Jul 20, 2017


Never accept your situation, never accept that you are on a bad spot, never accept that you are dying or losing because once you do it... it is game over for you. You will have regrets, you will have an uglier life, you will lose and you will never defeat the challenge that is infront of you.

You have to keep moving and keep finding solutions because that is the only thing that you can do. You have no choice but to believe that you can still win, you have no choice but to keep moving forward and at least try something that will make your situation better.

Any adversity can be defeated if you don't believe in it, you can make a comeback, you can have a better life if you don't accept the reality.

Sometimes you don't have to be realistic if you wanted to survive or stay on the game. Because if your hope is gone then you will never be able to survive what you're going through.

Never believe that you are badly ill, never believe that you don't have time anymore, never believe that your business is falling down. It is what it is but you have to keep moving forward if you want to have a chance.

Never believe that your opponent is stronger than you, never believe that you are tired, never believe that you are weak and losing.

You have to put your mind on a different dimension so that you will still take actions despite of the big challenge that is infront of you.

The best thing about life is you can survive any problems or challenges if you are still alive. No problems can kill you, even sickness... it can't kill you if your will to survive is very strong.

Just think of what you wanted to happen and think about it every second. Don't think about anything else that will damage your belief. Never entertain stupid thoughts that will make you feel weak, it's all in the mind. Learn to develop your mental toughness and you will discover how strong you are. Never make excuses... ever.

It is better to become unrealistic than to be a man that has no hope at all. It is better to believe that you can still win rather than thinking that you already lost. Don't pity yourself because that shit is for losers. Always remember that you are a winner and you can defeat any adversity if you will forget the reality.

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