work in the beginning, it is dead in the beginning and it's your duty to give it a life. You are the creator of your system, you are the only one who can make it successful.
Whatever system you can create, trust it and never let it die. You live and die with that system, your full belief is on that system. And even if it is not working, even if you're struggling... keep repeating that system, never doubt it just for a second.
Always improve your system everyday, enjoy it, play with it, treat it like a game... a very very serious game.
Your system will work, your system will become successful one day. All you have to do is persevere and never give up. Never quit on your system, it's your philosophy so you need to give everything you've got for it.
Because if you will not believe in your system then it will not work, you are only wasting your time if you doubt it for a second. You have to believe, you are the creator of it so you must be the strongest believer of it.
Just like shredding your fat, stop believing the system of others it because it may not work for you, it may work for others but there is a big chance that it will not work for you. All you have to do is create your own system, Make the system simple, make it clear, make it short. For example, you will run for at least 45 minutes everyday then maybe do a little push up. That's already a cool system, it will work for sure. Do it for one year straight without a miss even if you are sick and let's see if it don't work. For sure it will work, it's impossible that it will not work, it will only fail if you are not taking it seriously.
Any system will work if you will attached it with consistency and determination. You don't need to make it work fast, you only need to live and die for it, believe it and it will work one day.
Nov 10, 2018
You are here to be in the moment, you are here for the journey. You are not here to experience everything so don't ever feel bad if you can't go there and be like that. You are not a God, your life will never become perfect. The best thing to do is be yourself and enjoy what is happening with your life now, don't be too salty with your life, love your life and appreciate it to the fullest. Don't ever think about what is missing in your life because that will only create weak emotions.
You can never eat all the food that you want or have heard of, it's impossible, don't dare to try them all because that will only make you chase something that doesn't need to be chased. Let the food come to you naturally, eat it if you see it, eat it if you can afford it but if you will force your life to experience it then you will have a more difficult life.
Just like in going to different places, there is a quote that says "you are not living if you are not travelling" the creator of that quote don't know what life is. Every person is unique, some doesn't really want to travel. Me, I honestly hate travelling, for me it's just a waste of time, why will I force my self to travel just to look cool and rich? why will I force myself to go to a particular place if in my heart all I wanna do is create an art at home? it's such a disgrace to not follow my heart just because I want to believe in a random quote.
I am not here to experience everything, even if a person told me to try this or that, I will not try it if I don't feel it, I will still follow my heart says, if my heart tells me to just work today then I will work today, I will not force myself to experience a different kind of experience.
That's why there are lot of people who were suffering, that's why there are lot of people who were broke... they were so jealous of other people. They want to become rich too without working hard, they want to buy a BMW even if they don't have money, they want to buy a trending gadget even if they can't afford it, they want to eat in a fancy restaurant even if they are running out of budget. Basically, they want to try everything even if they don't have the resources to try it.
Be satisfied of what you have, you are not obligated to follow everything you see on social media, be happy with what you have, be satisfied and never try to imitate the life and philosophy of other people. What you have is enough, if you want more then work for it, don't wish for it nor beg for it.
You will never experience everything because life is not perfect, there will be regrets and you have to accept it. You may not say I love you to your parents but that's alright, you may not experience eating a japanese food but that's alright, you may not experience being rich but that's alright. It's always alright, life is not all about experiencing everything... it's about learning to appreciate what you have now and still be happy with what is going on with your life.
Just live your life, what will happen will happen, you don't need to force too much. Real happy people are the ones who were so satisfied with their lives and not comparing their lives to the lives of other people. .
You can never eat all the food that you want or have heard of, it's impossible, don't dare to try them all because that will only make you chase something that doesn't need to be chased. Let the food come to you naturally, eat it if you see it, eat it if you can afford it but if you will force your life to experience it then you will have a more difficult life.
Just like in going to different places, there is a quote that says "you are not living if you are not travelling" the creator of that quote don't know what life is. Every person is unique, some doesn't really want to travel. Me, I honestly hate travelling, for me it's just a waste of time, why will I force my self to travel just to look cool and rich? why will I force myself to go to a particular place if in my heart all I wanna do is create an art at home? it's such a disgrace to not follow my heart just because I want to believe in a random quote.
