Jun 16, 2018


If you want power then face the pain, if you want to become great then face the pain. It's going to be a rough road to the top. There will be a lot of heartaches, struggles and friction. The road is going to become dark and cloudy, it's not about being negative but it's the reality, if you want power then face the pain, as simple as that.

The power to become the best, you need to push hard, prepare hard and accept a lot of defeats. You will fall, you will stumble but those things are just part of the process. There is no easy path to greatness, if you want to become powerful then you need to face all the pain that will give you power.

Just like being a successful businessman, he faced a lot of pain in the past, a lot of betrayals, a lot of failed projects, a lot of money loss but he didn't give up. He keep pushing forward, he keep building his ideas and executing it, he just keep going and going even if it's already too painful.

Just like an athlete trying to dominate the game, he will tear all his muscles, he will drown himself into exhaustion, he will suffer mentally because of trying to get to that next level. He is becoming powerful each and everyday because of sacrifice and pain. He is willing to do whatever it takes to win in life. You will wake up early even if you're still sleepy, you will take massive actions even if you're body is requesting for a long rest, you don't care because that is what being powerful is all about... you will face the pain and you will enjoy it because you have no choice but to fake that emotion.

The time for being a fragile is over, the time for being a weakling duckling is done, if you want to then you have to sweat for it, you have to bleed and cry, being powerful is not free, what can you exchange for it? and being powerful is not accepting something cheap, it requires a great effort, it requires a big sacrifice.

So decide now if you want to become powerful or not, this is not a child's play, it's a big boys' game. If you will become a cry baby and an excuse maker then you better choose another destination... the small boys' playground, the easier path that has no greatness on it.

A lot of people wants to become a beast until the know the process of becoming one. Being a powerful beast that can dominate the situation takes more than just dreaming and wanting, it requires a lot of action, it requires a lot of painful grind... it's not something that will be achieved through beliefs, it requires a different level of sacrifice.

Put it all on the line... what you have, bet it all, bet your life, the harder path is the path to a powerful life. Choose pain over comfort, choose action over relaxation, you have to become the most active dreamer on the planet if you really want it. Do the things that not all people can do, show them a relentless effort that cannot be matched by an ordinary human.

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