Aug 22, 2024


Success is not about getting what you want, it's not about getting the money or fame... it's about the process. You need to know the right process first to become successful, that is why you need to experience a lot of things. It is important to try and never give up, try everything, try as much as you can, if it works it works if not then not, so be it. You need to look for something to try again, this is simply a trial and error method. Be fast in trying and don't be afraid to fail ever. Watch your actions all the time, are yo trying or are you just thinking? overthinking will never give you anything at all, it easier and more convenient but it will make you lazy, it will make you a clown. Eliminate your doubts, you can do it by taking actions now and not thinking if you're right or wrong, give yourself a chance, the philosophy is to keep trying and keep moving forward that's it. Don't worry about winning or losing, don't worry about failing, the most important thing is you try. If it works it works, if not then so be it, never feel anything about it, never feel bad, never feel sorry for yourself, never feel embarrassed at all. 


try again, try and try again until you finally made it, as simple as that. Of course you will fail, who do you think you are? son of a king? you're not special, you are suppose to fail and get better, stop avoiding failures because doing that will make you weak, doing that will stop you from taking risks, without risk there is no reward. Never stop, never hold yourself back and always choose action over procrastination. At the end of the day the only question is did you gave your all? did you tried everything to win? if not then stop crying like a bum and try again, you are not helpless here, you can help yourself, try again and try harder this time. Never care if you fail again, the windows will open, another door will be forced to open, you can create your own opportunity. If something didn't work then look for another way, carve your own path and never give up. If it works it work, this is simply like setting up a trap for something, if they bite it then it's their fault, if they didn't then you never lose anything, you only did got better because your mentality goes stronger. Every time you fail you are getting stronger and stronger, you have nothing to lose here. Always remember that for as long as you are alive... you can try again, nobody can punish you, nothing can stop you. If you are a tryer then you will become unstoppable, nothing can stop your will. Something will click in just a matter of time, you just need to persevere and give your all. Stay committed, stay focused and never let anything distract you. If you really want it then you will make it, just be patient and keep pushing yourself to the limits. The idea here is take chances and never have regrets in the end, you will only have regrets if you didn't gave your all. 

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...