I am not here to experience everything, even if a person told me to try this or that, I will not try it if I don't feel it, I will still follow my heart says, if my heart tells me to just work today then I will work today, I will not force myself to experience a different kind of experience.
That's why there are lot of people who were suffering, that's why there are lot of people who were broke... they were so jealous of other people. They want to become rich too without working hard, they want to buy a BMW even if they don't have money, they want to buy a trending gadget even if they can't afford it, they want to eat in a fancy restaurant even if they are running out of budget. Basically, they want to try everything even if they don't have the resources to try it.
Be satisfied of what you have, you are not obligated to follow everything you see on social media, be happy with what you have, be satisfied and never try to imitate the life and philosophy of other people. What you have is enough, if you want more then work for it, don't wish for it nor beg for it.
You will never experience everything because life is not perfect, there will be regrets and you have to accept it. You may not say I love you to your parents but that's alright, you may not experience eating a japanese food but that's alright, you may not experience being rich but that's alright. It's always alright, life is not all about experiencing everything... it's about learning to appreciate what you have now and still be happy with what is going on with your life.
Just live your life, what will happen will happen, you don't need to force too much. Real happy people are the ones who were so satisfied with their lives and not comparing their lives to the lives of other people. .
Some think they are the king until they find out what a real king should be made of. A real king is not someone who always command, he is not someone who always intimidate people, a real king is someone who is always in control and working harder than anybody else.
A real king will never become arrogant every time he accomplishes something, it's just another new day for him, he will celebrate the accomplishment a little bit and move forward, he will pursue another goal, he will not relax, he will not get complacent... he will try to improve as much as he can
A real king will never bend during tough times, he knew that tough times don't last only tough people do. He knew that the situation is just temporary.
He knew that he is still in control and all he have to do is keep plodding and everything will be alright again. He is not intimidated against the difficult challenges or obstacles that are making his life more difficult.
A king will not blame anyone, he is willing to take full responsibility of the outcome of his life. He will not make excuses, he will find a way how to come back when he is down. Blaming everyone and blaming the world is not in his DNA, he knew that challenges are normal and he will be able to change his situation if he persevere.
Inside the mind of a real king is victory, it's abundance, sacrifice for the greater good and hope. he wants to inspire people, he will lead other people to greatness, he can even sacrifice his life just to save other people from dying or losing.
A king is always ready, even if he feels so empty.. he is always ready to strike and use all of his tools to get the job done. A king will fight his weak feelings, he will hide it, all he will depict is a strong image to pump up his kingdom, he will never how any signs of weakness.
A king will never give up, only death can stop him. Before he enters a battle he already promise himself that he will never give up even if he is the only one remaining in the battle, and he will fulfill that promise, he will never eat his words, he will stay true to what he believe.
A king believe in himself, he is not afraid to lose but he really believe in himself, he knows that she is going to win if he give his best and don't slow down when everyone is slowing down, he will run in a muddy land, he will swim on a boiling water, he will remain standing until the end.
He works harder than his followers, he is a role model, he is trying to inspire thorough his actions and not by words, he is not all about talk, he is all about actions. He is there to conquer and not be a loser.
A real king will never become arrogant every time he accomplishes something, it's just another new day for him, he will celebrate the accomplishment a little bit and move forward, he will pursue another goal, he will not relax, he will not get complacent... he will try to improve as much as he can
A real king will never bend during tough times, he knew that tough times don't last only tough people do. He knew that the situation is just temporary.
He knew that he is still in control and all he have to do is keep plodding and everything will be alright again. He is not intimidated against the difficult challenges or obstacles that are making his life more difficult.
A king will not blame anyone, he is willing to take full responsibility of the outcome of his life. He will not make excuses, he will find a way how to come back when he is down. Blaming everyone and blaming the world is not in his DNA, he knew that challenges are normal and he will be able to change his situation if he persevere.
Inside the mind of a real king is victory, it's abundance, sacrifice for the greater good and hope. he wants to inspire people, he will lead other people to greatness, he can even sacrifice his life just to save other people from dying or losing.
A king is always ready, even if he feels so empty.. he is always ready to strike and use all of his tools to get the job done. A king will fight his weak feelings, he will hide it, all he will depict is a strong image to pump up his kingdom, he will never how any signs of weakness.
