Mar 16, 2020


If you can just convert the clicks on different useless websites into actions then where do you think your life would be now? if you can just convert procrastination into action then do you think you're bigger now? if you can just convert watching people exercising into doing the same exercise on your body then what will be your look right now?

You are very good in wasting your time and complaining and that's why you keep on living the same ugly life over and over again, you're too good on procrastinating and entertaining yourself through useless entertainments that are only making your life worse. If you can just use your time properly and focus it on becoming successful then you will become a different beast right now. Covert your laziness to hard work and you will have a different life, it's just a matter of disciplining yourself and doing the right things... that's how to become successful. Use your time for productivity and you will be surprised with the accomplishments that you were able to attract into your life. You can only succeed if you work hard, there are no other ways. Some people will tell you that you have to work smarter but you can only work smart if you already have the experience of working hard every day. You will never learn how to work smart unless you have the experience of grinding it all out and forcing yourself to make results.

The only thing you need to stop to become successful is to stop wasting time. Your time is very valuable, you can become anything with your time, you can become great, you can hone your skills, you can become a beast. Convert your habit of wasting time into a more productive activity and you will see your life changing little by little. Convert playing video games into hustling and making money, convert gossiping into working harder and developing your self. Convert your time for blaming into taking actions and taking matters into your own hands. You can change by not doing the same thing over and over again. Remove all the useless activities in your life and focus on something that is harder but making your life a little bit better. It's on you if you will stay on the same rut for he last 10 years, you can make the next ten years epic if you will just move and find new ways how to make your life a little bit better.

It's going to be a little bit harder but it's possible. You can change, you just need to embrace boredom, you will cut all the garbage and entertaining activities in your life, you know it from the very start that it's not serving you but you keep on insisting that  it's the right thing to do because it's giving you a little bit comfort. Comfort is for the losers, if you want to have a comfortable life then you must face discomfort first. Change will only happen through discomfort, if you're too comfortable with your life now then it means you're not evolving at all.


Never rest, never stop, never procrastinate... just do something, whether it's simply about writing a mini book that has a potential to earn a few dollars... do it. Doing something is better than doing nothing at all. Just do it, start it and finish it... you are allowed to become great, you are allowed to take actions, stop holding yourself back and just do something that will put your life into positive path. You can make something big by simply doing something for it everyday. Don't stop, keep pushing forward and always look for the next level. Focus on your life, focus on taking actions instead of getting interested with other people's lives. You can do a lot if you will just focus on your own journey, be better each second, make yourself busy.


If you want to change then you need to start now, stop waiting for tomorrow, stop waiting for next week, stop waiting for a good fortune or good feelings to be felt before you start. Change now before it's too late, there must be a sense of urgency, there must be a little bit of fear. You can't afford to waste a lot of time because it is too precious and limited. You could have been a business mogul nor or a president or a great athlete if you only use your time properly. Get serious with your life, take care of your dreams or else you will have a miserable life. Change now, it is possible... very very possible. If you really want to have a better life then you better change now, do something and never hold yourself back again. Change now for the better, do it, start now and give your very best no matter what.


The problem with you is you think you're working hard, you think you're already good but your efforts were too weak. Your results are the reflection of your effort. So don't ever complain that you are not being treated fairly by the world because you're not really giving your all. It's time to have an attitude adjustment. Look at yourself... you're a trash and you can't admit it, it's time to do the right thing. Stop fooling yourself that everything is alright and you're on the right track because the truth is the opposite. You have to treat your time as the most important treasure in your life because it really is.


Keep moving forward, forget the results, forget your situation and move now. Be patient because it will really take time to change. Always look at your behaviors and actions and see if you're doing the right thing or not. Be a fast starter and a strong finisher, give everything you've got and the world will reward all of your efforts. Go all in today, love your work, love every action that you are doing. Because you can always do something with your life... all it takes is discipline and effort. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...