Mar 7, 2020


It's easy to focus on the negative nowadays because it's what's working. People will create negativity to get your attention and make you follow what they are advertising, it's easy to become scared nowadays by the news and fake information. It's just a matter of conditioning your mind, if you can condition your mind with the thoughts that you want to manifest in reality then you are good. Most negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress were caused by the information and images that you put into your brain. Look at yourself, are you really focusing on what you want?

Look at your goals, targets and dreams and never let go of it. Regardless of what happen around you... focus on what you want to feel good, imagine that it's already happening into your life, feel it and attract it. Because the more you think abut what you want, the more you are attracting it, believe that it can be yours, do something to become one step closer from it, stay consistent and lock in, never let go of what you want because you deserve it. If you're focused on what you want you will feel good, you will feel free from negativity and you will even forget that you have a problem.


Never argue with anyone even if it's only in social media or some kind of a random post. Remember that you are focusing on what you want and having an argument with somebody will lower your vibration, you are distracting yourself by doing that. Nobody wins in an argument, it's better to just shut up and just focus on your own goal. So what if their beliefs are wrong? it's still their beliefs. never fight for your beliefs, if you really believe it then you don't need to brag nor prove it. Never argue with anyone because it's just a waste of time and energy, you will only feel bad by doing that. Keep feeling good all the time, keep pushing forward for what you want and be relentless as you can be.

Because nobody backs down in an argument, nobody will admit that he is wrong. Most people nowadays were full of egos and insecurities, they will never admit that they are wrong no matter how obvious it looks. Just


You can dream about anything, you can want the world, you can want billions, you want want mansions and ferraris. You can suffocate your mind with thoughts that you want to manifest in reality. Remember that you can dream about anything if you're willing to work hard for it. Once you decide what you want... focus on it, make it real, summon it into your life, do whatever it takes to get it. You have to be dead serious here, you have to have laser focus or else you will not get it. So never sell yourself short. Always think that anything is possible if you work hard and give your best. Never get intimidated with a big dream, you can have it if you really want it, you can find a way how to attract it into your life. It's all about making sacrifices and pushing through whenever you feel you can't do it anymore. If you really want it then you have to show that you really want it, stop exerting a mediocre effort and give your very best.


All the fears, all the doubts and worries can be erased if you focus on what you want. Think about what you want to happen and work for it. If you can't work for now then just think about it, imagine it coming into life, replay the image inside of your head over and over again until it's finally fixed. A negative emotion or thought is nothing, it can be replaced the moment you decide that you don't want any of it anymore, it's all up to you, the power is yours. You can stop the negativity now, just relax and watch your thoughts, once you see yourself thinking about negative... think about your goals, think about your dreams and the things that you want to experience. A negative emotion is a byproduct of unwanted thoughts, and don't ever think that you have no control of what you're thinking, of course you do. Once you choose to become mindful and be in the moment... any negativity cannot enter your mind anymore. Remember that focus is a very powerful thing, what you keep on thinking will be attracted to your reality. But the good thing about the human mind is it can be programmed, you can erase all the negative parts of it and replace it with the good ones. Discipline is what it takes, you need to stay committed. If you can't see the good images then just affirm, recite a positive affirmation over and over again until it consumes your brain and you can't forget about it anymore.

Repetition is the key, be patient, it will take time but once you mastered the process then it will be easier for you, you will become a new person, you can control your emotions and draw the state from within. Don't be afraid if you're feeling negative now, don't be afraid of how you feel. You can overwrite it if you will use your willpower and drive to feel positive. You're in control here, you can control your mind and destiny, you have the power to build the life that you want. You are the programmer of your mind so always be aware if you're thinking about negativity, once you see yourself doing that... change your thoughts right away and think about what you really want.


It's easier to become successful if you are loving the process. So you need to feel good so that it will be easier for you to take actions and make results. You can only feel good by entertaining the best thoughts that you can produce. Just like I said, it's just a matter of discipline and using your willpower, you have to fight the negative thoughts and replace it with the positive ones. If you can't succeed replacing it then just put your mind one a neutral state... don't think, just relax for now and breathe... positive thoughts will come later. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...