Jun 6, 2018


Get used to it... people will always have something to say and if you're too sensitive, you will always feel bad, you will always feel like a loser. They will say something about your work, they will criticize you and even if you feel like you're almost perfect... they will still suggest something, they will find holes in your game, they will make you feel like they were smarter than you. 

But that's ok, if you're always being criticized then it means you're improving, it means you're doing something right in your life. If nobody is watching you and making comments against your work then it means your work is a crap.

Don't be too sensitive, if you know that you really give your best then there is nothing else to worry about, why will you worry about the things that will not even contribute to your progress? 

They can say whatever they wanted to say, just keep living your life, keep giving your best and the rest will take care of itself. 

Because even if you're the greatest person in the world.... people will always have something to say to you, it can be negative, it can be sarcastic, it can be anything that will offend you. Just ignore them because you know who you really are, you know what you can do and you're going to do it. 

Let them say what they wanted to say, just keep rising and keep moving forward, they can never hurt you emotionally, physically and mentally if you keep moving forward because you're progressing and they are always being left behind.

People will give nasty comments, it's too normal, don't ever think that you're being victimized or something, they have the right to say whatever they wanted to say but you should remember that your focus is to become stronger and successful, you are only making hard difficult for you if you will give them a lot of attention. Let them speak, give them their freedom but don't ever lose your focus, you have an ambition, you have a dream, don't let it get destroyed by people who are lower than you. 

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