Jun 21, 2018


If you want to become more productive... hide that cell phone just for once, hide it and never use it. Never use it for a day, never care if someone is calling you, never care if you will miss the post of your crush in facebook. Remember, you are trying to become great here, you are trying to change your life, you have to do whatever it takes to own your time and become more productive. Every sacrifice that you can ever do... do it, the more you get uncomfortable the more you will get rewards. The equation is very simple, it's hard but it's possible. That's what separates the successful from the failures... their ability to stay disciplined and committed.

Your cell phone is eating a lot of your time, you don't know it because you're having too much fun of it. You spend 5 hours a day using it but you don't know it because just like I said... it's a lot of fun. The video games, downloading of apps and using those useless apps, chatting with your frenemies, stalking the hottest campus crush, fighting at the comments section... your cell phone is a dangerous time eater, most of your time were spent on it. You have to be aware that it is destroying your productivity. You must only use it for important things, never use it for amusement because it will control you, it will consume your day and that is really dangerous.

Hide that cell phone and never use it if you have an important task to do, it's a waste of time, it's making you slow and dumb. Just use it if you really have a luxury to use it. Don't attached it with your daily life. Try this for once, just use it at the end of the day, never let it be the first thing that you will hold the moment you wake up. Success is all about grind, it's all about sacrifices, those little sacrifices that you can make will create a huge impact in your future. 

Some people are so addicted with their cell phones to the point where they don't want to do anything with their lives other than holding it. They invest their money in cell phones, they buy the most expensive ones rather than investing it in real business that may give them extra money. Cell phone is just a waste of time and wasting time will lead you to failure, if you really want to become successful then you will take care of your time and use it for more productive things. Look at those people who are holding their cell phones too much... they can't achieve anything, they don't have any direction. They are playing with it everyday, their face were attached with it, you cannot even talk to them.

If you want to become successful then be aware if you're wasting time or not, be aware if you're growing or not. You have to use your time wisely and allocate it to activities that will make you grow. Hide that cell phone for a long time and you will see how productive you are, don't touch it, don't look at it, hide it and focus on the more important tasks in front of you.

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