A king will never give up, only death can stop him. Before he enters a battle he already promise himself that he will never give up even if he is the only one remaining in the battle, and he will fulfill that promise, he will never eat his words, he will stay true to what he believe.
A king believe in himself, he is not afraid to lose but he really believe in himself, he knows that she is going to win if he give his best and don't slow down when everyone is slowing down, he will run in a muddy land, he will swim on a boiling water, he will remain standing until the end.
He works harder than his followers, he is a role model, he is trying to inspire thorough his actions and not by words, he is not all about talk, he is all about actions. He is there to conquer and not be a loser.
The reason why you can't have what you have is because you keep on complaining, you keep on seeing the flaws on the system, you keep on not appreciating what you have.
Just work hard and accept what is going on around you. If you can make yourself work very hard and it becomes your habit... you will no longer complain, you will no longer feel that there is a need to change something in your life, you are so busy and you have a goal, you knew that one day your life is going to change.
Complaining is for people at the bottom, the people at the top will never complain. It's not because they were at the top and already winning, they were once at the bottom before, they climb their way to the top by taking massive actions.
Shut up and do your work, your talking will never achieve anything. Complaining is for the dying, do you want your life to end by just complaining everyday, if you want your life to change then change it, work hard to make yourself successful... as simple as that.
Just work, do the work. Never stop until you become successful. That's the formula, focus on getting something and use all of your willpower to get it, focus your time and energy. Focus is a very strong element for success, stay focus and you will be surprised with the small success that you keep getting everyday.
Change is happening everyday, don't be afraid of change. There will be change of rule and you might not like it but that's how the world works, don't be afraid of it, just deal with it and try to work your way to the top. Successful people never complain if there is a change, even if that change is not favoring them, they will just accept it and keep working. That's why they are successful, they are not wasting time, the time they could have use for complaining was used for working and that gives them an edge.
Complaining is just a waste of time, it produces negative energy in your life. If you keep on complaining then you will go down even more, more negative situations will be attracted to you. Complaining means you're not in control.
But if you're taking actions instead of complaining then you will never notice the negativity that surrounds you. You will be addicted to small progress that is happening in your life. Complaining is the number one habit of losers, they were complaining because they don't want to make adjustments, they think they can't adapt.
Yeah, it's really uncomfortable dealing with change, change is hard but if you want to thrive in this world then you should be able to feel good with any kind of change that might happen in your life.
Complain if you can change the new rules right away, complain if you have the power but if you don't then just shut up and keep working. Entertain yourself with hard work instead of entertaining yourself with negativity.
Just work hard and accept what is going on around you. If you can make yourself work very hard and it becomes your habit... you will no longer complain, you will no longer feel that there is a need to change something in your life, you are so busy and you have a goal, you knew that one day your life is going to change.
Complaining is for people at the bottom, the people at the top will never complain. It's not because they were at the top and already winning, they were once at the bottom before, they climb their way to the top by taking massive actions.
Shut up and do your work, your talking will never achieve anything. Complaining is for the dying, do you want your life to end by just complaining everyday, if you want your life to change then change it, work hard to make yourself successful... as simple as that.
Just work, do the work. Never stop until you become successful. That's the formula, focus on getting something and use all of your willpower to get it, focus your time and energy. Focus is a very strong element for success, stay focus and you will be surprised with the small success that you keep getting everyday.
Change is happening everyday, don't be afraid of change. There will be change of rule and you might not like it but that's how the world works, don't be afraid of it, just deal with it and try to work your way to the top. Successful people never complain if there is a change, even if that change is not favoring them, they will just accept it and keep working. That's why they are successful, they are not wasting time, the time they could have use for complaining was used for working and that gives them an edge.
Complaining is just a waste of time, it produces negative energy in your life. If you keep on complaining then you will go down even more, more negative situations will be attracted to you. Complaining means you're not in control.
But if you're taking actions instead of complaining then you will never notice the negativity that surrounds you. You will be addicted to small progress that is happening in your life. Complaining is the number one habit of losers, they were complaining because they don't want to make adjustments, they think they can't adapt.
