Aug 27, 2024


MAYBE IF you will just move forward then something better will happen to you, maybe if you will not stop then you will be able to make a breakthrough. The problem with you is you're thinking too much why you cant make any progress, it's because your work is not enough, you're always thinking about a new strategy but you're not even implementing it, you're not even taking the first step, no wonder you're already an adult and past your prime but you're still stuck in a mud. Your situation will never change unless you change, you must take the process seriously and give everything you've got everyday, see what happens if you have this kind of mentality. Never let anything distract you, never let anything disturb you, focus on your own work only and do as much as you can. Be basic, just be fast and do more, stop trying to be perfect all the time because it wil never happen, you will always make a mistake, you will always fail, you need to repeat again so fast and never dwell on the things that you can't control. Let go of any bad moments and start living your life now, live in the present, the opportunity is on the present moment, it's not in the past, it's not in the future. You have to live now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Step by step, inch by inch, brick by brick.. don't stop until you're done, it doesn't matter if you're already tired, feelings doesn't matter anymore, what matters is your transformation, what matters is who you become with the process of chasing your goal. If you didn't improve internally then you didn't succeed at all even if you already bagged a lot of money, the real prize is the person you become. That is why most people fail, it's because they don't want to change, it's not hard to get that money, what is hard is becoming a different person to get that money, you can get a million dollars by just robbing a bank but can you have a criminal mindset to get that money? of course it is hard. The real transformation happens inside of you, it is not externally.

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