Apr 12, 2018


It's very easy to spot a weak person, you can see it if you're strong, you can see it if you're tired of being weak and you accepted that you're weak before but you changed yourself now.

A person is weak if he is always trying to look strong, he is weak if he is always belittling people that he thinks are weak, he is trying hard so much and looking unnatural.

The weak person will always look for someone to carry his lazy and scared ass, he is so scared to walk alone and do it by himself. He is so lazy and very dependent, he is needy and always needs something from you.

He is so lazy, he cannot decide, he thinks that he is entitled of something even though he hasn't prove anything great yet.

If you don't want to become weak then work hard, be ready to walk alone, never let anyone do something for you... be independent, be someone who is reliable and will take full responsibility of himself. Be someone who can carry himself in any kind of situation.

A weak person is a quitter, he always quit. Every time he feels a little uncomfortable... he will look for an easy way out, he will look for help, he will cry for his mama.

A weak person always makes excuses, he has a reason for everything. He always find a way not to do something. He always find something that will save his weak ass.

Being weak is disgusting, you cannot even cook your own meal, you cannot even start your own journey.

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