Yeah, it's really uncomfortable dealing with change, change is hard but if you want to thrive in this world then you should be able to feel good with any kind of change that might happen in your life.
Complain if you can change the new rules right away, complain if you have the power but if you don't then just shut up and keep working. Entertain yourself with hard work instead of entertaining yourself with negativity.
If you want to become successful... keep hunting like a lion and stay awake like a sniper. It's all about being patient, it's all about believing that you can shoot it, believing that you can nail it. Stay awake like a sniper, you are watching your dreams, you are waiting for the opportunity and always ready to pull the trigger when the time is right.
Be like a lion who is patiently waiting for the prey. Be like a sniper who is so focused and doesn't mind if he is too sleepy, he just want to shot the target and he has no conscience of shooting it no matter what. It means you're decided to get it no matter what, you don't care about the consequences, you don't care about missing, you will immediately pull the trigger once you see the target.
Focus, laser focus, forget all the destruction, forget all what is bothering you. Don't blink, don't waste time.
Like a lion who has a lion heart, like a lion who is always ready to bite and claw a prey, the lion will never stop, the lion will push forward even of the opponent is bigger than him. He is not afraid all he wants is to eat, he is single minded, his mind is only focused on killing the prey.
A sniper is holding his gun and has no plan of releasing it anytime soon. He holds it like his future depends on it. That;s what you need to copy, the mindset of a sniper, you hold your instrument and will never unhold it anytime soon, you hold it tight, you are so focused and determined.
Lion has a very strong willpower, he will never give up no matter what, he doesn't mind if the obstacles were too many, he doesn't mind getting wounded, he will dust himself off and stand up whenever an opponent knocks him out, he will stand up immediately.
A sniper is always believing, he has a high belief in himself. He knew that the target will show up, he always knew that he can hit the target. And even if he misses... he will pull the trigger again and again, he will wait again, he will look for another position where a target can show up, his patience will never run out, he knew the target and he is going to hit it no matter what.
That is the best thing about having a target... you knew what to hit, you have a direction, you have a map, you have a goal to reach. Because if you don't have a target then you will never hit anything.
A lion keeps biting even if he is wounded, he keeps clawing even if he is almost dying, he doesn't care, all he knew is he is the king and he must implement his will and desire to his prey.
A lion will use all of his power when he strike, he will never back down to anyone, he is not scared of anyone. He is always on a do or die situation, he is on a beast mode, he will never stop biting until his enemy dies.
That's the mindset that you should have, the mindset of a sniper and a lion, you just knew you will reach your dreams, you don't care about the hardest obstacles along the way, you will keep being patient, you will stay away until your dreams come true. You are not afraid to bleed, you are not afraid to face the pain. For as long as your target is alive... you will never stop.
Be like a lion who is patiently waiting for the prey. Be like a sniper who is so focused and doesn't mind if he is too sleepy, he just want to shot the target and he has no conscience of shooting it no matter what. It means you're decided to get it no matter what, you don't care about the consequences, you don't care about missing, you will immediately pull the trigger once you see the target.
Focus, laser focus, forget all the destruction, forget all what is bothering you. Don't blink, don't waste time.
Like a lion who has a lion heart, like a lion who is always ready to bite and claw a prey, the lion will never stop, the lion will push forward even of the opponent is bigger than him. He is not afraid all he wants is to eat, he is single minded, his mind is only focused on killing the prey.
A sniper is holding his gun and has no plan of releasing it anytime soon. He holds it like his future depends on it. That;s what you need to copy, the mindset of a sniper, you hold your instrument and will never unhold it anytime soon, you hold it tight, you are so focused and determined.
Lion has a very strong willpower, he will never give up no matter what, he doesn't mind if the obstacles were too many, he doesn't mind getting wounded, he will dust himself off and stand up whenever an opponent knocks him out, he will stand up immediately.
A sniper is always believing, he has a high belief in himself. He knew that the target will show up, he always knew that he can hit the target. And even if he misses... he will pull the trigger again and again, he will wait again, he will look for another position where a target can show up, his patience will never run out, he knew the target and he is going to hit it no matter what.
That is the best thing about having a target... you knew what to hit, you have a direction, you have a map, you have a goal to reach. Because if you don't have a target then you will never hit anything.
