Mar 29, 2020


Start something. Whether it's about business, sports, exercise, routine, technique, goal, skill, learning etc. Start it now and find a way how to sustain it. Sustaining it is simply doing something for it even if you can't see any progress yet. Patience is what it takes to make something grow, back it up with hard work and you will become successful 100 percent. Most people can't become successful because they don't follow through, some people couldn't even get started. Never think, never worry... just start and find a way how to do it again tomorrow because there will be a lot of excuses that will form inside of your head why you don't need to do it again, it will become uncomfortable so it's your duty to find a motivation that will keep you going.

WHY PEOPLE ARE HAVING A HARD TIME STARTING SOMETHING? It's because they want to start perfect, they want to become successful on the first try, they were overwhelmed by their multiple ideas that they can't even execute. Most people were just good in talking and dreaming but they were very poor in executing and that's the number one reason why they fail all the time. They couldn't even get started. They were comparing themselves to others, they were jealous of other people's success, they can't create their own success and that's why there were terribly afraid of starting something.

If you will just forget everything and focus on the work then you will be able to start fast. Forget about making it perfect, forget about the judgement of other people.


If you want to exercise then just walk or move any part of your body, start it and find a way how to sustain it, you can do it everyday if you're a fast starter, stop thinking and just do it, make a move, stop making excuses, stop thinking that it's too hard... just start and everything will be fine, you will discover the next move, you will feel better in a while. Just like starting a business, you can sustain it if you will just do something that will make it better everyday, give some time and love for it, show am effort that cares, not an effort that is weak and unacceptable. Start something and you can sustain it forever if you will just take it seriously.

If you want to start a you tube channel then just start, upload everyday, you can do it if you really want it. Forget about the judgement from other people, forget if you will earn or not... just start it and never end it. You can find a way how to keep it alive, all it takes is the willingness to work even if you're not passionate on that day, be willing to show up every single day and simply give your very best no matter what.

Stop looking for perfection because it's the number one destroyer of your willingness to start, just start and sustain it, do it forever, if you really want it then you will be able to move your mind and body. Use your willpower, it will never run out, force your body to move even if it's feeling lazy and weak.


The more you go further the more it will become easier, it's hard because you're not giving it a try. It's hard because you're not giving yourself a chance to succeed. Just go further, keep pushing all the time. Focus on finishing it, don't quit when it's hard... stop when you're done. Because your mindset is the only thing that makes it hard. You need to enjoy every second of your work if you want to become successful. Find a way how to sustain it, every action will sustain it, every work will keep the momentum alive. Keep going further, go to the next level, it's your obligation to become great, you owe it to yourself.

THE BEST SKILL EVER. The best skill ever is forcing yourself to move, it's doing something that is urgent no matter what time it is. You don't think, you don't worry, you don't make a plan... you just do it no matter what, you do it even if you feel lazy, you can find the motivation even if your body feels so heavy and weak. It's the best skill ever, it's what millionaires and successful people possess... the ability to move during the most uncomfortable moments. Because if you want to become successful and move away from the rut you are in... force yourself, move during the most uncomfortable moments. Just relax doing it, forget about finishing fast, never think about doing it perfect and becoming successful right away... just move and give your very best.

FOCUS ON THE POTENTIAL. Never focus on becoming great fast, focus on the potential. Is what you're doing has a potential to become big? is what you're doing can reach new heights as the time goes by? be patient and just focus on what is possible. You can only unlock different layers if you will just do it every single day, show up, stop being a coward and find a way how to do it.

YOU CAN IMPROVE EVERYDAY. Repeat and you will improve, it's repetition that will improve your skills, it's repetition that will make you a genius. Just start and find a way how to sustain it, that's how to become successful in life. Never give in never give up, if you can still do it then do it no matter how many times you already failed.

DON'T THINK IT'S HARD. It's only in your mind, it will become harder and harder every time you think that it's hard. Just love it, pretend that you really like it, fake the feeling until it becomes real. Always think that what you're doing is important and it can bring you success in the future. Fake it till you make it, just laugh at it when it's hard, give your best and it will become so much easier than before. The difficulty of a particular task depends on your attitude, if you have wonderful attitude towards your job then it will become much easier, you will enjoy doing it everyday. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...