Jul 20, 2017


Don't give winning too much importance because it is nothing. To some people, winning is very important, they can't stand losing, they hate losing and they feel bad being defeated. I am not saying that keep losing or don't give your best. I am not saying that just take things for granted and never be competitive.

My point here is.. don't ever feel bad if you lost. What I mean is don't make it a big deal, of course you will feel bad once you lost but don't stick with that feeling too much, you need to move on as fast as you can. You need to be on the right track, put your mind on the right position again and just come back stronger than ever.

There are some athletes that almost commits suicide once they tasted their first defeat. They feel like it is the end of the world, they feel like they were not perfect anymore. A true champion is the not the one who never lost, a true champion is the one who keeps coming back after tasting a bitter defeat.

Because even if you win now... there will be times when you will lose again, you will taste defeat again and that is the reality. Losing should never break your confidence, it should amplify your hunger.

If you lose today, you can lose again tomorrow or the next day. If you win today you can also lose tomorrow. There is no human that is immune to defeat, every human being will taste defeat, every human will hit the rock bottom and if you don't have the ability to come back and accept defeat... you will go crazy, you will never make a come back.

So don't make it a big deal if you win or lose now. It is just another day, you can celebrate if you win but don't let that go into your head, always remain humble, keep working hard because anytime adversity will visit you and test you again.

If you are losing in life... keep going, keep losing because victory is always on the line. You may taste a series of defeats but if you don't stop... you never know, the victory is the next.

Life is a rollercoaster, you can win and you can lose but don't ever forget that challenges will still come into your life even if you're already successful.

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