Feb 11, 2020


At the end of the day we all want to feel good and happy but sometimes we are complicating our lives that's why it's so hard for us to become happy. We can't appreciate the things and people we have, we're always looking for what is missing, and that is why we can't make progress. It's all about feeling good, you need to appreciate what you have first before you can have more. The reality is you have a lot but you can't see it. And if you can't be happy with what you have it means you don't have it. The key to success is feeling good with what you have, not being jealous with what other people have so that there will be no resistance in getting more. The reason why you can't get what you want is because you can't see what you have, you're too picky and dramatic, you're like a spoiled kid wanting more but wanting to work less. It's pretty insane because you're being too pathetic about it, you're complaining a lot, you think you deserve something more even if you're just giving your less. You need to appreciate what you have and give your all in order to get more. Because looking at what is lacking will create a negative energy that will avoid you from taking actions, the success will be blocked by always looking at what is missing in your life.


Just be happy with what you have, be happy with your old shoes, old car, small house, little money. Once you make it a habit to appreciate everything you have then it will be easier for you to feel good. Take care of what you have, clean your house, maintain your car, wear your shoes, appreciate your food, appreciate the people around you. Feeling good is the key, falling in love with your life will change your life. You don't need to get wealthy, healthy, popular, rich, strong to become happy. You can feel good right away by controlling the thoughts that comes and goes in your brain.

So even if your dreams and goals hasn't happened yet... still feel good about your life. You still have a chance to get all of it because you're still alive, and that is already a good reason to become happy. All you want will be yours if you never give up, so stay motivated and develop and enthusiasm for your life everyday. You can control your emotions, it's just a matter of appreciating your life and being satisfied with what you have. You can grow with what you have just work hard and give your best, good things will be attracted to your life if you keep on looking for reasons to become happy. Feeling good is a choice, the reason why you feel bad is because you can't find a reason to become happy but the reality is you have millions of reasons to become happy, and even if you only have few reasons... you still have reasons, it's just a matter of where is your focus going to. Does your focus goes to complains and lacks? or does your focus goes to appreciation and growth?


Another secret to feeling good is taking actions. Sometimes all you need to do is walk, clean your house, do your tasks, pay your bills, earn a little money and do your responsibilities. Moving will create hormones in your system that creates happiness. You will become happier if you are moving, as simple as that. Look at those people who were terribly sad... they are not moving, all they do is complain and look for the things that are not happening with their lives. But if they will just move and take matters into their own hands then they will feel much better, they will forget their problems and they will attract solutions. Taking action will give you progress, the reason why you can't take actions is because you're always looking for a perfect result, you're always looking for an easy way out, you want your life to become perfect right away. But life doesn't work like that, you need to take it step by step, be patient and enjoy every moment of the process.


Happiness is a choice, it is a state of mind. You can happy by having less, you can be happy without having anything. The happiest person is the one who can become happy anytime he choose to by simply making himself busy doing something that will give him progress a little bit. Just being passionate about your life and work will make you happy. And even if you're not doing anything... you can still find ways how to become happy if you will just stay still, be satisfied with your life or appreciate something that you can see. Happiness is that easy to achieve, all it takes is the right mindset, be appreciative with what you have and you will become happy forever. Some people were terribly sad and depressed because they were too picky, they raise their standards so high but they were not even doing anything to get what they want, all they do is dream about it and complain about it. It's ok to look for something more, it's ok to dream big but make sure you will chase it with all your heart and give your very best, and also... don't feel bad if you can't get it. Sometimes it will really take time to get it so be patient, you have to keep trying again and enjoy life even more every time you repeat.

The truth is... all you need is air, water and food in order to live. If you can make your life simple and stop looking for more then you will become happy. Let abundance flows into your life by being simple and not letting external things be the basis of your happiness. You can become happy being alone, you can become happy by simply living. Everything else is a bonus. It's a human nature to look for more but always remind yourself that you really don't need anything to become happy, all you need to do is live and be satisfied. If you can have this mindset then it is easier to have more, there will be no more pressure.


You have to deal with it, life is not perfect and it never will be. Don't ever thing that once you have that car or house or money then you will feel so happy, NO. You will still become sad, problems will still come, emotions will still go up and down, those things were just accessories, real happiness comes from within, if you have a philosophy that you can use for any kind of situation then you will never break down, you can become happy anytime you want. My personal philosophy is just work hard and go with it, adapt and improvise. Every time I face a problem I just deal with it, I just accept it and work to make my situation a little bit better. And it is working, I am living a good life, not so perfect life but a really happy life. I know that life will never become perfect, I know that any obstacle will only make me grow, I know that any bad situation will never become permanent and all I can do is enjoy the moment no matter how bad was and try to grow from it. With this kind of mentality I feel invincible, I feel that I can overcome any difficult situation. 

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