Aug 29, 2021


If you keep getting the same results over and over again then it means you're using the same mind over and over again. Your mind is not correct, the images and information and beliefs programmed in your mind is not related to success. That's why you need to reprogrammed it consciously. You need to be mindful and think only about the thoughts that will help you. Mind can be totally overhauled by constantly repeating new thoughts, thoughts about positivity and greatness, thoughts about enjoying life and having lesser resistance. 


Think about it now, think about getting it and doing everything you can to have it. Think about the0 process you are doing, think about the images that makes you feel successful and abundant, erase all the images of past, failures, shortcomings, poverty, lack, disappointments, victim mentality etc. Think about success, make it your scripture, make it your mantra. Stop talking to losers, stop talking about regrets, you need to focus on making it, make yourself closer and closer from it, little by little consume your mind and time with activities and words that are related to success. Because what you repeatedly think and do will be your reality. If you're thinking about failing, missing, getting robbed, 


Stop stalking girls, stop wasting your time watching a lot of Porn, just do it sometimes like me. You better control your horniness or else it will control you. You can never get those girls, you don't have money. Make yourself rich first then bang all those chicks you want. Stop spending 84 hours a week simping girls and dreaming that you can taste all of them, you're a bum, remind yourself that you are broke and nobody will love you if you stay the same. Change your mind now, work hard now and get those girls later. They will be running after you once they smell your millions, those gold diggers will offer their soul to you once you're on top. So stop simping because it's messing up your mind, it's a distraction. Change your mind now and focus on creating wealth. 


Feel powerful, feel invincible. At the end of the day you will feel something, why not feel great? why not feel like a real winner in life? it's all about how you feel. It's not about the difficulty, it's not about the time, it's not about the problem... it's about how you feel. You can feel good despite of these frightening obstacles that are blocking your way, you can still feel positive and hopeful despite of unexpected disasters. Think that you can do everything, you can push yourself to solve problems and become a winner. It's all about how you think and how you feel. 


News is freezing your mind, it's instilling fear into your system, it's making you scared for no reason. 90 percent of the news are all fake news, don't believe what you didn't see in your naked eye. Those newscasters were good manipulators, there manipulate people, they twist the stories just to get some audience. Negativity is more attractive than positivity, it's easy to absorb but it will make your mind weak, it will make you insane. News is one of the baddest invention on earth, it's not giving you the right food for the mind. News is for negative and gullible people, try turning off the damn news for a month and see the change in your life. 


Know what you need to think and every time you find yourself thinking about some other things outside of your chosen thoughts... shift to your chosen thoughts right away, no excuses no attachment to the present thoughts that are fun but useless. Make your mind fast, immediately go to the positive thoughts that are helping you to succeed and grow. Force yourself to think the right away, withdraw from the poisonous thoughts that are destroying your mind. Develop a mind that switch so fast from negative to positive, of course your mind will think negative too because you're just a human but be aware that you must not think negatively. 


You want to change right? that's why you want to change your mind. Question yourself and be real... do you really want it? do your really want to experience a different type of experience that was far from before? do you really wan to see greatness or experience it a bit? greatness is simply moving forward all the time, you can't stop, it's a lifestyle that only few can adapt. Greatness is stressful in the beginning because you have to force your body to become faster in doing things, you have to force your mind to think differently, your thoughts should be 10x better than before. Be real, stop fooling yourself that you really want it if you're not focusing on it, stop fooling yourself that you're working hard if the total hours of real work in your daily life is only 3-3.5. Wake up and get real, question yourself how bad do you want it because you will never get it if you're half ass committed. 


Stop hanging out with stupid people, stop talking to people who are nonsense and will not lift up your spirits. Stop rubbing elbows with people who will not teach you to win, stop hanging out with pessimist and people with crab mentality. Stop doing stupid things that will not even push you closer to greatness. Stop the stupidity, remember that each action should have a purpose, if what you're doing will never make you better then stop it. It's all about having the discipline to do what is right, that's it. There's no secret recipe to success, just stop the stupidity, get serious in life. Stop trying to impress people doing stupid things just to look cool, you ain't cool if you are broke and stupid. You know the things that will not give you anything right? just don't be stupid and you will have a better life. 

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