Aug 13, 2021


In life in order to win you need to stop minding going down, you need to stop thinking about losing and never be afraid of losing everything. You have nothing to lose in life, for as long as you're moving forward and not giving up then you will have no regrets in the end. Go hard today, don't worry about the past because that was yesterday, today is a good day to win, don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to get exhausted... just go all in. Sacrifice everything, sacrifice your sleep, sacrifice your happiness, don't be fooled with instant pleasures, practice delayed gratification and live the rest of your life like a real winner. 


Every action should have a reason why you're doing it, it should aim to get better or to improve and nothing else, not about going down, not about losing, not about having fun and destroying your life in the end, you should have a purpose why you're doing something, I mean good purpose. If you're going to school what is your purpose? if you're swiping your phone what is your purpose? if you're watching Television what is your purpose? if you're working what is your purpose? because if you don't have a purpose of getting better then you're just fooling yourself, you're setting yourself up for failure. If you're eating that way what is your purpose? if you're rising up from bed what is your purpose? if you're talking to someone what is your purpose? if you're thinking that way what is your purpose? even thinking will affect your life, it's either pull you down or raise you up, the choice is always yours. 


Relax, don't follow the crowd, do what your instincts is telling you to do. You're still in control, if everyone is going that way go this way, if everyone is doing that do this. You don't need to follow them, so what if they are winning and you're not? so what if they're popular and you're not? so what if you keep losing over and over again, for as long as you're doing it your way... you will feel happiness, you will see greatness one day. Be patient, take your time, stop panicking like what most people do. Always have that state of abundance, there is something for you, you will have a piece of cake. You don't need to have what they have, you don't need to follow orders from a winner, you can do it your way, you can decide for your own good. There's no need to worry or entertain any negativity, stay positive and you will be alright, trust hard work, keep working hard even if you're losing a lot, reverse the course, do whatever it takes to succeed. Not all the time you will make mistakes, not all the time you will suffer, you will prevail in the end if you really believe in yourself and do the amount of work needed. 


All the pain and hardships were all temporary, it is not there to stay forever. Hard times is the time you need to give your best, these hard times will go away anytime soon. Just keep plodding and you will find a way. So if you're feeling the pressure a lot... just give your very best, don't stop, try to outwork everyone, try to stay positive all day so that your decisions will be good. I don't care if I lose now and win in the end, the ugly situation I'm dealing with will never last forever, I just knew that for as long as I am pushing I will be alright, I believe in the power of pushing. 

Every suffering will never last forever, if you're doing the right thing then all of your hard work will pay off, just believe in the power of taking massive actions. What you're doing everyday will be totaled in the end, there is a sum, there is a prize waiting for you, claim it when the time is right but for now... endure the pain of working and not getting anything. 


Why? because you will give your best and will never be needy of the results. You will just love the process. Most people can't execute a move not because they don't have the skills, knowledge or resources, it's because they're so afraid to lose. They don't want to lose money, they don't want their efforts to get wasted, they don't want to get tired. Because it's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up and giving everything you've got to make it. 


You're suffering even more every time you look at other people's lives. You're getting jealous, you're more interested with their lives that yours. Focus on your own life, strive to become the best version of yourself. More disciplined, wealthier, healthier, more focused, more loving, smarter and more mindful. If you can enjoy your life the most then success will come. 


Victory belongs to the most persevering. It's ok if you're losing again and again, always remember that if you persevere enough then one day you're going to win too. You have to believe in yourself, believe that everything you do has a part on being successful, believe that every action will help you make it. Persevere and keep going, there's no time for quitting, quitters never win, stay with the grind, use all of your strength and keep working until you finally make it. 


No love, no appreciation, no gains, no progress, no sex, no money, no food... be ok with it. What matters is you are doing the right thing, you are going hard, you are not hurting anybody and your eyes is on the prize all the time. Remember that it's only hard for now but your situation will become easier once you find something that is working. This is what hustle is all about, this is what entrepreneurship 

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