A lion keeps biting even if he is wounded, he keeps clawing even if he is almost dying, he doesn't care, all he knew is he is the king and he must implement his will and desire to his prey.
A lion will use all of his power when he strike, he will never back down to anyone, he is not scared of anyone. He is always on a do or die situation, he is on a beast mode, he will never stop biting until his enemy dies.
That's the mindset that you should have, the mindset of a sniper and a lion, you just knew you will reach your dreams, you don't care about the hardest obstacles along the way, you will keep being patient, you will stay away until your dreams come true. You are not afraid to bleed, you are not afraid to face the pain. For as long as your target is alive... you will never stop.
You only need a few things to become successful, you don't need a lot of things, you only need yourself and a few things to become successful. Some people were too complaining, they thought they need a lot of things to become successful but the truth is they only need what they are using for work.
If you're a runner you only need shoes to become successful, just one pair of shoes, you don't need a lot. You don't need a coach, you don't need a car, you don't need a helping hand, you don't even need a sponsor, if you really want it then you will make a room for it, you will sacrifice, you will do it on your own. Most athletes were complaining that they don't have this or have that that;s why they can't become successful, that's a weak mentality. You only need your legs and hands and of course your bran, stop looking for what is missing in your life... you only need a few things to become successful.
Just like being a businessman or an entrepreneur, most people will make an excuse that they don't have a budget or capital that's why they can't become successful, that's not true, you only need yourself, you only need to work hard, everything you need is already yours, all you need is the courage to start something and that's it. Start now, make something, create an idea.
It's easy if you will never complain, it's easy if you will not look for what is missing in your life. Just do it, just start and make things happen, forget about what will happen next. Push forward and give your best, you will get the best if you're doing everything you can.
If you're a student then you only need a pen and a notebook, some students doesn't have any book but they manage to pass the subjects, all you need is to listen to your teacher, listen attentively, focus and avoid destruction. You can finish your studies if you are serious about it, it doesn't matter if your allowance is very small, you don't need to party, you don't need to rub elbows with your rich classmates, you don't need to be happy or cool. Just study and fill your mind the right information to thrive in the class.
Don't act like rich, don't act like a spoiled diva. You don't need a lot of things and money to pursue your dream, all you need to have is the ability to act right away, the urgency to move despite of feeling lazy and heavy.
Most people can't become successful because they are too slow, they were acting like they were entitled of something but the truth is they haven't prove anything yet.
You don't need this, you don't need that, all you need to do is move forward and take it one step at a time. You don't need to look great, you can become successful even if you suck or look outcast.
Start now and push yourself, stop being slow, stop being lazy, time is fast, everything you need is already in your life, just have that commitment. Dedicate yourself to become successful and give a lot of time and energy for your dreams, as simple as that.
Stop waiting for that perfect timing, stop waiting for the right opportunity, if you can't see an opportunity then it's time to make one. Use your willpower alone to make things happen, forget about failing, forget about not making it right... just do it and forget about being perfect. You can do it if you really want it.
If you're a runner you only need shoes to become successful, just one pair of shoes, you don't need a lot. You don't need a coach, you don't need a car, you don't need a helping hand, you don't even need a sponsor, if you really want it then you will make a room for it, you will sacrifice, you will do it on your own. Most athletes were complaining that they don't have this or have that that;s why they can't become successful, that's a weak mentality. You only need your legs and hands and of course your bran, stop looking for what is missing in your life... you only need a few things to become successful.
Just like being a businessman or an entrepreneur, most people will make an excuse that they don't have a budget or capital that's why they can't become successful, that's not true, you only need yourself, you only need to work hard, everything you need is already yours, all you need is the courage to start something and that's it. Start now, make something, create an idea.
It's easy if you will never complain, it's easy if you will not look for what is missing in your life. Just do it, just start and make things happen, forget about what will happen next. Push forward and give your best, you will get the best if you're doing everything you can.
If you're a student then you only need a pen and a notebook, some students doesn't have any book but they manage to pass the subjects, all you need is to listen to your teacher, listen attentively, focus and avoid destruction. You can finish your studies if you are serious about it, it doesn't matter if your allowance is very small, you don't need to party, you don't need to rub elbows with your rich classmates, you don't need to be happy or cool. Just study and fill your mind the right information to thrive in the class.
