Feb 9, 2020


There is a resistance for every level, something will always try to stop you, something for whatever reason will try to make your life a little bit difficult. It's your duty to know what the resistance is and break it if you want to reach another level. That is what success is all about, break one layer after the other, there will always be something that will try to slow you down, fear will strike in, some people will try to bring you down and make you feel bad, some strange things will happen and you don't know why. It's normal if you're pursing a goal, challenges will come and it's your obligation to overcome all of it.


You don't know it but you've been tricking yourself the whole time. Your mind and your negative thoughts is stopping you from succeeding, you're entertaining fears more than you entertain success. You entertain the idea that it is difficult rather than entertaining taking actions and looking for solutions. You already counted yourself out before you even begin. You're so afraid to struggle, you're so afraid of the process and that's why you couldn't even get started. The real resistance is you and you don't want to accept it.

You're having a hard time taking actions and making a little progress because you feel so heavy, it's because you're overthinking, you're too scared to fail. And when you're too scared to fail... you already failed. Failing is part of the process, don't ever think that your efforts were wasted, don't ever think that you just wasted a lot of energy and time. The truth to the matter is you learned a lot and you become a better person, you are discovering more about yourself every time you take risks and fail. Once you failed and you remember all the things that happened before you fail... you will discover a lot of lessons, you will become a wiser person now.


Don't try to win fast, don't try to earn money fast, don't try to finish it fast, you have to enjoy the moment no matter how hard it is. The key to breaking resistance is to learn how to have fun in any kind of situation. Because the more you look for results, the more the results will not come. Just like in traffic, the more you overtake a lot or cars and disobey traffic rules... the more you will attract obstacles. Learn to be cool and patient, you will have more time if you will enjoy your time. There is no need to rush, no need to think that you need to go there fast. Just enjoy what is going on and always believe that you will still become successful no matter what the obstacle is. So simply enjoy and have fun with any kind of resistance, it will break in just a matter of time and everything will become smooth and easier again.


If there is a resistance that is really hard to break then just ignore it and give your best. For example if you're playing basketball and there is a big man always blocking your shots... it is a resistance right? the best way to break it is to ignore it. You are intimidated right? and that is why your shots were not falling in, and sometimes you don't even want to take shots. But if you will ignore that big man and think that he is nothing then you will have some confidence to drive to the basket and become creative with your shots. You will never be afraid of something anymore if you will ignore it and just pay your attention to what you can do. Just like a bully, if you can just ignore the bullying and just laugh at it, if you can just feel unaffected with the bullying... the bully will become weak, treat the bully cold and it will become cold on you. Treat the bully with respect and it will disrespect you more.


Once you were able to detect what the resistance is... focus on the opposite of it. For example if you always feel scarcity then you need to feel the feeling of abundance. Focus on abundant thoughts and actions, focus on getting more instead of getting less. If you have a one hundred dollars and you're so scared that it will go away, focus on getting more of it instead of trying to become thrifty and hoarding it. Success is just a game of focus, where the focus go the energy flow. If you're focus on what you are scared of like losing money... you will lose your money, if you're focused on trying to avoid a defeat then you're already defeated. Focus on the opposite of resistance and resistance will be break. So what is stopping you? what is trying to stop you? if you feel that a particular individual is stopping you to succeed then don't focus on that individual, focus on other people that is making you feel much better. Stop associating yourself with people who is trying to pull you down.

So focus on what makes you feel good, focus on what's giving you a little bit progress and it will break any kind of resistance. Another example is a man that has huge debts, the bank is hunting him, people who lend him money is scaring him, there is a lot of resistance going on that is stopping him from recovering. But if he will just focus on a small business that is earning a little bit... his world will change, he can make a come back with that small business. It will give him a lot of confidence, it will attract better things. He will not even become scared of his debts anymore because he can slowly pay it little by little. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...