Aug 27, 2024


The truth is change doesn't mean changing externally, it doesn't mean getting richer or becoming the best in a group. Change means the start of something and taking it seriously, it is intentional, it is a culture, it is a way of life. If you decided to change now and you take it seriously then you already changed. Just don't look at the results, don't look for more money, don't look for better skills and start looking internally. The money will come, the skills will be developed if you are really serious with the change. Once you get rid of your bad habits, once you start doing something and you continue it forever then you are already changing. Change is a slow pace, it is a slow process, you don't need to rush it, the more you rush it the more you will go back to your old life. Change means altering something, it can be a change in the way you dress, speak or move. It can be a change in the way you handle your money, just don't spend your money the whole year and you already change, your financial status already improved. Change means facing the pain now, not tomorrow, not next year. Implement the change now, start the process and never change it, never quit when it gets hard, you have to stay consistent and never look for an easy way out. Get rid of your vices, get rid of your bad habits and you already changed. Again, it is not about accumulating something, it is not about looking cool and great... it is about what is happening inside of you, it's knowing what you are doing and stopping what is sabotaging yourself, it is being aware of your thoughts and actions and focusing on what serves you the most. If you really believe that you can change then you will never focus on things that only distracts you but makes you worse. Change can happen now, it's  start, it's a decision. Once you start now... you already changed, you just need to stick with the process forever.

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