Apr 11, 2018


Persevere now, persevere tomorrow, persevere all the way and you will become successful. Even if you don't become successful now... you will carry that perseverance in the future and it will make you successful, it will give you something that not all people can have.

It's the attitude that will make you successful, being a persevering individual is a good attitude, it is something that you should be proud of.

So don't be afraid of failing... it's making you tougher, don't be afraid of waiting... it's molding you to become a winner.

Perseverance will carry on, it will be your life, you will no longer quit to any kind of hard challenge. You will eat obstacles like M&Ms, everything will b so easy. You can weather any kind of storm.

If perseverance is all you have... you should be proud of it, you should feel happy because most people nowadays are very soft. Most people will quit. Most people will give up when the going gets tough. If you can stick until the end and still believe in your dreams then you will become a winner, you will thrive, you will go to the top.

Perseverance will last, it will never fade, it will never die... it will remain forever.

So train your mental toughness, set your mind into something and pursue it even if it is so hard, never quit, keep moving forward and give your very best every single second.

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