Don't act like rich, don't act like a spoiled diva. You don't need a lot of things and money to pursue your dream, all you need to have is the ability to act right away, the urgency to move despite of feeling lazy and heavy.
Most people can't become successful because they are too slow, they were acting like they were entitled of something but the truth is they haven't prove anything yet.
You don't need this, you don't need that, all you need to do is move forward and take it one step at a time. You don't need to look great, you can become successful even if you suck or look outcast.
Start now and push yourself, stop being slow, stop being lazy, time is fast, everything you need is already in your life, just have that commitment. Dedicate yourself to become successful and give a lot of time and energy for your dreams, as simple as that.
Stop waiting for that perfect timing, stop waiting for the right opportunity, if you can't see an opportunity then it's time to make one. Use your willpower alone to make things happen, forget about failing, forget about not making it right... just do it and forget about being perfect. You can do it if you really want it.
If it is too painful then there is one thing you should need to do... surrender to pain. Be one with pain, may it be physically or mentally... stop resisting. Don't kill yourself, don't wish for your suffering to end, it will end on the right time, maybe it's not now but for sure it will end on the right time. Help yourself, don't ever waste your life for nothing.
Life is all about continuing to live, it's all about being in the moment and being a participant in this world. Life has nothing to do with being successful or being number one, it has nothing to do with your feelings, life is all about opening your eyes and being able to move, being able to have fun despite of the difficulties of life.
Stay alive, don't quit, even if you're at the bottom and even if you're suffering a lot... you're still alive, it's a privilege, just feel any negative emotion that you are experiencing and have peace with them. Don't wish for them to go instantly because that will only create a larger burden.
Avoid self pity and be wild, enjoy your life as much as you can. A lot of people commits suicide but I know that they regret it in the end, I know they still want to live upon learning that they can't go back to their bodies anymore.
Be ok not being ok, whatever you are going through... you can survive it, no problem is bigger than you, you will not be given a test that you cannot pass. It's all about enduring it, it's all about outlasting your problem. Just live your life and stop being a dramatic diva.
Stop all the dramas in your life, you have to move, forget all the suffering for a second and learn how to focus your attention to more positive things.
It's fun to stay alive, you only live once so why focus on misery? why focus on negativity? you have the right to become happy, you can even become happy now if you will fix your mind and stop complaining too much about your life, stop hating your life.
You don't need anything to become happy, all you need is the right mindset.. the right perspective. A lot of people were already dead, how lucky you are to be still alive. You only have one life so make the best out of it. One life roll the dice, have fun with your life even if you're in pain.
Just survive this day and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Don't be afraid to survive, one day you will see what your life is all about. Life is too short so don't waste it for sorrow and misery, stop looking for sympathy and start having fun.
You are in pain because you inflict it to yourself, you have problems because you can't appreciate your life. Just appreciate what you have and try to live as much as you can. It's ok if you're not ok, one day your situation will change, one day your life will become much easier, just endure the pain now and never try to end your life. How lucky you are to be still breathing, make a choice to use your life the right way and try to inspire people as much as you can.
Life is all about continuing to live, it's all about being in the moment and being a participant in this world. Life has nothing to do with being successful or being number one, it has nothing to do with your feelings, life is all about opening your eyes and being able to move, being able to have fun despite of the difficulties of life.
Stay alive, don't quit, even if you're at the bottom and even if you're suffering a lot... you're still alive, it's a privilege, just feel any negative emotion that you are experiencing and have peace with them. Don't wish for them to go instantly because that will only create a larger burden.
Avoid self pity and be wild, enjoy your life as much as you can. A lot of people commits suicide but I know that they regret it in the end, I know they still want to live upon learning that they can't go back to their bodies anymore.
Be ok not being ok, whatever you are going through... you can survive it, no problem is bigger than you, you will not be given a test that you cannot pass. It's all about enduring it, it's all about outlasting your problem. Just live your life and stop being a dramatic diva.
Stop all the dramas in your life, you have to move, forget all the suffering for a second and learn how to focus your attention to more positive things.
It's fun to stay alive, you only live once so why focus on misery? why focus on negativity? you have the right to become happy, you can even become happy now if you will fix your mind and stop complaining too much about your life, stop hating your life.
