Aug 29, 2024


You're expecting too much that's why you can't be free. You need to focus on what you do, always give your best and never expect anything from anybody. You have to keep moving forward and stick with the process because you're more powerful and happy whenever you're taking actions. Stop looking for results, stop looking for something to make you happy, just embrace what is with you right now and never complain. Give your all because that is what greatness is all about... giving your all and not caring whether you fail or succeed. This is a journey, it feels much better when you are moving and giving everything you've got rather than being lazy and accepting mediocrity. If you want to experience how to become great just focus on your work for one straight day, never care about what's going on with the world, focus on your work and stretch yourself, push yourself to the limits, give an effort that is unmatchable, give everything you've got for your dream and never care if you get it or not. Greatness is a process, it is not a result nor a final destination, it is a lifestyle, it is a forever push, it is constantly challenging yourself to get to the next level and not giving up when times are hard and brutal. Giving your all will make you see who you really are, you will see your full potential, you will see what is really possible for your life. The reason why you're sad is because you want something to happen in your life but you're not doing anything to make it happen, you are taking your days for granted, you are wasting your life for nothing, you are simply going with the flow, you must go against the current and force life to go your way. So what if you fail? so what if you look like a fool? so what if your efforts were not rewarded? The real reward is the person you become, it's your transformation and growth, it's you not going back to your old and weak self again. 

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