Jun 6, 2018


Finding small spaces to win, finding small spaces to have at least small progression in life. Anything is possible, earning one dollar in your own way is possible so it means earning one million dollars is possible too and you can do it on your own way too, it's just a matter of finding something that is working and doing it over and over again.

There is a way to win, all you have to do is find it, it can be a small way, the key here is if it's effective then keep doing it, it doesn't matter if you're slow what matters is you keep going and you have no intention of stopping.

You can find it anywhere, you can find it anytime, all you have to do is look for it. Forget about your emotions because it is the hindrance to success, you're emotions is telling you to stop, it's telling you to just quit because nothing good is happening in your journey. But if you really want it then you will go for it, you will find those small spaces where you can win slowly.

It's impossible that you can't find something that will work, there will be something that will work for you.

Look everywhere, look beside you, look in front of you. It's there, you just need to become more patient and persevering. If you will not stop then you have a chance but if you don't keep moving forward then your journey is already over.

There is something you can do, just stay positive, do everything you can to get that goal that you've been dreaming of for a very long time.

You have no right to stop because you are dreaming big things, you can't just put a small amount effort now and expect things to happen. Find those small spaces that will work, find those gaps, find those loopholes. Stop worrying and just keep moving.

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