Jul 20, 2017


Don't be afraid to mix things up, don't be afraid to add something to your process. Don't be afraid to try something new. It's ok to mix things up so that you will be able to produce a different result. If it didn't work stop trying it but if it works then good for you.

It's fun to experiment, it's ok to stick with your old process but you will have a lot more fun if you will try something new that can produce a different result. There is nothing wrong in trying something wrong, what matters is you try and you kill the thought of wondering if it will work or not.

It's like inventing a new recipe, you fry a chicken and then you add some lemons with it and some seasonings and there you go... there is a new lemon chicken waiting to be devoured. If it sucks then at least you know what to do next time.

You can apply this technique in any areas or process of your life. If nothing is working, if you are getting bored then try to mix things up, try something new and see if it will give you the results that you are expecting.

This kind of mindset will make you more dynamic, it will add some expectations and spice into your life. Don't be afraid to try, don't think that it might not work because nobody knows what will happen if you try something new. No one can predict a specific outcome so have the courage to try another process that might give you what you need.

You can always go back to your traditional doings if it didn't work so what is it to be afraid of? you can always go back to start and do it again.

Mixing things up is fun, it will give another dimension to your boring and stagnant life.

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