Feb 22, 2024


Keep fighting for what you want, keep pushing and hustling everyday. You have a chance, there is nothing left lose, trying is your best privilege... back it up with dedication and hard work and for sure you're going to win in life. Stop being soft, stop being a diva and go out there and try. Have the abundant mindset, always think that something better will happen but don't attach yourself too much with the outcome, be ready for some disappointments too but be fast in moving on and trying again. You will only get better if you try, you will never get worse so what's the point on being afraid of it? Being scared is the mindset of the poor. Everything is a risk, not taking action is also a risk that has no reward. Why not do something that will give you chance to win? Just go all the way, be hungry to take actions, never waste any second worrying about what will happen next and just do what you can do. 


you can try a million times and not get punish for it, it's a law, you have unlimited tries, you can do anything you want for as long as you're not hurting anybody. It's a benefit to try, you will get better you will become more experience and wiser, how good was that? Never stop, just always do the next step and never judge yourself, never care if you're not making an impact, the philosophy here is to keep repeating again and again. Abuse this privilege, try as much as you can and never give up every time you fail. One day something will click, your decision to never give up is right. Your tenacity will become the barometer of your success. Hard work works, trust the process and never let any advices from jealous people make you change your mind. It's all about not giving up, it's nota bout winning or losing. Just keep going and you will find a way.

A person who is trying already have a huge advantage over a person who is still thinking what he should do, an overthinker or perfectionist will never go anywhere because they will always see why something will not work, they will always get scared to take the risk and that's the reason for lack of progress. Just don't waste time and you will make it, you will make a progress. Discipline is everything, discipline means you're on the right path. So what the hell are you waiting for? start now and do something, don't be afraid to fail... that's the key to success. Keep failing everyday and keep trying again, never care about what people say the most important thing here is you never give up. Trust that everything will work in the long run, believe that every action you take will make an impact in the future, believe in the compound effect, consistency is the key.  

Just because the results is not there yet doesn't mean it will not be there forever, you have to keep believing... that's the key. Never stop believing, never stop working hard. Hard work plus vision will make you an unstoppable force. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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