Feb 28, 2020


Self esteem is something you need to become successful without it you are nothing, no matter how talented or skilled you are... you will never succeed if you have low self esteem. Developing self esteem is not that hard to do, all you have to do is follow the easy steps below and apply it into your life. Self esteem is something that is not in born, you can develop it even if you have a cave man attitude, you can earn it even if you're so shy and can't even ask an ugly girl out on a date. You can have self esteem even if your mind was programmed to fail. In other words you can change, as your self esteem increases your life gets better and better each day.

1. TREAT EVERYONE AS THE SAME. If you're talking to a president, treat him the same as you talk to an ordinary person. Never give anyone an advantage. They were all the same humans as you, it's not that you are better than them, it's just that they were just also a human who makes mistakes and has flaws. Never get intimidated with anyone who has a high position in society, treat them as normal person but don't disrespect them. Don't get excited when you see a celebrity because they were all just humans like you, they will not even give you a favor so why will you go crazy when you see them? they were just humans too, you can become successful too in your own way. The more you spend your energy on praising other people... the more your confidence and self esteem will go down. Never admire a human being because they were just like you.

2. FOCUS ON HOW YOU FEEL. Don't focus on how they feel and what other people think of you, focus on how you feel. You can feel good in any kind of situation, you don't need to overwhelm yourself and feel low because a strong and loud personality is present. No matter what they say or do... you can still feel good if you choose to, you will look invincible by doing that. Staying calm and maintaining your composure is a very powerful thing. How you feel determines your self esteem, you can feel good all the time, just focus on the inside and never look outside... this is the key to feel good all the time. If you can draw the state from within and create your own emotions then your value will increase, you can feel good anytime you want, and feeling good will unleash your creative side, you will feel more motivated and that will make you very productive, the result is success and more opportunities.

3. ALWAYS THINK BIG. You will never be able to raise your self esteem if you're not thinking big, thinking small is for people who have no confidence at all. Always think big and do big. Think about millions, think about greatness, think about getting on top, think about how to become your own boss and build your own empire. Thinking is free so why not think big instead of thinking small? thinking big will make you confident especially if you're backing it up with hard work. Thinking big will make you creative, it will force you to do something special and you will feel proud of yourself because you've accomplished something that not all people can do. Stretch your mind, think big, focus on possibilities, focus on going further. Trust me, you will feel good and valuable if you are thinking big because you are having and edge to everyone.

4. WORK LIKE A BEAST. Always say to yourself that you can work hard so that nobody can just stomp on you. Remind yourself that you have the potential to be the hardest working person in the world so that you will feel confident about yourself. You can leave any boss, you can reject any ugly offers because you know hard work will help you in the end. Being a beast will give you promotion, bigger money, larger opportunities, people will like you and that is a very good confidence booster. Nobody likes a person who is so lazy as a turtle, you need to work like a beast so you will feel proud of yourself. Keep grinding and hustling, work as hard as you can and you will feel that you are something special, you will see that you are doing better than a lot of people because most of them were too slow and lazy and that's why they have very low self esteem.

5. ELEVATE YOUR MENTAL TOUGHNESS. You can do this by sticking to the problem or challenge for a very long time and not quitting. If there is a resistance... break it, if there is something threatening you... face it. Confront your fears every now and then, this is the best way to elevate your mental toughness. Your mental toughness is everything, you can face any challenge and conquer any kind of scary storm if your mental toughness is on a different level. So treat every challenge as an opportunity to thrive and elevate your mental toughness, face it, don't run away from it... deal with it and see what you can become by facing it.

6. BE FAST. Being fast will give you an edge, you will also forget that you're not good enough. Be fast in making decisions, be fast in taking actions, be fast in moving on, you need to be fast in anything because this will leave you no room for worries. Worrying is a big confidence buster, if you're fast and not thinking too much then you will have more confidence because you just knew that every time you fail... you can try again as fast as you want, you don't need tomorrow, you will never wait for the right timing, you will use your speed to thrive in anything. Because the more you overthink the more you are wasting time, you are not getting any result by doing that. You need to be fast and never let your mind think again, just do it, never care if it is perfect or not... just do it.

