Feb 24, 2020


The answer to this question is don't make yourself ready. Just decide that you're going to become successful and do whatever it takes to take action, never do whatever it takes to succeed but just do whatever it takes to take action. Because you need to force yourself to move, you can never force success because you don't know when will it come into your life. But one thing is for sure... you can move, you can work as hard as you can despite of failing a lot of times. And the truth is.. you don't know if you're ready or not, but if you have the mentality of just facing what needs to be faced then you're almost there, you're on the right path and time will only tell when is the exact date of your success.

So don't get ready just take actions now, move now, stop wasting a lot of time because that is only pulling you down. Just be fast, never hesitate to move, even if your actions were not working... still do it, do it over and over again until you finally figure out what to do next. Because there is no such thing as being ready to succeed but there is such thing as always ready to move whenever you want to.


Don't look for answers, don't look for the missing ingredient why you are not succeeding and just move forward all the time, enjoy life and work as hard as you can. You don't need to know everything, you just need to take actions and see where your willpower can take you, that's it. If you can just enjoy your own journey and do whatever it takes to succeed then you will succeed, as simple as that. Don't look for answers, look for actions, find what it is that you can do to become successful and that's it. You don't need to complicate the process, just do the basics and go further all the time, keep going further and further, focus on your goals... that's how to become ready for success. Because you don't know when success will come into your life, it will manifest by itself, you are not suppose to go after it, you are suppose to attract it by working hard and giving everything you've got every single day. Never waste a day doing nothing, make it productive, devour each day, devour every small opportunity. Never under estimate the small steps that you can do because it can be a bridge to success, it can create a break that you are waiting for, it can serve as a dot connector from starting point to destination.


Sometimes you feel ready, you do everything you can, you focus on your preparation but when the big stage is there... you will feel you're still not ready, you will still feel incomplete. It's not that you're not ready, you're just not ready to face fears, you let your fears take over and that's why you feel you're not ready. There are some people who didn't prepare but are ready to face anything and that's why they look good, they still give their best when it matters the most even if they were not physically prepared. Sometimes you really don't know if you're ready or not, sometimes it's all about the mindset. If you're ready to embrace anything then you will feel ready. But of course it's better if you will prepare but what if you failed to prepare? are you just going to quit and not even try? just show up, face the challenge, forget the outcome and give your very best... that's the best way to get ahead in life. Never judge yourself that you are not ready because that will stop you from taking actions, just do it even if you feel inadequate, always be in a state of abundance and never give up on something you want, push yourself to the limits and strive for victory even if you're not prepared.


Even if you're not in good mood... still work and move forward, still give your best even if you're feeling something. Even if the situation is really difficult, scary or overwhelming... never give up, never show them that you are about to quit, never expose your fear. Still stand straight, move calmly and never show sings of backing down to any challenge. Whatever is in front of you... face it, do it, conquer it anytime anywhere. Learning how to embrace chaos is the most ready mindset that you can ever have, it means you don't care if it's difficult and you're willing to persevere just to make some progress. Because if you're ready to face difficulty anytime and embrace the randomness and surprises of life then everything will be a lot easier to you, you will never get overwhelmed or maybe you will still get overwhelmed but you will be able to adjust easily. If you can learn how to embrace chaos and still give your best despite of fears and chaotic situations then you will become invincible, you will adapt to anything and you can still thrive, you still have a very big chance to win.


Never count yourself out, believe in the power of willpower, your willpower can overcome any big challenges, if you're really hungry for victory then you will do the impossible, you will move fast and never feel incomplete, you will feel powerful even if you're not, you will never feel like an underdog if you trust your willpower. Just be willing to push no matter what, forge the outcome and find a way. If there is a will there is a way, never forget this quote because no matter how old it is... it is still effective. You can win if you persevere, so forget if you are ready or not and just unleash the beast in you. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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