Aug 14, 2021


Happiness come and go, it's not permanent that's why there's no reason to look for it because you will feel it every now and then, yesterday you maybe sad but today you can be happy. You can't be frowning and making dramas forever in your life. Happiness will be felt even if you don't force it. But if you want to become happier and experience more of that feeling... you need to exert effort. You can become happier if you will work and do something. 

Marriage will become happier if you will exert an effort to romance your partner, kiss her, give her flowers, listen to her dramas and fantasies, be with her, give her more time. It's a work, it needs effort. A lot of marriage fails because of laziness. One or both person were lazy, not exerting an effort to please his/her partner, not thinking about new things, not asking for forgiveness if there is an argument, not understanding each other, not giving time to have some fun. These small things were not given any consideration, in other words they don't want to exert an effort. 

You're not happy because you don't like or love yourself, you hate yourself because you're not exerting an effort to make yourself look good or better. You are not giving time for yourself, you're not trying to improve, you're not grooming yourself, you're not treating yourself, you're not learning any new skills, you're not investing on yourself and that's why you're not happy, that's why you want to live other people's lives, you want to fill someone's shoes. You love your idol more than you love yourself, you want to restart your life and choose a new character. You don't know that what's missing is your lack of effort, your lack of love for yourself. If you will just take time to understand what you need, if you will just give more time for improvement then you will become much happier. It's ok to accept yourself for who you are but don't ever complain if you don't like what you're seeing and feeling.


You feel so unhappy with your body because you're not working out and it's destroying your health. You feel so unhappy with your money because you're not exerting an extra effort to double it. You're living like a bum that has no direction. You want to become happy but you're not willing to become tired. If you don't like your life now, it means you're too lazy. If you want your life to change right away then you need to work harder than yesterday, you need to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got, that's the only choice you have. All you have to do is push yourself to move and that's it, nothing more nothing less. The process is too simple, you just need to outwork everyone and you will get what you want. It's all about work and nothing else, it's all about pushing yourself to the limits and not taking any second for granted. Because a man working hard is so much happier than a man who is so damn lazy. Being lazy will make your brain rusty. Don't think and just work, give a relentless effort and see what you will become. Turn yourself into a beast so you won't feel weak anymore. If you're getting successful little by little then your confidence will soar, you will feel happier, you will have a strong foundation that will never break every time you feel sad or unmotivated. If you have a habit of working hard everyday then you don't need any motivation anymore, you will just do it, you will never be afraid of failing, you will always go for the kill, you will get what you want no matter what. 

Hard work will save you, it will solve any kind of problem, may it be about love life, money, looks, success etc. Hard work is going to make you evolve and that's the beauty of it. If you're working hard enough then anything is possible to you, you can achieve anything and become anything. You really need to give your 100 percent all the time because if not then you would not love the results. You will have a lot of regrets and that brings depression. So stop making dramas and excuses why you are not happy, you are unhappy because you're too lazy, as simple as that. If you're really depressed by now and you don't know what to do then just walk, that's beating laziness, that's beating depression, you will feel better after walking or jogging for at least 30 minutes to one hour. 


Your nights are so cold, you want someone to hug, you want someone to have romance with, you want someone who will take care of you, you want someone to join you in shower but you can't find a partner, why? because you're ugly and has no confidence in yourself. Why you don't have confidence in yourself? because you're lazy. Keep in mind there are some ugly men who have a hot girlfriend because their value is so high. If you're ugly and you want to have a hot partner then you better invest in yourself, the only choice you have is to get richer and fitter. Lift weights, run a marathon, earn more money, this is the only choice you have but at least you have choice. It is doable, hot women love hardworking men that has a high value. Trust me, if you're passionate in what you do then you will look sexier, women loves men who are thriving in their own nice. So stop chasing women too much and focus on loving yourself, focus on working hard for yourself and those women will follow you, they will hunt you like a fresh meat waiting to be eaten. These women will go crazy after you especially if you become a millionaire. So what are you waiting for? go ahead and make your value higher, you will become happier if you will work hard. 

Don't be afraid to push yourself to do something, you may win or lose but you will have no regrets. Life is all about taking risks and challenges, it's not about staying on the same place 10 years before, the reason why you're not happy is because you're not evolving at all, you're not doing something for yourself. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...