Aug 5, 2021


Everyone gets scared every once in a while, someone right now is panicking, a role model's life is falling apart and she's freaking out, a well known strong person's mentally is being questioned, that savage dude in your neighborhood looks like lost and scared for the past few days. Nobody is immune to fear, everyone will become scared, even criminals become scared, even a man with no conscience become scared, there is no such thing as a fearless human being. Everyone become scared, the only difference between a successful person and a failure is a successful person is willing to become scared, he is willing to face his fears and deal with the consequences, he never back down, he never shy away from the moment. 


TO BEAT ANY KIND OF FEAR... you need to breathe, you need to take oxygen, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Beat fear through breathing, fear is scared of your breathe, it's scared of calmness. Feel it, embrace it and be aware if what's going on around you. Understand that your fear is there to make you better, it's a reminder that you need to be mindful and stay with the present moment. Most people were scared even more because they were thinking about the future. 

Thinking about what people say is also thinking about the future, it hasn't happen yet but you're already assuming that they are judging you, and that's why you always get anxious. Judging yourself is also thinking about the future, you haven't failed yet, nobody is criticizing you yet and you're already downing yourself, it's also thinking about the future. Thinking about failing is also thinking about the future, you 're still on the game, nobody declares that you already lost and made a mistake and you're already making a conclusion that you failed. 

The antidote to every fear, anxiousness, worries is breathing. It's like a mini meditation, focus on your breathing and you will feel more powerful. Anxiety will go away, fear will dissolve, you will never rush anymore and you will be able to enjoy the moment no matter how bad it is. Just breathe and you will be alright, breathing will pull you back to the present moment, it will make you feel calmer and secured. Because the truth is... life is happening now, there's no way tomorrow is real, there's no such thing as tomorrow, there is only now. There's no such thing as later, there's only now. Give your very best but never worry about the future anymore, withdraw from the idea of trying to control everything. 


You're alright, you're not going to die, you're not going to get hurt. Just stay calm, it's all you need to do. If you're on the brink of elimination, if you're badly hurt, if you're stuck in a traffic, if your girlfriend cheats on you, if you're in to much pain, if you think you're going to die, if you lose all of your money, if someone is disrespecting you... stay calm, a powerful mind has a big advantage, you can control any type of situation if you're cool, calm and collected. Calmness is powerful, it's attractive, it commands attention, you're more aware if you're calm. Keep breathing when you're scared, detach from any outcome and let everything flow, embrace the possibilities, always remember that this is life and anything can happen, all you can do is be happy with what is going on now even if it is too hard and unacceptable, you can bend the reality if you will try to stay calm, positive things are more likely to happen if you will not panic. It's not hard to do it, you just need to be aware of everything, of course there will still be days when you will just panic or become scared but you have to be conscious about it, don't just go with it, always look at yourself and ask yourself if you really need to feel that way. Always think that you're already out of control when you will let high emotions get the best of you. Calmness is a weapon, it's a shield, you can use this whenever there is a threat or discomfort. Life will become much much easier if you will stay calm for most of the time. 


The reason why you're always scared is because you're too stagnant, you're overthinking, you're trying to become perfect. Just do it, take actions and forget about committing stupid mistakes, forget about failing, keep moving forward, speed is the answer, fate loves the bold ones, you've got to just jump there and see what is possible. Allow yourself to commit turnovers, allow yourself to repeat when you need to. Stay aggressive, always do something, always give everything you've got. Never let your mind think about negative things again by deciding to just take actions now and do whatever it takes to succeed. Keep pushing forward no matter what, even if you don't feel like moving, even if you feel so uncomfortable... just do it. You will be able to find a way when you're consistently moving, stop being passive, stop being complacent and stay aggressive all the time. The key is to never let your mind entertain a lot of negative things, this can be done by replacing worrying with execution. Just do it without even thinking if you will fail or not. Keep climbing, keep taking chances, the world is yours if you will stay aggressive. 


You're just a human being, you will become scared every once in a while, you will feel the fear, and if all of a sudden you failed because of fear... forgive yourself. Learn from it, don't judge yourself, don't feel so little. Move on and go to the next challenge, try again and stay calm next time. Never think about what happened, let it go, don't stay in the past because the more you think about it the more it will stay in your head and it's likely to happen again next time. Always think that today is different, forget the past because you can do something better today, you can be better today. Everyone will fail, no matter how good you are you will experience the bitterness of it, it's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up and challenging yourself to rise again. Failure is a part of your life, you have to deal with it, you have to accept it and keep pushing to see what you can get. Just try and try, try for one more time before you give up and when you fail again.... try again, it's a never ending trying, try until success become tired of running away from you. Success can never hide from you forever, it will submit, it will become yours.  

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