Aug 7, 2021


Some people say they believe it, some people say they can do it, some people say that they really believe that they can win but it can't be seen on their actions. You don't see them really trying hard and giving their all, you can't see in their body language that they're willing to risk it all. All you hear is talk and complain, all you hear is excuses why they're not winning in life. If someone really believe in what he's doing then you will see extraordinary effort, you will never see him talk, you will always see him pushing and grinding. 

You can say that you really believe it but if you're not doing the work, if you're not hungry enough to get it then you really don't believe it. Maybe you believe it but that belief is not committed and not focused, you will quit every time you experience a struggle. 


If you really believe it then you will do whatever it takes to win. You will make big time sacrifices, you will push yourself to the limits. If you really believe it then you will work very hard, you will never exert a mediocre effort. You will push through pain and will do everything you can to succeed. It will be seen on how hard you work and not on how hard you open your mouth. 

If you really believe it then you will never think that it's hard, you will keep moving forward all the time. Your mind is close, it will never accept any information that makes you weak, you will find a way, your energy for pushing will never run out. That is the power of believing, it will make you do impossible things, you feel invincible, you think that you're not going to fail. 

What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail? are you going to give your all? are you going to chase the impossible dream? are you going to go further as much as you can? because most people are not working hard for their dreams because they never really believe it. If you really believe it then you will exhaust yourself and do everything you can even if it takes risking everything you have in your life. 

If you really believe it then all doubts will be erased, any bad comments from other people will be ignored, any difficulty will never be felt. You will keep moving forward until you make it happen. 

Most people say that they believe in something but it can't be seen through their actions. They believe that they are going to win but they are exerting a losing effort, they don't go hard, they were too soft and taking their chances for granted. If you really believe it then you will go all in, you will push yourself to the limits and exert an unbelievable effort. 


Whether be about making money, looking for a job, getting healed, changing your life, creating a new idea, chasing a goal... any belief is worth fighting for. You have the right to believe in something. If you really believe it then you need to fight for it. Forget about what people say, forget your situation now and just go for it no matter what. Even if your odds of winning is really bad... fight for it and make it happen. Fight for your belief, fight for any dream you have, may it be so impossible or ridiculous... fight for it no matter what. Focus all of your actions into your dreams and use every ounce of your strength to make it come true. Never stop when it's hard, stop when you're done. Don't be ashamed of your beliefs, believe it form beginning until the end. Any belief is worth fighting for, it's who you are, it's what you are all about, it symbolizes your life, it represents your character. There's no wrong belief, every belief is right if you will really believe it and die for it. 

If you believe you're going to become a millionaire then fight for it, if you really believe that you're going to become an olympian then fight for it, if you believe that you're going to become a champion then fight for it, if you believe that you're going to become a religious leader then fight for it, if you believe you're going to become the king of the world then fight for it. The level of your belief is the barometer of how far you will go, if you have a high belief in yourself then nothing is impossible to you, you will conquer any mountain, you will reach the unimaginable heights. 


Never put any information that will corrupt your mind, only entertain positive thoughts. Detach yourself from any form of negativity, focus on stories that creates motivation and determination, your belief will become stronger and stronger every time you hear stories that matches your dream. So beware of negative information, stop watching news, stay away from toxic friends who has no business in making your mind better, never let your mind absorb any thoughts that will never make you feel confident. Stay away from ugly topics or negative entertainment, you need to invest in your mind, a strong mind will give you a better life, a strong mind will give you a stronger belief, you will become unbreakable if you will saturate your mind with positivity and hope. Fall in love with inspirational stories, read a lot of motivational quotes, it sounds corny but without these words... nobody will become a hero. Motivation is a powerful tool if you will learn how to use it, don't brag about it, use it, once you read a motivational quote... apply it to your life, don't just know it... apply it. 


If you say something you're going to do... do it, no excuses, just do it, do it with all your heart. never doubt yourself for a second, do it with passion, do it with burning desire, do it with all of your belief in yourself. Become a finisher, stop talking, if you can hold yourself accountable for everything that you say then your belief will become stronger. Most people doesn't believe in themselves because they knew from the very beginning they will quit when the going gets tough. If you want to your belief to become stronger then promise to yourself to never quit no matter what, promise to yourself that you will finish what you started. Stop copying other people that quits when they feel overwhelmed with the journey. Finish what you started, do what you say you're going to do and your belief in yourself will become stronger, you will become proud of yourself. Talk is cheap, anyone can brag, anyone can look good on papers, it's not what you say... it's what you can prove. Prove to yourself that you can follow the game plan, prove to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to win, trust the process from beginning to the end, never quit, never surrender... it's all about moving forward. The more you push forward.... the stronger your belief will become. 

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