You don't need anything to become happy, all you need is the right mindset.. the right perspective. A lot of people were already dead, how lucky you are to be still alive. You only have one life so make the best out of it. One life roll the dice, have fun with your life even if you're in pain.
Just survive this day and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Don't be afraid to survive, one day you will see what your life is all about. Life is too short so don't waste it for sorrow and misery, stop looking for sympathy and start having fun.
You are in pain because you inflict it to yourself, you have problems because you can't appreciate your life. Just appreciate what you have and try to live as much as you can. It's ok if you're not ok, one day your situation will change, one day your life will become much easier, just endure the pain now and never try to end your life. How lucky you are to be still breathing, make a choice to use your life the right way and try to inspire people as much as you can.
You're so tired, you're so fatigued because you don't want to work, as simple as that, you don't want to push anymore, you think you're overworked but the truth is you're slow and killing the hours while working.
You don't love your work that's why you're tired, you're not appreciative, you can't appreciate that you have a work, you hate it because you can't see the results that you are expecting. The conclusion is you are working less but expecting more. The universe will never listen to you if all you do is complain that you are tired.
It's all in your head because you're too lazy, you want to become rich but you don't want to work hard, you want to become popular but you don't want to work hard. What kind of mindset was that? stop dreaming and start executing. If you will only love working then you will never get tired... ever.
Build a habit of loving to work, create a mindset that work is your number one hobby. Laziness is next to ugliness, the more you get lazy the more you will become poor and unattractive. Hard work is the answer to your problem work like hell and you will live in heaven.
You will never get tired if you will only learn how to love your work, learn to love it, study the process on how to love your work. Even if your work is the ugliest work in the world, you can still find a way how to love it.
Everything will become easier once you learn how to love your work, it's just a matter of tricking your mind and programming it to get excited to work.
Accept that everyday will be a hard work so you won't get tired, make hard work as your culture, attached it to your everyday life. Don't be like others who just want to sit all day long, they were useless people, you don't belong to their group.
Force yourself to work if you are lazy, remember that feelings has no place in success. You have to work regardless of how you feel. Feeling better or feeling worse... still work and never stop until you become successful.
Enjoy working, live with the moment and never try to rush the process, the more you rush things and wish for an ending... the more you will get tired.
And remember that not all the time you are free to choose the work that you love, there will be instances when you have to do what you don't want to do in order to survive. Don't listen to other people that you need to be the boss of your own life, how can you do it if you are lazy? you can only have that status if you already proven yourself, if you already put the time and effort just to go to the top. Work now, don't work later, fall in love with your work now, want your work because nobody will want it for you, always remember that hard work pays off.
You don't love your work that's why you're tired, you're not appreciative, you can't appreciate that you have a work, you hate it because you can't see the results that you are expecting. The conclusion is you are working less but expecting more. The universe will never listen to you if all you do is complain that you are tired.
It's all in your head because you're too lazy, you want to become rich but you don't want to work hard, you want to become popular but you don't want to work hard. What kind of mindset was that? stop dreaming and start executing. If you will only love working then you will never get tired... ever.
Build a habit of loving to work, create a mindset that work is your number one hobby. Laziness is next to ugliness, the more you get lazy the more you will become poor and unattractive. Hard work is the answer to your problem work like hell and you will live in heaven.
You will never get tired if you will only learn how to love your work, learn to love it, study the process on how to love your work. Even if your work is the ugliest work in the world, you can still find a way how to love it.
Everything will become easier once you learn how to love your work, it's just a matter of tricking your mind and programming it to get excited to work.
Accept that everyday will be a hard work so you won't get tired, make hard work as your culture, attached it to your everyday life. Don't be like others who just want to sit all day long, they were useless people, you don't belong to their group.
Force yourself to work if you are lazy, remember that feelings has no place in success. You have to work regardless of how you feel. Feeling better or feeling worse... still work and never stop until you become successful.
Enjoy working, live with the moment and never try to rush the process, the more you rush things and wish for an ending... the more you will get tired.
