Apr 2, 2018


Every action matters, every action counts, every action is the right action. Every time you do something for your dream... it is always right, it can give you something. The action my look meaningless for now but you will see in the future that if you didn't take that action then you're not on the place where you wanted to be.

Keep taking more and more action, that's the best way to become closer to success. If you will keep on taking actions then you will learn what are the best moves to do. You will make mistakes but those mistakes will make you smarter than before.

Take massive action, that is what it's all about, if you're not going to do it then nothing will happen to you. You've been a lazy stupid guy for a very long time, you're so relaxed... where did it take you?

The secret here is to stop judging yourself, stop judging the situation. Never think that you're wrong and you're just wasting your time. Never think of yourself that way. Once you take an action... never regret it, never regret that you did it... ever. Every action counts, always think that every time you move then you're almost getting there, this is a journey. Success is composed of small actions put together.

One day you're going to get there so be patient. It takes time, it takes a lot of actions to become successful. Never think that you will not get there because you will get there for sure. You can use your own style, rhythm and timing, you can use your own technique so don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to commit stupid decisions. You need every step that you can take, those are all important ingredients for success.

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