Feb 4, 2020


Some people were just good in starting but poor in finishing, some people were just strong in the beginning but suddenly fade in the end. They don't have the mentality of a finisher, all they have is mentality of a person who feel confident when everything is right and goes crazy when pressure is felt.

If you want to become a finisher then be willing to face the pain, be willing to feel the pressure and accept what might happen, forget about the results just keep pushing while you still have some energy left in your body. It's all about taking the next step after the next one, it's all about pushing yourself to the limits and not giving up, as simple as that. It doesn't matter if it's hard or easy, what matters is you push through to finish it, if you can just convince yourself to keep going no matter what then it means you're a finisher. Again, the results doesn't matter, what matters is you keep moving forward until you can't move no more. Because you will be tested along the road, especially if you're chasing something big. Sometimes you're almost there but you're always stopping and changing and that's why you can't make it. You need to push forward all the time even if it takes forever.


There is no such thing as danger, if it has no possibility to kill you then it's not dangerous. You think it's dangerous because you're always thinking of failing, you're always thinking about what people say, and that makes the situation dangerous. Whatever happens... just push, keep pushing forward all the time, that's how to get it done. Because what will happen will happen, anything is possible, all you can control is your effort. You will have a lot of regrets in the end if your effort is like the effort of babies, you need to move and act like a real man, you need to mean business, take it seriously and give everything you've got. It's all about finding a way, it's all about taking the next step after the next one. Because you can never control the future, all you can control is your behavior towards anything, never try to control something outside of you... just control yourself and the things that you can do. You need to just do it, focus on the process, focus on what you can do and never give up... that's it. Life is all about facing your fears and still trying to give your very best no matter what. Don't be afraid of the next person beside you, don't be afraid of the next event... what will happen will happen, just focus on what you feel because you need to feel comfortable feeling uncomfortable, you need to embrace everything inside of you and try to make a miracle.


Never mind the clock that is ticking, never care if your time is running out, never care if it's already too late, ignore the pressure and just keep moving forward because that is the best thing to do. Just do what you can do and that's it. Never mind everything outside of you, you want to finish right? your goal is your goal right? nothing else matters outside of your goal. Time will run out anyway, all you can do is enjoy the moment and have fun with the scary situation. Go all out even if you're running out of time, find the joy while working under pressure. Don't look to finish fast, just be in the moment and the mindset should be giving your very best every second... that's it, that's how to become a finisher. It doesn't matter if you're down, it doesn't matter if you don't know what to do, it doesn't matter if you're about to lose... what matters is you keep moving forward and you do whatever it takes to make your situation a little bit better.


It's like you will never quit no matter what, it's like you don't care even if it's already 4 am and you're still working, it's like you will keep playing even if your body is badly tired, it's like you will keep trying even if there is no more chance to win. A killer mindset is a mindset that says... I don't care, I will just keep going no matter what. You stay focused, your mind is locked in to something. You don't care if it's too hard and painful... you just want to move forward and never quit. You believe that your fate will change if you keep banging the door until it opens, you believe that not all the time you will struggle, you just believe in the power of your willpower, you just believe that it's ok to keep trying even if there is no progress because you just knew that it's just a matter of time before the universe hear you. A killer instinct is a mindset of not being afraid to lose, you will try, you will be yourself, you will do what you know will work and you will never care about everything that is stopping you, you're like a bulldozer that will bulldoze your way no matter how hard the obstacle is in front of you. You don't care if something goes wrong, your mind is fixated to winning, you're going to another level every time you try, you're enjoying the suffering, you're enjoying the process, you just believe that you're going to succeed anytime soon.

A killer mentality is something about having the ability to push, it's not about perfection, it's not about winning or losing, it's the ability to push and believe in yourself. And afterwards... success will manifest, victory will happen naturally, so keep thinking about winning all the time and don't be afraid to go all they way... that's how simple it is. It's hard but it's not complicated. It's simply having the ability to go further and further until you reach a different level. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...