Feb 14, 2020


There's something in there and it's your duty to discover it, what if what you're looking for is in there? what if you can really get it? what if hard work is really the answer? I know you want something, I know you're chasing something but something is stopping you, there is a huge resistance, there is a mental block, do you really want it or not? sometimes you really have to force yourself and push yourself to see what is possible for your life. You need a tremendous focus, because you can't be soft nowadays, you need to go hard all the time and see what is possible if you go further and further each day. Every time you want to stop remind yourself that you need to keep going, every time something is disturbing you remind yourself that you need to finish what you've started. Because there is no other way, do you think you can work smart and take shortcuts? if it is possible to shortcut your work then why is it not working? you have to burn before you earn, you have to go the hardest before you can work the smartest. Does Elon Musk recommend you to take shortcuts? he even said on the interview that you must work 12-16 hours a day. Those successful people are saying the same thing over and over again... you need to work hard. Kobe Bryant will be ashamed of you if all you want is to succeed but you don't want to even work. You will only be bale to discover what's in there if you will exhaust yourself and keep pushing until you see it. You will never get it by complaining, making excuses and pulling somebody down. You can only get it by your own strength and sheer perseverance. It is what it is, there is no other way around but to work hard and keep pounding the process, keep grinding and pushing... that is what it's all about. Because you can only get better by working hard, there is always a way how to succeed a little bit and it's your duty to find it. Once you see what is working... just repeat and keep working on it over and over again, it's just a matter of finding what will work a little bit and elevating it to another level. Once you see what is working... it will be a lot easier for you to succeed.


Be patient, it will really take time, you need to focus more even if it's not working, you need to be relentless even if you're failing. You will be able to figure it out, just keep trusting the process and never quit, never stop. All you can do is be patient because your time will only come if your effort was already enough. So give your all every single day, be tired but never get tired, don't ever stop, don't ever think that you've already given enough. Go all in, go hard and have that relentless approach in fighting for your dreams. Give more time, one more repetition, one more try, one more day of being patient. You may not get the results for now but for sure it will teach you a lesson. Always remember that you're not wasting your time if you're working hard, you are only becoming better and better and that is already enough. Sometimes you would wanted to quit but that's alright, you're just a human. Sometimes motivation will go away and you can't find it anymore, but keep in mind that you can still produce something even if you're not motivated at all, you can still do something so stop being a clown and just do the process, keep working until the end, remind yourself that you need to keep moving forward so that you will become successful.


Your dream is waiting for you, actually it's already long overdue, but it's ok if you're late your dream will understand you. So you have to change your life now, change your habits and mindset, once you change something in your life... the results will change. All it takes is consistency and having the right frame of mind. All it takes is giving everything you've got and doing whatever it takes whenever you have a chance to. Make it a habit to go all out every single day, all out for your dream, all out for the process. What you want is also looking for you, you and your dream can only meet halfway if you stay committed and dedicated. You will only get it if you really want it, you wanted to win? show the universe that you really want it, give everything you've got.

So claim it, it's for you only, never let something steal it from you, claim it and make it yours.


Stay aggressive, stay relentless, once there is an opportunity to attack... attack your dream. Stop holding yourself back, don't worry too much and always be on the attack mode. Because there is always something you can do for any kind of situation, just allow yourself to execute every idea that you have on your mind, keep scratching the surface, keep finding a way. Stop thinking about what is wrong because you will find it out later, stop judging yourself too much and simply focus on giving your very best. Try again every time you fail, stop crying like a kid and just try for one more time. You don't need sympathy from other people and make them believe that you're working hard, keep it to yourself and just talk when you're already making results. Shut your mouth, shut down the part of your brain that is telling you that it's not possible. Of course it is always possible, nothing is impossible to a person who is trying. You're going to have a breakthrough one day, you're going to make a momentum and once you have it... you will become unstoppable even more. 

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