Jul 30, 2017


If you are taking a lot of action then you will become very happy that is why busy people are happier than lazy people. Busy people are so active, energetic and their life has a direction. Unlike a lazy person... he is depressed, lost and sometimes wanted to even take away his life because he feel so heavy and stressed. If you are not doing anything you will become tired even more, you will become sick because you are always thinking about the things that you wanted to do and achieve but you can't even take the first step. 

Did it happened to you where after eating you immediately wash the dishes? how do you feel after washing it right away? you feel great right? you feel like you are so disciplined and fulfilled. Unlike if you will keep on saying to yourself that you will do it later... the feeling is so heavy right, you feel that there is something wrong with you, you wanted to take actions but you keep on postponing it and the war inside of your head keeps on getting worse. You are so stressed and you just wanted to sleep or do it tomorrow but part of you is saying that you must do it. And that makes you super stressed. 

You will never be happy if you will not take actions, if there is something you must do and you're putting it into a pending status... you will have a miserable life. You will feel weak, your confidence will go down and you will feel like you've wasted a lot of time. You will never respect yourself because you are so lazy. You are stuck into that heavy feeling and you don't know how to escape from it. 

But if you are taking a lot of actions... your confidence will soar. You will become very happy, you will feel good about yourself. Even if you are getting tired... you will not mind it because you know you are progressing and you know you're getting better each day. 

So instead of doing nothing... do something, it will give excitement to your life, it will make you a better person and put you on a better position. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...