7. NEVER CARE ABOUT YOUR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. Stop being too sensitive and soft, be tough. If someone criticizes you just ignore it, never feel disrespected, never feel that the world is unfair to you. It is what it is, sometimes you will really feel negative but you are only destroying your self esteem every time you dwell too much on it. Just focus on feeling good and never have self pity again. Of course you will feel bad because you're just a human being but you can replace those negative emotions with positive emotions if you will just entertain the right thoughts.

Be aware that you are feeling bad now and believe that that negative emotion will soon change. There is no permanent emotion, emotions come and go, it's up to you how are you going to go with the flow.

8. TARGET THE FIRST STEP. There is something you need and can do and it is your duty to find out what is it. The main reason why most people have low confidence is because they were having a hard time executing, they were thinking too much and worried about making mistakes and that's why they couldn't even get started. Remember that life is a journey, you don't need to look perfect here, you just need to experience life and give yourself a chance to succeed by trying. There is always a first step and you must target it, execute fast, trust me you will feel good about yourself if you're moving all the time and not procrastinating.

9. FEEL THE PAIN OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Once you got rejected... go and find another opportunity to get rejected again. Once you lose... try again and expose yourself to a series of defeats again. Once you feel the pain over and over again... it will no longer scare you, your self esteem will go high because you just knew you are alright and you only got better every time you fail and got embarrassed. Pain will give you strength, pain is your path if you want to have a mindset of nothing to lose. Because you really have nothing to lose, and once you realize it... you are free, you can do anything you want, you will become more powerful and victory will fall into your hands in just a matter of time.

10. CREATE A GAME PLAN AND EXECUTE IT. You will become more confident if you have a game plan. You will never get lost if your game plan is too bold and you are willing to execute it until it works. Even if your game plan is not working at the moment... still execute it. You will feel sure of yourself if you have a game plan, you will never feel threatened or overwhelmed if you have the tenacity to execute your game plan no matter what. Create a game plan for today and tomorrow and the following days. Having a blue print will raise your self esteem because you knew you prepare and you are willing to do whatever it takes just to make your game plan work.

11. STOP CARING ABOUT YOUR IDENTITY. Always think that you are nothing but never feel low about yourself. Destroy your ego, never care if people were laughing at you. They can laugh at you for so long but if you can maintain your composure and practice stillness... they will stop, they will feel your power, they will realize that you're not an ordinary human being. Feel free to do what you need to do and never care about your name, never care about the accomplishments and records that you have in the past, forget everything, lose your mind so that you will have an opportunity to welcome new experiences.

Never care if you look like a garbage, just do what you need to do. Never care if you look stupid and dumb... just focus on getting what you want. Because caring too much about your identity will make you conservative, you will never be able to express yourself anymore, you will feel a lot of resistance.

12. DON'T RUB ELBOWS WITH PEOPLE THAT YOU DON'T LIKE. Hanging around with people that you don't like and makes you feel bad will only lower your vibration, it will lower your self esteem because you will feel bad, you will feel that you have something to prove to them. You want to gain their respect and the more you do that, the more your self esteem goes down. The reality is you want to please people that you don't like, you want to gain their respect because you feel it is a form of revenge. The truth is you don't need them, you don't need their comments. No matter what you do, if a person dislikes you he will never like you. Let it go, give time to people who are only making you feel good.

13. PRACTICE BEING ALONE. Isolation is a gift, being alone and doing it your way will make you discover more of your strength and gifts. Don't be afraid to become a one man army. Do it for months and you will see that you don't need anything or help from other people to survive. The help will come naturally if you are working hard and showing the universe that you really wanted to win. Being alone creates self reliance, you will feel more valuable, you will never be afraid of creating your own process and finishing a difficult task.

14. TAKE RISKS. If you want to go to another level... take risks. Remember that you have nothing to lose here and you have everything to gain. Taking risk will give you another experience that will increase your self esteem. The more you face the unknown, the more you will feel good about yourself. You will feel braver, you will become happier because you were able to free yourself from fear. Why will you be scared to fail? you already won the moment you try because you give yourself a chance to succeed. And even if you lose... don't worry because it's not the end of the world, you can try as much as you want, nothing can stop you. 

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