And remember that not all the time you are free to choose the work that you love, there will be instances when you have to do what you don't want to do in order to survive. Don't listen to other people that you need to be the boss of your own life, how can you do it if you are lazy? you can only have that status if you already proven yourself, if you already put the time and effort just to go to the top. Work now, don't work later, fall in love with your work now, want your work because nobody will want it for you, always remember that hard work pays off.
Don't be afraid to be an underdog because everyone is beatable, everyone will bow, it's just a matter of who wants it more. History will repeat itself, there are lot of stories about people who are not expected to win but still win.
Lebron James is beatable, Michael Jordan is beatable, Beyonce is beatable, Donald Trump is beatable, the most successful people in this world lost a lot of times, nobody is immune to failure.
Even you, even if you think you're already great... don't be arrogant because you are beatable too, somebody will take your place, you will be beheaded if you don't work hard.
Never under estimate yourself, you too can win, you too can become a king. Don't be afraid to take what is rightfully yours. You can go to the top only if you choose to, don't be afraid to sacrifice and push yourself like you never push before. It's all on you if you wanted to win or not, sometimes you have to kill yourself in order to win, are you willing to do that?
Even if you are an underdog, if you are willing to do whatever it takes and give your life to it then you will surely win. Even if you're battling a legend, you can still win if you will believe in yourself and out hustle your opponent.
It's all about wanting it so bad, do you want it so bad? are you willing to sacrifice big time? are you willing to face the pain? are you willing to focus all of your energies to it? you should answer directly, you should have a bold answer.
No one is Godlike, nobody is chosen to become undefeated. Even champions lost. Mayweather also lost before, he is just a third placer in olympics, nobody in this world has a perfect record.
If you will put your heart and soul into it then you will be able to conquer an intimidating giant. Just like David and Goliath, you can shock the world and make them respect you.
So if you have a huge challenge in front of you... don't be afraid of it, face it with all your heart, use all your might to conquer it, never quit, never sell yourself short, bet on yourself and bet all your money to your success. Go all the way, if you're going to try go all the way or else don't even try at all.
There is a hidden power in your willpower, use all of your power and push through no matter what, give our very best and never look back, it's like committing a suicide in a positive way, you will give your life for that dream, you will give your all and you will never care if you lost everything around you.
Nothing is impossible, everything can happen if you have a very powerful belief. Your belief in yourself will become your weapon, trust yourself when nobody does, exert a scary effort that cannot be match by anyone.
Lebron James is beatable, Michael Jordan is beatable, Beyonce is beatable, Donald Trump is beatable, the most successful people in this world lost a lot of times, nobody is immune to failure.
Even you, even if you think you're already great... don't be arrogant because you are beatable too, somebody will take your place, you will be beheaded if you don't work hard.
Never under estimate yourself, you too can win, you too can become a king. Don't be afraid to take what is rightfully yours. You can go to the top only if you choose to, don't be afraid to sacrifice and push yourself like you never push before. It's all on you if you wanted to win or not, sometimes you have to kill yourself in order to win, are you willing to do that?
Even if you are an underdog, if you are willing to do whatever it takes and give your life to it then you will surely win. Even if you're battling a legend, you can still win if you will believe in yourself and out hustle your opponent.
It's all about wanting it so bad, do you want it so bad? are you willing to sacrifice big time? are you willing to face the pain? are you willing to focus all of your energies to it? you should answer directly, you should have a bold answer.
No one is Godlike, nobody is chosen to become undefeated. Even champions lost. Mayweather also lost before, he is just a third placer in olympics, nobody in this world has a perfect record.
If you will put your heart and soul into it then you will be able to conquer an intimidating giant. Just like David and Goliath, you can shock the world and make them respect you.
So if you have a huge challenge in front of you... don't be afraid of it, face it with all your heart, use all your might to conquer it, never quit, never sell yourself short, bet on yourself and bet all your money to your success. Go all the way, if you're going to try go all the way or else don't even try at all.
There is a hidden power in your willpower, use all of your power and push through no matter what, give our very best and never look back, it's like committing a suicide in a positive way, you will give your life for that dream, you will give your all and you will never care if you lost everything around you.
Nothing is impossible, everything can happen if you have a very powerful belief. Your belief in yourself will become your weapon, trust yourself when nobody does, exert a scary effort that cannot be match by anyone.
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