Feb 8, 2020


The most important thing is how to build a momentum. Keep the fire burning, keep the process running and never ever entertain your laziness. Once you feel that you're doing right... do it over and over again, repeat it a million times until you create something great. Your momentum will never die if you're working hard and giving your best, it will only die if you're not focused and looking on a lot of things that are not even related to what you want. If you want your momentum to grow stronger and stronger then stay focused and give everything you've got, you have to make yourself different, your focused should be something that cannot be disturbed, it means you need to do something for your dream everyday. No matter how hard it gets, even if you're so tired and feeling lazy... you still need to move because that is what greatness is all about, it's forcing yourself to take actions and being fast in starting. Stop thinking, don't think anymore and just do what is needed. Forget about the results, forget about the destination and just focus on the process of making small progress and getting a little bit better each day.


Not everyday feels good, not everyday feels like Christmas meaning you are lucky and everything is flowing well, not everyday is a good day, there will be bad days, there will be unlucky breaks but you need to keep your focus alive, you need to keep the momentum alive or else you will lose your edge. You still need to work and try, you still need to show up and work as hard as you can. There are no excuses accepted here. You want to become great, you want to succeed, so stop resting, stop making excuses and just give your best every single day. Accept that not everyday is going to be your day, there will be days when you will really feel heavy and unmotivated, there will be days when you can't find your rhythm but that is what it's all about, when you feel lazy... that's a big challenge already. You are only being tested if you can still push, the question is can you? Everyday is a challenge. Once you created a strong momentum or become successful a little bit... you will be challenged, you will be tested if you can retain that level of success or are you going to fall easily like others?

Never think that just because you lose today you already lost your momentum, never think that just because you didn't sell anything today then you already lost your edge, even if you haven't earn anything physical today you still earn something mentally by just showing up and giving your best. You become mentally stronger, you're more disciplined, you learned something and you're becoming tougher. It's easy to succeed nowadays because most people are soft and spoiled, most people are making excuses. You only need to become though and consistent and there you go... success will come. If you want to become a legend then show up everyday, keep the momentum alive, never think that you are allowed to take breaks, I know you're just a human but if you really want to become great an get on top then you need to make yourself more than a human. You need to do something that can't be done by a lot of people, make sacrifices that are scary, work so hard to go to another level, work so hard like an animal that other people can't catch up with you.


Once you were able to create a momentum that was so strong then you will become unbeatable, your old self cannot beat you anymore, your new self that is working hard everyday will always thrive. It's very impossible to lose your momentum again because you already have the right habits that are very hard to remove from your system, habits that will being you closer and closer to success. So create a very strong foundation, create a belief, create a mindset that will make you unbeatable. It's all in you, you can make yourself, you can be someone who's very competitive and fast, you can be someone who's so hungry for success.

Your momentum will only die once you stop so never think about stopping, just keep moving forward, do something. Work even if you feel lazy, show up even if you look like a garbage, execute your ideas even if you don't like it. If you are always present everyday then the whole world cannot live without you anymore, the whole world cannot function properly without your presence, your value goes high, you're already on a different level.

So whenever you feel lazy and heavy... be happy because that is a sign that you must move and do something, that is a sign that you must stand up now and do your job. Never give special treatment to your negative emotions... never. Always be a man who is building a momentum everyday, be someone who is relentless and disciplined. If you are disciplined then you are free, if you are disciplined then you will become more productive, you're on the path of greatness. So stop looking for something wrong in your life, there is nothing wrong with you, you're just not disciplined enough to do the right thing, you're just making wrong decisions every now and then but the skills you needed are there, the resources you need are there, you just need to execute.


Just because you've tasted a defeat then your journey is over. No, you haven't lose your momentum yet, all you have to do is try again for one more time. Once you try... you're already on the right track. So keep trying, keep pushing and go for it. That momentum will come back, you will gain your confidence back and you can become a winner again. 

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